Samuel Smiles

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ABERDARE, Lord, on loss by strikes
Advancement of self is advancement of society
Aiton, Dr., an example of thrift
Akroyd, Edward, founds Provident Society and Penny Savings Bank
  and his workpeople
  and Penny Banks
Ambition, use of
Amusement, meaning and use of
Arithmetic, necessary for domestic economy
Ashburton, Lord, on home economy
Ashworth, Messrs., and their workpeople
Author's mother, an example of thrift
Avarice, differs from economy

BACON, on limits of economy
  his improvidence
Bargain-buying, bad economy of
Baxendale, Joseph
  on punctuality
  and Pickford and Co.
  and railways
  his maxims
Bewick, the engraver
Bilston Savings Bank
Brassey. T., on English work-men
Brewster, D., on education
Briggs and Son, and co-operation
Bright, John, on the wages of the working classes
Brutus, and usury
Buchan, Earl of, an example of thrift
Building Societies
  at Birmingham
  at Leeds
  at Padiham
  at Burnley
Burnley, Building Society at
Burns, and debt
Byron, and debt

CAMPBELL, Dr., the missionary
Canova, humble origin of
Capital, the result of industry and thrift
  advantage of, to workmen employed
Carlyle, T., on manufacturers
  his letter to Whitworth
  on public charities
Carrington, Lord, and Pitt
Cato, the elder, and usury
Chadwick, Edwin, sketch of his life
  his Sanitary Idea
  and Poor Law Inquiry
  and the Sanitary Movement
  and General Board of Health
  on thriftlessness
Chantrey, F.
Charities, public
Christianity, its establishment
Civilization, and thrift
  slow progress of
  and healthy homes
Class, exclusiveness of
Cleanliness, must be taught
Cobbett, W., on Savings Banks
Cobden, R., on self-help
Cold, the parent of frugality
Comfort, and the art of living
Competition, use of
Cooking, good and bad
Co-operation, the secret of social development
  and the middle classes
  and working classes
  at Hull
  at Leeds
  at Rochdale
  at Over Darwen
  at Northampton
  at Padiham, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds
  and life assurance
  and friendly societies
  and factories
Corbett, J., on ignorance of domestic economy
Crallan, and lessons on thrift
Crossley, Francis, and Halifax Park
Crossley, John, sketch of his life
  his wife
  his work

DANTZIC, Duke of
Davis, John, on debt
Debt, evils of
  sympathy with
  and great men
Debtors, celebrated, Bacon, Pitt
  Melville, Fox
  De Retz, Mirabeau, Lamartine, Webster
  Hunter, Vandyck
  Cowper, Marlowe, Greene, Peele
  Lovelace, Butler, Wycherley, Fielding, Savage
  De Foe
Deeds, not words
Denison, Edward, on providence
  on London poor
  on thrift
  on thrift in Guernsey
Derby, Lord, on progress
Derby Penny Bank
De Retz, Cardinal
Dirt, a degradation
Dolland, industry of
Donne, Dr., his charity and thrift
Donough, J., tombstone of
Dress, extravagance in
Drill, the magic of
Drink, money spent on
  the Great Sin
  and unhealthy homes
Duncan, H., and Savings Banks

ECONOMY, _see_ Thrift
Education, power of
  is capital
  advantage of
  in Germany
Elcho, Lord, on miners' wages
Elegance at home
Elliot, Sir G., and miners
England, one hundred years ago
English charities
English workmanship
Englishmen, industry and improvidence of
Extravagance, prevalence of

FAILURE, self-sought
Farnham Penny Bank
Fast living, tendency to
Felkin, on workmen's savings
Ferguson Charity, the
Ferguson, the astronomer
Flaxman, the sculptor
Flowers, use of
Foote, and debt
Forster, W.E., on Lister
Fox, Head, and Co., and cooperation
Fox, C.J., and debt
Franklin, B., on thrift of time
  on self-imposed taxes
  his industry
Friendly societies
  defects of
  working of
  objections to
  improvement of
Funerals, extravagance of

