Jonathan Swift

The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 04 Swift's Writings on Religion and the Church — Volume 2
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There was an order issued, that the chaplains of the several regiments
should attend their duty; but as they were dispersed about in several
parts of England, it was believed, that most of them could not be found,
or so much as heard of, till the great day was over.

Most of the considerable physicians, by their outward demeanour, seemed
to be unbelievers; but at the same time, they everywhere insinuated,
that there might be a pestilential malignancy in the air, occasioned by
the comet, which might be armed against by proper and timely medicines.
This caution had but little effect; for as the time approached, the
Christian resignation of the people increased, and most of them (which
was never before known) had their souls more at heart than their bodies.

If the reverend clergy shewed more concern than others, I charitably
impute it to their great charge of souls; and what confirmed me in this
opinion was, that the degrees of apprehension and terror could be
distinguished to be greater or less, according to their ranks and
degrees in the church.

The like might be observed in all sorts of ministers, though not of the
Church of England; the higher their rank, the more was their fear.

I speak not of the Court for fear of offence; and I forbear inserting
the names of particular persons, to avoid the imputation of slander; so
that the reader will allow the narrative must be deficient, and is
therefore desired to accept hereof rather as a sketch, than a regular
circumstantial history.

I was not informed of any persons, who shewed the least joy; except
three malefactors, who were to be executed on the Monday following, and
one old man, a constant church-goer, who being at the point of death,
expressed some satisfaction at the news.

On Thursday morning there was little or nothing transacted in
'Change-alley; there were a multitude of sellers, but so few buyers,
that one cannot affirm the stocks bore any certain price except among
the Jews; who this day reaped great profit by their infidelity. There
were many who called themselves Christians, who offered to buy for time;
but as these were people of great distinction, I choose not to mention
them, because in effect it would seem to accuse them both of avarice and

The run upon the Bank is too well known to need a particular relation:
for it never can be forgotten, that no one person whatever (except the
directors themselves, and some of their particular friends and
associates) could convert a bill all that day into specie; all hands
being employed to serve them.

In the several churches of the city and suburbs, there were seven
thousand two hundred and forty-five, who publicly and solemnly declared
before the congregation, that they took to wife their several
kept-mistresses, which was allowed as valid marriage, the priest not
having time to pronounce the ceremony in form.

At St Bride's church in Fleet-street, Mr. Woolston,[2] (who writ against
the miracles of our Saviour,) in the utmost terrors of conscience, made
a public recantation. Dr. Mandeville[3] (who had been groundlessly
reported formerly to have done the same,) did it now in good earnest at
St James's gate; as did also at the Temple Church several gentlemen, who
frequent coffeehouses near the bar. So great was the faith and fear of
two of them, that they dropped dead on the spot; but I will not record
their names, lest I should be thought invidiously to lay an odium on
their families and posterity.

[Footnote 2: Thomas Woolston (1669-1733), a deistical writer, born at
Northampton; became a Fellow of Sidney College, Cambridge. For his work,
"Six Discourses on the Miracles of Christ," he was sentenced to
imprisonment for one year and fined one hundred pounds. [T.S.]]

[Footnote 3:  Bernard de Mandeville, M.D., author of the "Fable of the
Bees," a deistical work, the scope of which was to prove, that private
vices are public benefits. The work was attacked by Bishop Berkeley in
his "Alciphron." De Mandeville was born in Holland about 1670, but came
over to England and settled there about the middle of the eighteenth
century. He also wrote "The Virgin Unmasked," "The Grumbling Hive," and
"Free Thoughts on Religion." He died in 1733. [T.S.]]

Most of the players, who had very little faith before, were now desirous
of having as much as they could, and therefore embraced the Roman
Catholic religion: the same thing was observed of some bawds, and ladies
of pleasure.

An Irish gentleman out of pure friendship came to make me a visit, and
advised me to hire a boat for the ensuing day, and told me, that unless
I gave earnest for one immediately, he feared it might be too late; for
his countrymen had secured almost every boat upon the river, as judging,
that, in the general conflagration, to be upon the water would be the
safest place.

There were two lords, and three commoners, who, out of scruple of
conscience, very hastily threw up their pensions, as imagining a pension
was only an annual retaining bribe. All the other great pensioners, I
was told, had their scruples quieted by a clergyman or two of
distinction, whom they happily consulted.

It was remarkable, that several of our very richest tradesmen of the
city, in common charity, gave away shillings and sixpences to the
beggars who plied about the church doors; and at a particular church in
the city, a wealthy church-warden with his own hands distributed fifty
twelve-penny loaves to the poor, by way of restitution for the many
great and costly feasts, which he had eaten of at their expense.

Three great ladies, a valet-de-chambre, two lords, a
customhouse-officer, five half-pay captains, and a baronet, (all noted
gamesters,) came publicly into a church at Westminster, and deposited a
very considerable sum of money in the minister's hands; the parties,
whom they had defrauded, being either out of town, or not to be found.
But so great is the hardness of heart of this fraternity, that among
either the noble or vulgar gamesters, (though the profession is so
general,) I did not hear of any other restitution of this sort. At the
same time I must observe, that (in comparison of these) through all
parts of the town, the justice and penitence of the highwaymen,
housebreakers, and common pickpockets, was very remarkable.