GENEROSITY, and economy
Girard Charity, the
Ghent, School Bank at
Gibbon, on Fox
Goethe, on individualism
Goldsmith, O., and debt
Good manners, art of
  among working classes
Good taste, economy of
  and comfort
Grey, Margaretta, on occupation of ladies
Greenock Penny Bank
Greg, W.B., on savings of working classes
Gregory, O., on self-taught working men
Griffiths, on pursuit of money
Grundy, Mrs., fear of
Guizot, on English Charities
Guy's Hospital

Happiness in old age
Health, pleasures of, 315; injuries
  to. 316-7
Heriot's Hospital, 309
Herschel, his industry. 77
Hill, Rowland, and Savings
  Banks, 149-50
Hogarth. 80
Home and civilization. 321; and
  children. 322; ignorance
  concerning, 323-4; reform,
Huddersfield Savings Bank, 154
Hull Anti-Mill Society, 102
Hume, H., and thrift, 68
Hume, J., on tone of living, 17
Hunter, J., and debt, 269
Hutton, Dr., 73

IDLENESS, wretchedness of, 6
Ignorance is power, 57-9
Improvidence, _see_ Thriftlessness
Inchbald, Mrs., on thrift, 65
Incomes of the working classes,
Independence of a good mechanic,
Individualism, 72-3
Industry, _see_ Labour

JOHNSON, S., on economy, 19;
  on poverty, 20; on Savage,
  272; his poverty, 282-3; on
  debt, 283
Jonson, B., and poverty, 271

KEPLER, and poverty, 268
Knowledge, acquired by labour, 6

LABOUR, leads to wealth, 2; is
  never lost, 3; a necessity and
  pleasure, 4; St. Paul on, 6;
  gives knowledge, 6; and progress,
  7; of English workmen,
  36; and thrift, 96, 184;
  makes the man, 160
Laing, S., on good manners in
  France, 368
Lamartine and debt, 267
Lancaster, J., and Sunday schools
Land and Building Societies
Leeds, Industrial Society
  Permanent Building Society
Life assurance, advantages of
  working of
  at a penny a day
Life, uncertainty of
Lister, of Bradford
Little things, importance of
Living, art of
Loan Societies
Lough, the sculptor, sketch of his life
Luck, means good management
  does not make men
Lytton, Lord, on money
  on public charities

Macdonald, A.
Manchester, Bishop of, on agricultural labourers
Manchester Co-operative Bank
  Unity of Odd Fellows
Marlborough, Duke of, his penuriousness
Marriage, responsibility of
  makes economy a duty
Masters, influence of
  want of sympathy between men and
Means, living beyond
Mechanics' Institutes
Melville, Lord, and debt
Method, a masculine quality
  value of
Middle class, co-operation among
Mill, J.S., on combination
  on dollar-hunters
Miller, Hugh, on thrift
  his industry
Milton, J., and poverty
Mirabeau, and debt
Misery, caused by greed and improvidence
  of the man of nothing but money
Money, represents independence
  mistake as to power of
  worship of
  accumulation of
  dissipated by the third generation
Montaigne, on debt
Mortality, laws of
Moses, a sanitary reformer

NAPIER, C., on debt
Nasmyth, J., sketch of his life
  his active leisure
National prosperity is not real prosperity
Navvy's Home, a failure
Newman, on debt
Nightingale, F., and soldiers' savings
No, ability to say
Nobody to blame
Norris, on miners
Northampton Co-operative Society

Over Darwen Co-operative Society

PADIH AM, Co-operative Cotton-mill
  Building Society
Pastoral life, a myth
Peabody benefaction, the
Penny a day, power of a
Penny Bank, Akroyd's
  at Greenock
  at Halifax
   at Glasgow
   at Farnham
Pennies, taking care of the
Physiology, should be taught
Pickford and Co., _see_ Baxendale
Pictures, use of
Pitt, and debt
Post Office Savings Banks
Pounds, John, and Ragged Schools
Poverty, not a disgrace
  sharpens wits
  the skeleton in the closet
Preston Savings Bank
Primogeniture, Right of, causes struggle for wealth
Prodigality, _see_ Thriftlessness
Progress and labour
  of individuals and nations
Prosperity, leads to greater expenditure
Punctuality, Baxendale on
  a household quality