The directors of our public companies were in such dreadful
apprehensions, that one would have thought a parliamentary inquiry was
at hand; yet so great was their presence of mind, that all the Thursday
morning was taken up in private transfers, which by malicious people was
thought to be done with design to conceal their effects.

I forbear mentioning the private confessions of particular ladies to
their husbands; for as their children were born in wedlock, and of
consequence are legitimate, it would be an invidious task to record them
as bastards; and particularly after their several husbands have so
charitably forgiven them.

The evening and night through the whole town were spent in devotions
both public and private; the churches for this one day were so crowded
by the nobility and gentry, that thousands of common people were seen
praying in the public streets. In short, one would have thought the
whole town had been really and seriously religious. But what was very
remarkable, all the different persuasions kept by themselves, for as
each thought the other would be damned, not one would join in prayer
with the other.

At length Friday came, and the people covered all the streets;
expecting, watching, and praying. But as the day wore away, their fears
first began to abate, then lessened every hour, at night they were
almost extinct, till the total darkness, that hitherto used to terrify,
now comforted every freethinker and atheist. Great numbers went together
to the taverns, bespoke suppers, and broke up whole hogsheads for joy.
The subject of all wit and conversation was to ridicule the prophecy,
and rally each other. All the quality and gentry were perfectly ashamed,
nay, some utterly disowned that they had manifested any signs of

But the next day even the common people, as well as their betters,
appeared in their usual state of indifference. They drank, they whored,
they swore, they lied, they cheated, they quarrelled, they murdered. In
short, the world went on in the old channel.

I need not give any instances of what will so easily be credited; but I
cannot omit relating, that Mr. Woolston advertised in that very
Saturday's Evening Post, a new Treatise against the Miracles of our
Saviour; and that the few who had given up their pensions the day
before, solicited to have them continued: which as they had not been
thrown up upon any ministerial point, I am informed was readily granted.


  Abjuration oath.
  Accusation, false, a means for injuring a community.
  Action, motives for, often interested.
  Administration and Legislature.
  Agriculture, encouraged by the clergy.
  Alberoni, Cardinal.
  Ale-houses, should be closed at midnight.
  Ammianus Marcellinus.
  Anne, Queen, her good qualities,
    "Bounty" of.
  Arber, Mr. Edward.
  Army, English, its bad discipline.
  Aristotle, his dictum about happiness and wisdom.
  Asgill, John, biographical sketch of.
  Athanasian creed.
  Atheism, not worse than superstition or enthusiasm,
    rise of, due to the Rebellion and murder of King Charles I.
  Atheist, a perfect, is a perfectly moral man.
  Atterbury, Bishop.

  Bacon, Lord.
  Basilovitz, John.
  Baumgarten's "Travels".
  Beggars, often intercept charity intended for the poor,
    distinct from the poor,
    in Ireland,
    methods for dealing with them,
    should wear badges.
  Belief, want of, a defect.
  Benefices, value of dividing them.
  Berkeley, Earl of,
    his letter to Swift.
  Berkeley, Lady,
    Swift's character of.
  Bettesworth, Sergeant, his rencontre with Swift,
    Dr. Dunkin on,
    and Dr. Theophilus Bolton.
  Bible, the, difficult to understand.
  Biblical terminology.
  Bill for a Modus,
    its hardships on the clergy.
  Bill of Division,
    its injustice.
  Bill of Residence,
    its injustice.
  Bindon, F., portrait of Swift.
  Bishoprics, value of,
    manner of filling Irish,
    necessity for increasing their revenues.
  Bishops, their tyranny,
    their power derived from the people
    comparison between English and French,
    Swift's description of the Irish,
    arguments against their power to let leases,
    their action at the Reformation,
    reduction of their revenues,
    evil of giving them power to let leases for lives,
    their power over church lands,
    two kinds lately promoted.
  Blasphemy, "breaking" for.
  Bolingbroke, Lord.
  Bolton, Dr. Theophilus, Archbishop of Cashel,
    and Bettesworth.
  Bouffiers, Mons.
  "Bounty," Queen Anne's,
    Charles the Second's.
  Bowen, Zachery.
  Boyce, S.
  Boyle, Dean.
  Boyse, J.
  Brodrick, Allen.
  Brown, Rev. Mr.
  Budgell, Eustace, his appropriation of Tindal's effects.
  Bull, Dr. George.
  Burke, Edmund, on Swift's sermon on "Doing Good."
  Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury,
    on occasional conformity,
    Swift's satire on,
    Dartmouth on,
    biographical sketch of,
    "History of the Reformation,"
    "Vindication of the Church and State of Scotland,"
    his criticisms on the Tories,
      Swift's rejoinder,
    his argument against Popery,
      Swift's rejoinder,
    his opinion of the clergy,
    reference to the Tory clergy,
    Swift's criticism on his methods,
    Swift's criticism on his style,
    on Presbyterians,
    the oracle of the hypocritical zealots.
  Business, corruptions in.

  Campegi, Cardinal.
  Carr, Charles, Bishop of Killaloe.
  Catholic Church, the necessity for a head.
  Catholics, Roman, their persecutions of Protestants,
    their favour with King James II.,
    reasons for repeals of Test Act in their favour,
    first conquerors of Ireland,
    their rebellions were purely defensive measures,
    always defenders of the monarch,
    are true Whigs,
    their loyalty to the Hanoverian House,
    have as fair a title to be called Protestants as Dissenters,
    the bulk of them loyal to King Charles I.,
    lost their estates in Ireland for fighting for the king,
    merits of, and Dissenters, contrasted,
    arguments for repeal of Test Act affecting the equally with
  Dissenters,  the heavy accusation they lie under,
  Catholicism and Protestantism, differences between.
  Catholicism, Roman, its condition in England.
  Cato, the wisest Roman,
    a stoic by manners not by conviction.
  Censor, the office of, suggestion for its establishment in England.
  Charity, the outcome of self-knowledge.
  Charles I., Act of, concerning the bishops and the church lands,
    his trial,
    sermon on the martyrdom of,
    his ill-treatment by the Puritans
    ingratitude to him by the House of Commons
    history of the events which led to his death
  Charles the Second's Bounty
  Cheerfulness, a blessing of the poor
  Chesterfield, Earl of
  Children, a blessing and assistance to the poor
  Chinuchii, Cardinal de
  Chocolate Houses
  Christianity, Real or Primitive,
    inconveniences attending its abolition
    advantages proposed by its abolition
    has no share in the opposition to sectaries
    abolition of, would mean loss of occupation to freethinkers
    no necessity for extirpating it
    evils attending its abolition
    its organization
    its truth denied by freethinking
    usefulness of preaching on its mysteries
    its want of truth a source of joy to the wicked
    suffered by being blended with Gentile philosophy
  Church and Dissent, their mutual attitudes
  Church, sleeping in, sermon on
  Church, the, not answerable for the depravity of human nature
    its total exclusion of Dissent from its emoluments
    the necessity for it being a corporation
    duty to, of the members of
    condition of, in Ireland
  Church of Christianity, its inconsistencies
  Church of England Man, his religious attitude
    his attitude to the various forms and ceremonies
    his toleration for worship
    his passion for the Church
    his abhorrence of flinging scandals upon the clergy
    his opinion that publications against religion should not be
  unlimited  his sentiments with respect to government
    his idea of the freedom of a nation
    he is not bound to opinions of either party
    independent of the civil power
  Churches, necessity for their increase
    their destruction due to the Rebellion
  Church lands,
    reasons for the rise in the value of
    bad effects if sold to the laity
  Church of Ireland, the National Church
  Church revenues, expedients for increasing
  Church thermometer
  Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of,
    "History of the Great Rebellion"
  Clendon, John
  Clergy, the, their ignorance and servility
    mistaken in not mixing more with the laity
    care to be taken by them because of the distinct habit they wear
    better if they appeared dressed like ordinary men
    unreasonableness of the charge of their persecuting spirit
    their antagonism to Dissent springs from a worthy motive
    have they any power independent of the civil
    their relation to Divine Right
    their love of power not a peculiar characteristic
    their claim to judicial power
    the allegation that it is their interest to corrupt religion,
    combated  excellent as a body
    what they pretend to
    their power in choosing bishops
    Burnet's opinion of the
    the Tory, Burnet's reference to
    presumption on their part to teach matters of speculation
    the bill for their residence
    English _versus_ Irish
    English, their poverty
    concerning the hatred against
    not popular in Christian countries
    their writings against popery
    consequences to them of the repeal of the Test Act
    their attitude to the Test Act
  Clergy, Irish, James I.'s dealings with
    condition of
    their maintenance precarious
    their resort to flattery for preferment
    plan for a parliamentary taxation of
    their impoverished state
    want in them of concerted action
    attitude of landlords to
    their right to self-taxation,
    their interests allied with the interests of the country
  Clergyman, Swift's position as a
    Young, letter to
  Clergymen, handicapped by small means
   the fates of
  Climate, its influence on Government
  Cokayne, Sir Thomas
  Collins, Anthony
    biographical sketch of
    Swift's attitude to
    his "Discourse of Freethinking" put into plain English by Swift
  Collins, J. Churton, his opinion of Swift's motive in writing the
  "Project"  his opinion on Steele and "The Guardian"
    on Swift's criticism of Burnet
  Commissioners, Itinerary, for inspection of official conduct
  Common-place books, use of
  Commons, Irish House of, its alacrity in supporting the king against
        the Pretender
  Commonwealth, our duty to
    corruptions in
  Community, influence of private people on
    injured by false accusations
    injured by false rumours
  Commutation, its purpose
  Compton, Dr. Henry, Bishop of London
  Concordate of the Gallican church
  Connill, J.
  Conscience, liberty of
    testimony of, sermon on
    its definition
    our director and guide
    its limitations
    no higher than knowledge
    liberty of
    a due regard to its dictates conducive to general happiness
    well founded, if guided by religion
    moral honesty in place of
    a good guide to motives
    fear and hope the offsprings of
    directs us to the love of God
    the laws appeal to
  Constantine the Great
  Constitution, English, a growth
  Contentment, the poor man's, sermon on
  Convocation, Lower House of
  Convocation, should be abolished among Protestants
  "Correspondent, The"
  Corruption, in all departments of trading
  Cotton, Sir John
  Court Party
  Coward, William, biographical sketch of
  Coyne, Nicholas
  Craik, Sir Henry, his opinion on Swift's tract on Collins
  Cranmer, Archbishop
  Creation, scripture system of
  Creech, Thomas
  Cromwell, Oliver, his notion of liberty of conscience
  Cromwell, Richard
  Cromwell, Thomas