QUECKETT,on Penny Banks
Quentin Matsys, industry of

RAGGED SCHOOLS and Penny Banks
  foundation of
Ramsay, Allan
Ready-money transactions
Reform of Number One
  of home
Republican millionaires
Respectability, abuse of
Rich man, the troubles of the
Richardson, S.
Rochdale, co-operative corn-mill
  Equitable Pioneers Society
Roebuck, J.A., on the working classes
Rural districts, unwholesome condition of
  ignorance in
Russell, Lord, on self-imposed taxes
Ruthven Savings Bank

SALADIN, on wealth
Salamanca, Jose de, on love of gold
Salt, T., sketch of his life
  founds Saltaire
  and his workpeople
Sanitary science
Savings Banks
  the first
  at Ruthven
  used by domestic servants
  used most where wages are lowest
  used by soldiers
  at Bilston
  increase of
  Post Office
  statistics of
Savings, _see_ Thrift
Scholarship in the School of Mines
Scotch charities
Scott, W., and debt
Self-help, means self-respect
Sharp, W.
Sheridan, and debt
Sikes. C.W., on thriftlessness
  on Savings Banks
  and Post Office Savings Banks
  sketch of his life
Slavery, in Britain
  in England
  in Scotland
Smith, Joseph, starts a Savings Bank
Smith, Sydney, and poverty
Society, living up to higher
Socrates, on thrift
Southey, his industry
Spinoza, and poverty
Steele, R., and debt
Steen, Jan, and debt
Stephenson, George
Sterne, and poverty
Stone, on public charities
Strikes, losses by, 47, 98-100
Sully, Duke of, on economy, 93
Sympathy between masters and
  men, want of, 180-83

Tact, want of, 95
Tassie, sculptor, 80
Taxes, self-imposed, 39
Taylor, J., on reputation of man
  of money, 294
Thrift, origin and definition of,
  1; an acquired principle, 8;
  gives Capital, 10; is within
  reach of all, 11-3; of time,
  12; needs common sense. 13;
  needs a beginning, 14; is a
  duty, 14; in youth, 18; is
  practical, 19; dignity of, 20;
  in Guernsey, 35; object of,
  65; is Order, 66; of upper
  classes, 67; rules for, 89;
  limits of, 90; is a dignity and
  satisfaction, 93; is conservative,
  107-8; and building
  societies, 109; of Frenchmen
  and Belgians, 115; of private
  soldiers, 133-5; lessons
  in, 145-6; of great generals,
  192; of French workmen,
  231-2; leads to Charity, 286
Thriftlessness, of savages, 2; of
  nations, 9; of individuals, 10;
  selfishness of, 14; dependence
  of, 16; cruelty of, 17,112; in
  prosperous times, 26, 30; of
  English workmen, 36-7, 41-57,
  91, 139
Tottenham Savings Bank, 127
Trades Unions, 99-100
Typhus, a preventible disease,

UNCIVILIZED condition of the
  poor, 32


WAGES of working classes
Wakefield, P., and Savings Banks
Walker, Robert
Walpole, Horace, on bargains
Walter, J., on pride in work
Washington, G., and slaves
Waterlow, S.
Watt, James
Wealth, by labour
  and poverty
Wellington, Duke of, on military Savings Banks
Wesley J., his account-keeping
Whitworth, J., and co-operation
Woman, influence of
Women, require to be taught physiology
  domestic economy
Working-men, definition of
  thriftlessness of
  wages of
  extravagance of
  want of self-respect among
  neglect opportunities
  want knowledge
  co-operation among
  strikes among
  their ability to save
  do not much _use_ the Savings Banks
Wycherley, and debt
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