  Dartmouth, Lord, his opinion of Burnet
  Deanery, income necessary for a
  Death, its evil an impossibility
  Debt, National, proposal for a fund for
  Deceit, its practice detrimental to the well-being of a community
  De Foe, D.
  Deposition, can a king of England be deposed?
  Devil, the, his power
  Diogenes, his saying, "that a poor old man was the most miserable
         thing in life"
     his opinion of Socrates
  Disobedience, breeds sedition in a state
  Dissenters, their natural union with Whigs
    their attitude to the Bills of Residence and Division
    their enjoyment of toleration
    Swift's attitude to
    his description of them in "A Tale of a Tub"
    tracts written by Swift against them
    their expedient addresses of loyalty
    representation of the House of Lords against
    address of, against their representation
    their encouragement to refuse the oath of abjuration
    the disadvantages they lie under will be remedied by the repeal of
              the Test Act
    allied to the Puritans
  Divine Right, the clergy's relation to
  Dolben, Bishop of Rochester
  Dorset, Earl of, Swift's letter to
  Doubts, not answerable for
  Downing, Sir George
  Drogheda, persecution at
    siege of
  Dudley and Empson
  Dunkin, Dr. William, on Serjeant Bettesworth
    his copy of Dr. Gibbs's "Paraphrase of the Psalms"
  Duns Scotus
  Dunton, John
  Dutch, the, their recognition of liberty of conscience in religious
    their Commonwealth
    though they have liberty of conscience they yet enforce tests for
  Duties, of each to the other in a state

  Ecclesiastical jurisdiction, should be vested in the hands of catholic
                 archbishops and bishops
  Education, value of, to a young clergyman
  Elisha and Hazael
  Employments, battle for
  Empson and Dudley
  English language, value of its study
  "Englishman, The"
  Establishment, enquiry into its nature
  Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli
  Evans, Dr., Bishop of Meath
  Executive Power, the care it should take

  Faction, detrimental to brotherly love
  Fagel, Mons
  Fairfax, General
  Faith, its great power
  Falkiner, Sir F.
  Falkland, Viscount, biographical sketch of
        his method in writing
  False witness, sermon on,
  Fanatics, their insolence
  Filmer, Sir Robert, biographical sketch of
  First fruits and tenths
  First fruits
  Flattery, self-knowledge secures us against
         its snares
  Flax, bill for the encouragement of its growth
  Forbes, Edward
  Forster, Dr., Bishop of Raphoe
  Forster, John, his "Life of Swift"
    his suggested date for the writing of "The Project" and "The
  Fountaine, Sir A.
  Freedom, of a nation, in what it consists
  Freethinker, indispensable duty of
  Freethinkers, their natural connection with Whigs
    the most virtuous people in all ages
    ignorance and vice their principal characteristics
  Freethinking, its mischief
    denies Christianity
    and missionaries
    enjoined by Christ
    means free-speaking and free-writing
    some thoughts on
  Friendship, depends on brotherly love
  Fuller, Dr. Thomas

  Gallican Church, concordate of
  Gaming, addiction to
    how to stop it
  Gardiner's "History of England"
  Gay, John, "The Espousal"
  Genevan system
  Gibbs, Dr., Swift's Remarks on his Paraphrase of the Psalms
  Gildon, Charles
  Giving, more blessed than receiving
  Good, doing, sermon on
  Gospel, the, too difficult for freethinkers
    want of faith in
    value of its truth
  Government, Hobbes's principles of, combated
    if every species of, be equally lawful, they are not equally
  expedient  English, its advantage over all other forms
    its nature least understood by lawyers
    in the body of the people
    how invested in England
    what it cannot do
    its relation to a state religion
    from God
  Grabe, Dr.
  Grant, Col. F.
  Greed, often results in ill to a state
  "Grub Street Journal," on the Swift-Bettesworth Controversy
  "Guardian, The"

  Hanover Club
  Happiness, does not depend on wealth
  Harley, Earl of Oxford
  Hazael and Elisha
  Health, the best of all earthly possessions
  Heathcote, Sir Gilbert
  Heathens, the groundwork of their virtues
  Henry VII., value of land and money in the reign of
  Henry VIII.,
    his seizures of Church revenues
    his attitude to Catholicism
    his favouritism
    his attitude to the clergy
  Heptarchy, the, its power
  Heresy, the beginning of dissent among the early Christians
  Heylin, Dr. Peter
    "Observations on the History of Presbyterians"
  Hickeringil, Edmund, biographical sketch of
  Hickes, Dr. George,
    biographical sketch of
    his replies to Tindal
  High Church, how considered by the press
  Hilary, St.
  Hill, Samuel
  Hobbes, Thomas,
    biographical sketch of
    Swift's arguments against his theory of the sovereign power
    his opinion that the youth of England corrupted their political
      principles by reading the classical writers
    his opinion of the bad influence of classical histories
  Holiness, of life, most worthy to God
    the worst governed country on account of its having no state
  religion Honour,
    largely a false principle
    private, different from public
  Hospitality, depends on brotherly love
  House of Commons, Irish, the clergy's complaint against
  Howard, Robert, Bishop of Elphin
  Howard, Col. Thomas
  Huguenots, the
    a virtue fitting every station in life
    the outcome  of self knowledge
  Hypocrisy, better than vice

  Ignorance, the mother of superstition, but not of devotion
    legislation against, ineffective
    an incentive to good conduct
  _Imperium in imperio_, doctrine of
    differences between, and Presbyterians
    their end
  Infidelity, its infamy
    their advice interested
    cannot satisfy the general reason of mankind
    the fallacy of their arguments against the Trinity
  Informers, their interest
  Inns of Court, "the worst instituted seminaries in any Christian
  Intemperance, dangerous to upright men
  Interest, self, the spring of most actions
  Interests, private and national
    present condition of the Church in
    wretched condition of plantations in
    condition of the clergy of
    first conquerors of, English Catholics
    Rebellion in
    its misery and want
    the causes of this misery
    its intolerable hardships
    the folly and vanity of its landowners
    pride and vanity of its people
    discouragement of its manufactures
    idleness and sloth in
    cruelty by which it is governed
    bondage of its laws
    counteracting influence against the government
    foundations and charities in
    fraud of the servants in
    necessity for proper training of the children of the poor in
    the beggars in
    its poor laws
    methods for dealing with beggars
    badges for beggars in
    sermon on wretched condition of
  Ireton, General

  James the First's Bounty
  James I., his dealings with the Irish clergy
  James II.,
    his abdication
    attempted illegal and unjustifiable exercise of power
    his conduct contrasted with that of Charles I.
    his relations with the Church
  Jerome, St.
  Jethro, his advice to Moses
  Jews, disbelief in their teachings
  John, King
  Johnson, Esther, three prayers for
  Johnson, Rev. Samuel

  Kevan Bayl's new ballad
  King, Dr. W.,
    Archbishop of Dublin
    biographical sketch of
    the Dublin clergy's representation to
    his way of encouraging the clergy to residence
    Swift's letter to, on the Repeal for the Test Act
  Kit-Cat Club
  Kite, Serjeant

  Lancaster, Henry Duke of
  Land, history of the rise in the value of
  Landlords, Irish, their attitude to their clergy
  Laud, Archbishop
  Lauderdale, Lord
  Laws, human and divine
    of all people least understand the nature of government
    ignorant of the early history of England
  Learning, its prevalence during early Christian times
  Leases, bishops'
    evils of letting, for lives
  "Legion Club, The"
  Legislature and administration
  Legislature, the supreme power in a state
  Leslie, Charles
  Libertines, their principles
    Roman idea of
    enjoyment of, better than contentions
  Life, its love, an essential impulse of our nature
    a trust from God
    its advantages for general use
  Limiting Act
  Lindsay, Dr.
  Linen, encouragement of its manufacture
  Loch, Lord
  Locke, John,
    his idea of government
    "Human Understanding"
    its influence on the kingdom
    the power it may have for good
    a law for closing its ale-houses at twelve
  Londonderry, siege of
  Lords, House of,
    character of
    their representation against Dissenters
  Lorrain, Duke of
  Love, brotherly,
    among the early Christians
    the causes of the want of, among us
    Papists and fanatics one cause for the want of
    weakness and folly a cause for the want of
    its non-insistence a cause of the want of
    politics a cause of the want of
    the evil consequences of the want of
    the want of, puts an end to hospitality and friendship
    motives for embracing
    injured by faction
    helped by religion
    of country, defined
  Love, the last legacy of Christ
    of self, not a fault
  Loyalty, a means to obtaining good character
  Ludlow, Edmund

  Magdalen College, its justification of William of Orange's declaration
    their abuses
    care taken in their appointment
    supreme, doctrine of resistance to
  Mandeville, Bernard de
  Manilius, Marcus
    degeneracy of, a preceding to the ruin of a state
    its corruption ruin to a state
    depravation of
  Manufacture, influence of, on a community
  Margarita. _See_ Margherita, Francesca de l'Epine
  Margherita, Francesca de l'Epine
  Marprelate tracts
  Marsh, Dr. Narcissus
  Marten, John
  Martyrdom of Charles I.,
    its lessons
    the duty of all protestants to keep holy the day of the
  Mason, Monck,
    his "History of St. Patrick's Cathedral"
    his list of tracts on the Test Act controversy
    on the date of the "Narrative of the attempts against the Test Act"
    on "Roman Catholic reasons for the Repeal of the Test"
  McBride, John
  M'Carthy, Charles
  Midleton, Lord
  Milton, John, his work on Divorce
  Minutius Felix, Marcus
    as much a mystery as the Trinity
    positively affirmed by the Gospels
  Missionaries and freethinking
    a clerical cry
    in politics, true and false
  Modus, a
    petition against
  Molesworth, Robert, Viscount
  Molloy, Neale
    absolute, doctrine of
    hereditary, to be preferred to elective
    the hereditary right to be sacred, if not dangerous to the
    King _de facto_, and King _de jutre_
    succession discussed
  Monasteries, their scandals
  Money, history of its values
  Montaigne, citation from
  Moore, Bishop, of Norwich
  Moral honesty, in place of conscience
    classical _versus_ scriptural
    without religion is a half virtue
  Morals, schemes for the improvement of
  More, Dr. Henry
  More, Sir Thomas
  Mortmain, statute of
  Motives, the best ground for judgments
    to declare against, is to declare against scripture
    conditions when it may be suspicious
    faith, necessary for a belief in
    nature full of
    not contrary to reason

  "Narrative of what passed in London"
  National debt, proposal for a fund for
  Neighbour, our duty to
  Nelson, Mr.
  Nichols's "Speculum Sarisburianum"

  Oath of abjuration
  Oath of supremacy.
    St. Peter's directions for
    St. Paul's directions for
    avoid running into extremes on the question of
  "Observator, The"
  Occasional conformity
  Office, qualifications for, as they are generally accepted
  "Old and New Lights"
  Oldisworth, Mr.
  O'Neill, Owen Roe
  O'Neill, Philip Roe McHugh
  O'Neill, Sir Phelim
    difference in, not a matter for quarrel
    compared with fashions
    its power
    difficulty of changing in
  Orange, William of
  Ormonde, Marquis of
  Oxford, Earl of
  Oxford University, its revenues

    in Ireland, their reduced condition
    loyalty to King George
    no cause for fear from the
  Parishes, their union under one incumbent
  Parliaments, annual
  Parties, our attitude to
  Party Government,
    tends to enslave senates
    tends to misunderstanding of personal character
    establishes an incorrect standard for character
  Passive obedience
  Peace, the last legacy of Christ
  Pedantry, the fear of
  Pembroke, Lord
  Penn, William
  Penny, Rev. John
  Peter the Cruel
  Philip II. of Spain
  Philips, Ambrose
  Philosophy, classical
    unrevealed, imperfect
    fails to explain the Deity
    its failure to inculcate the doctrine of Providence
    defective in its moral teachings
    contrasted by personal examples with Christian
    disputes amongst the teachers of
    Christian, its perfection
    teaches reliance on God
    teaches courtesy and kindness
    is "without partiality"
    is without hypocrisy
    contrasted by personal examples with unrevealed
  Pilkington, M., reference to sermon on "Doing Good"
  Plato, his maxim on worship
    his divine precept
    his doctrine of happiness
  Platonic philosophy, its relation to the early church
  Plays, their bad influence on morals
  Politics, dangerous to upright men
  Poor, the, are not the object of envy
    less subject to temptations than the rich
    the blessings they enjoy
    their power for doing good to others
    have a greater share of happiness than the rich
  Poor Laws, Irish
  Pope, the supremacy of
    his power in France
  Popery, Burnet's arguments against,
    its dangers
    national leaning to
    the most absurd system of Christianity
    its merits
    Protestants must not be charged with its errors and corruptions
    its increase
    penal laws against should be abrogated
    its priests should be settled by law in Ireland
    its priests should be entitled to tithe
    the results of this
    proposal for effectually preventing its growth
  Popes, their seizure of power
  Potter, Dr. John, biographical sketch of
  Power, absolute, belief in, dangerous to any state
    not pleaded for by Swift
  Pratt, Dr., Dean of Down
  Prayer, an evening
  Preaching, value of practice in
    simplicity in, a prime requisite
    the popular manner the best
    styles to be avoided in
    the moving manner
    jesting in
    plain reasoning in
    pathetic _versus_ rational
    two principal branches of
    quotations in
    uselessness of taking the mysteries of Christian religion for
    subjects for
    not to perplex with doubts in
    one of the disadvantages it labours under
    its great neglect
    its neglect attended by the misbehaviour of worshippers
    objections against, and the unreasonableness of these
    causes for the neglect and scorn of
    neglect of, due to ignorance of religious principles
    neglect of, due to an evil conscience
    neglect of, due to the heart being set upon worldly things,
    neglect of, due to the habit of decrying religion,
    neglect of, remedies against,
    good preaching, not so essential as right dispositions,
  Preferment, qualifications necessary for,
    given for zeal and not capacity,
  Presbyterianism, possibility of its becoming the National Church,
    consequences from its establishment as the national religion,
    in Ireland, persecuted for their religion,
    their complaint against persecution,
    their "Plea of Merit,"
    "Plea of Merit," discussion as to date of its first edition,
    differences between, and Independents,
    against the execution of King Charles I,
    and King James II.,
    and the Pretender,
    their loyalty and religious principles,
    their plea of merit absurd,
    their great position in Ireland,
    their loyalty to King George,
    will join the army but not the militia,
    their case to defend the country against the Pretender,
    must not be reformed,
    their church government independent of the state,
    their opinion of Episcopacy,
  Press, legislation for its limitation,
    its restraint a badge of popery,
  Pretender, the, his cause,
    not supported by the Irish dissenters,
  Priests, cannot be relied on for anything relating to religion,
    hired to lead men into mischief,
  Princes, influence of their bad example,
    their duties for good,
    their influence on a nation,
    should be careful in choosing advisers,
  Prophets, the, were freethinkers,
  Proselytism, consequences of,
    dangerous in a state,
  Prostitution, condemned by the priests,
  Protestantism and Catholicism, differences between,
  Publicans, suggestion for their prosecution if they serve drink to
              drunken persons,
  Public spirit, a blessing,
  Punishment, eternal, doctrine of,
  Puritans, the,
    destroyers of the Reformation,
    their attitude to the state in the time of Charles I,
    their murderous parliament,
    they corrupted the old virtues of the English nation,
    how they injured the country,

  Quakers, the,
  Quarrels, religious,
  Queen, the, her power for good,
    her power over the stage,
  Quotations, value of their sparing use,

  Reason, particular, fallible,
  Rebellion of 1648,
    objections against,
    of 1642,
    the of 1688
    contrary to the teaching of Christ
  "Reconciler, The"
  Reeves, Rev. Mr., Swift's letters to Dr. King
  Reformation, its establishment
    censure of the clergy on its methods
  "Rehearsal, The"
  Religion, schemes for the improvement of
    its negligence by the people
    suggestion for it being necessary to any preferment
    should be made fashionable
    necessity for union in
    impossible to remove opinions in its fundamentals
    thoughts on
    further thoughts on
    national, legal to change
    necessary for the well-governing of mankind
    its denial often the spring of sin
    to raise difficulties against, not conducive to virtuous living
    conducive to brotherly love
  Resolutions, easily broken
  Restitution, impossible to make, when the injury is to a state
  Resurrection, doctrine of
  Revolution, considerations for,
  Reward, an incentive to good conduct
  Rich, the, more subject to diseases
    often have little appetites
    subjected to worry
    their wants are more numerous than those of the poor
    are more prone to melancholy
    often grow so, by unjust means
    their only advantage that of the power they possess to be good to
  Richards, Col.
  Richard III.
  Riches, may be blessings
    attainment of, does not necessitate the possession of noble
  qualities  not conducive either to ease of body or quiet of mind
  "Rights of the Christian Church," Tindal's book examined
    its notoriety due to its critics
  Rome, decline in the spirit of liberty there
  Rooke, Mr. George, linen-draper and Quaker
  Rumours, false, the spreading of, a means for injuring a community
  Rump parliament

  Sacheverell, Dr. Henry
  Sacrament, the
    Its mercenary use
    Presbyterian objection to prostituting the service of
    our falsification of the
  Sancroft, Archbishop
  Satan, his depths
  St. Patrick's, liberty of, petition of to Swift
  St. Paul, on obedience
    on mutual service
    his opinion of philosophy
  St. Peter, on obedience
  Schism, its danger and spiritual evil
  Schoolmen, the
  Scotch, the
    characteristics of
  Scott, Sir W., his opinion on Swift's tract on Collins
    his criticism on Swift for writing his tracts against the bishops
    his criticism on Swift's tracts against the bishops
    his suggestion on Swift's Test tracts
  Scriptures, various,
    various readings in
    Christian, different opinions about, among Christians themselves
    the, abounding in expressions setting forth the depravity of man
  Sects, the reason for their toleration in a state
    their position in a state
    the power they should have
  Sedition, caution for its prevention
  Self-knowledge, the want of, common
    man himself most ignorant in
    reasons for the ignorance of
    self-communion conducive to
    business interferes with the time for
    fear of discovering vices interferes with
    inclination often a hindrance to
    advantages of
    humility the outcome of
    a security from flattery
    its value in time of adversity
    its charity
  Self-love not a fault
  Senates, their disregard of outside proposals
  Sermons, the reading of
  Sermons, Swift's, on Mutual Subjection
    on the Testimony of Conscience
    on the Trinity
    on Brotherly Love
    on the Difficulty of Knowing One's Self
    on False Witness
    on the Wisdom of this World
    on Doing Good
    on the Martyrdom of King Charles I
    on the Poor Man's Contentment
    on the Wretched Condition of Ireland
    on Sleeping in Church
  Servants, Irish, fraud of
  Service, mutual
  Sharp, Dr. John, Archbishop of York
  Shaster, the
  Sheridan, Dr. T.
  Shrewsbury, Duke of
  Sin, original, doctrine of
  Sleep, often a poor man's privilege
  Sleeping in church, sermon on
  Smallridge, Dr.
  Smoking, habit bad among the youth
  Society for propagating Free-thinking
  Socinus, Leelius
    his teachings on worship
    the greatest of the heathen philosophers
    Diogenes' opinion of
  Solemn league and covenant
    on wisdom
  Solon, his confession of weakness, against death
  Somers, Lord
  South, Dr. Robert
  Spinke, J.
  Spinoza, Baruch
  Stage, the, the necessity for its reformation
  Stanhope, Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield
  State, the, ruined by corruption of manners
  States-General, the
  Stearne, Dr. John, Bishop of Clogher
  Steele, Sir R. his opinions of the "Project," in the "Tatler"
    his opinion of Swift in the "Apology"
    the "Guardian"
  Stephen, Leslie, "History of English Thought in Eighteenth Century"
  Stillingfleet, Edward, Bishop of Worcester
  Stratford, Earl of
  Style, faults to be avoided in
  Suarez, Francis
  Subjection, mutual, sermon on
    its practice extinguishes pride
    its practice contributes to the general happiness
    brings about contentment
  Succession, can the people of England alter the
    instances in Greek and Roman history where it was altered
  Sunday, the difference between, and weekdays
  Swan, Captain
  Sweet singers
  Swift, his attitude towards the Church of England,
    his position as a religious thinker
    his High Church leanings made evident
    his relation to the Whigs considered
    as a party man
    his letter to Pope
    his championship of the Church of England
    his sentiments with regard to it
    no bigot either in religion or politics
    his friendship with men of both parties
    "the Importance of the 'Guardian' considered"
    his letter to Stella on Collins's tract
    his belief in the dignity of the Church.
    his disinterested use of the Deanery lands
    his disinterestedness in his remarks on the bishops
    his opinion on his office of a clergyman
    loss of favour with the Whigs for writing his "Letter on the
  Sacramental    Test"
    his rencontre with Serjeant Bettesworth
    his sermons
    criticisms on
    reference to his sermon on "Doing Good"
    controversy with Serjeant Bettesworth
    his letter to the Earl of Dorset
    his reply to the address of the inhabitants of the Liberty of St.
    his poem on "Brother Protestants and Fellow Christians"
    his epigram to Serjeant Kite
  Swift, Thomas
  Synesius of Gyrene

  "Tale of a Tub"
  Taxation, unequal
  Taylor, Dr., Jeremy
  Technical language, bad for style
  Temple, Sir W.
  Tenison, Dr. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury
  Test Act
    letter on
    reasons for repealing it combated
    alteration in religion, if it be repealed
    the consequences of its repeal on the offices of the Crown
    likelihood of the success of the agitation for repeal of
    attitude of the clergy to
    arguments for its repeal combated
    Churchman's argument against, combated
    Swift's tracts against
    Swift's successful agitation for
    to be repealed in Ireland first
    Presbyterians' attitude towards the
    vindication of
    attempts made by Dissenters for the repeal of
    Dissenters. efforts for its repeal
    address of Dissenters against
    criticism on the pamphlet on "The Nature and Consequences of the
         Sacramental Test"
    queries relating to
    criticism on the advantages proposed by its repeal
    to write impartially on, one must be indifferent to particular
    of Christianity
    consequences of its repeal to the clergy
    its repeal will remedy the disadvantages the Dissenters lie under
    reasons offered for its repeal in favour of Catholics
    King Charles Second's
    arguments for its repeal affecting Dissenters and Roman Catholics
    equally ostensible commendation of a criticism on "The Presbyterians
    Plea of Merit"
    some few thoughts on
    ten reasons for repealing it
  Thales, his dictum for bearing ill-fortune
  Thermometer, the church
  Throckmorton, Job
  Tiberius, his saying about the offences against the gods
  Tidcomb, Colonel
  Tillotson, Archbishop
  Tindal, Dr. Matthew, biographical sketch of
    considerations as to his fitness for writing on Christianity
    Swift's criticism on the style of his book
    his disregard for truth and justice
    his motives for writing his book
    his vanity
    published his book in hopes of being bribed to silence
    nature and tendency of his work
    his ridicule of Christianity
    his work "a twig for sinking libertines to catch at"
  Tisdal, Dr., his tract on "The Sacramental Test"
    their application to the maintenance of monasteries, a scandal
  Tofts, Mrs. Catherine
  Toland, John
  Tom's coffee-house
  Toricellius Evangelista
  Tories, their aims
    their aversion for sects which once destroyed the constitution
    their veneration for monarchical government
    and Whigs, their common agreements
    their differences
  Tradesmen, power they have for public weal or woe
  Trimmers, the
  Trinity, doctrine of
    sermon on
    defence of, by the learned, a mistake
    our ignorance or incapacity no test of its fallacy
    its affirmation, opinion, and distinction, a mystery
    to declare against mystery is to declare against Scripture
    faith necessary for a belief in
    probably we could not understand it, if it were explained
    fallacy of the infidel's arguments against
  Tutchin, John

  Universities, the want of discipline there

  Varro, Marcus Terentius
  Vicar, condition of a
  Vicar general
  Victorious, Fabius Marius

  Wallis, Dr. John
  Walls, Archdeacon
  Warreng, Mr., letter from
  Washington's "Observations on the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the
         Kings of England
  Waterford, Swift and the vacancy of its see
  Wharton, Henry, biographical sketch of,
    Emmet's character of
  Whig and Tory contrasted
    attitude to each other
    their common agreements
    their differences
  Whigs, their want of zeal against Popery
    definition of
    their encouragement of intemperate language
    their Jacobitism
    their scandalous reflections on the universities
  Whiston, Dr. W.
    biographical sketch of
    his prophecy
  White's coffee-house
  Williams, Dr. Daniel
  Wisdom, sorrow in much
    heathen, high opinion of
    bad opinion of
  Witness, faithful, duty to bear
    false, how a man may be justly so-called
    how to defend against
  Women of the day, their low standard of morality
  Wood's project, sermon on
  Woollen manufacture
  Woolston, Thomas
  World, the wisdom of the, sermon on
  Worrall, Rev. John
  Worship, Plato's maxim on
    Socrates on
    the established, any separation from, dangerous to the public peace
  Wotton, Dr. W.

  "Yahoo's Overthrow, The"
  York, Duke of, Popish plot against

  Zeal, in politics, dangerous in a state
    violent, a synonym for pride
  Zendavesta, the
  Zeno, makes vice indifferent
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