William Shakespear

The Taming of the Shrew
Go to page: 123
Tra. I thanke you sir, where then doe you know best
We be affied and such assurance tane,
As shall with either parts agreement stand

   Bap. Not in my house Lucentio, for you know
Pitchers haue eares, and I haue manie seruants,
Besides old Gremio is harkning still,
And happilie we might be interrupted

   Tra. Then at my lodging, and it like you,
There doth my father lie: and there this night
Weele passe the businesse priuately and well:
Send for your daughter by your seruant here,
My Boy shall fetch the Scriuener presentlie,
The worst is this that at so slender warning,
You are like to haue a thin and slender pittance

   Bap. It likes me well:
Cambio hie you home, and bid Bianca make her readie
And if you will tell what hath hapned,
Lucentios Father is arriued in Padua,
And how she's like to be Lucentios wife

   Biond. I praie the gods she may withall my heart.

  Tran. Dallie not with the gods, but get thee gone.
Enter Peter.

Signior Baptista, shall I leade the way,
Welcome, one messe is like to be your cheere,
Come sir, we will better it in Pisa

   Bap. I follow you.


Enter Lucentio and Biondello.

  Bion. Cambio

   Luc. What saist thou Biondello

   Biond. You saw my Master winke and laugh vpon
  Luc. Biondello, what of that?
  Biond. Faith nothing: but has left mee here behinde
to expound the meaning or morrall of his signes and tokens

   Luc. I pray thee moralize them

   Biond. Then thus: Baptista is safe talking with the
deceiuing Father of a deceitfull sonne

   Luc. And what of him?
  Biond. His daughter is to be brought by you to the

   Luc. And then

   Bio. The old Priest at Saint Lukes Church is at your
command at all houres

   Luc. And what of all this

   Bion. I cannot tell, expect they are busied about a
counterfeit assurance: take you assurance of her, Cum
preuilegio ad Impremendum solem, to th' Church take the
Priest, Clarke, and some sufficient honest witnesses:
If this be not that you looke for, I haue no more to say,
But bid Bianca farewell for euer and a day

   Luc. Hear'st thou Biondello

   Biond. I cannot tarry: I knew a wench maried in an
afternoone as shee went to the Garden for Parseley to
stuffe a Rabit, and so may you sir: and so adew sir, my
Master hath appointed me to goe to Saint Lukes to bid
the Priest be readie to come against you come with your

  Luc. I may and will, if she be so contented:
She will be pleas'd, then wherefore should I doubt:
Hap what hap may, Ile roundly goe about her:
It shall goe hard if Cambio goe without her.

Enter Petruchio, Kate, Hortentio

  Petr. Come on a Gods name, once more toward our
Good Lord how bright and goodly shines the Moone

   Kate. The Moone, the Sunne: it is not Moonelight

   Pet. I say it is the Moone that shines so bright

   Kate. I know it is the Sunne that shines so bright

   Pet. Now by my mothers sonne, and that's my selfe,
It shall be moone, or starre, or what I list,
Or ere I iourney to your Fathers house:
Goe on, and fetch our horses backe againe,
Euermore crost and crost, nothing but crost

   Hort. Say as he saies, or we shall neuer goe

   Kate. Forward I pray, since we haue come so farre,
And be it moone, or sunne, or what you please:
And if you please to call it a rush Candle,
Henceforth I vowe it shall be so for me

   Petr. I say it is the Moone

   Kate. I know it is the Moone

   Petr. Nay then you lye: it is the blessed Sunne

   Kate. Then God be blest, it is the blessed sun,
But sunne it is not, when you say it is not,
And the Moone changes euen as your minde:
What you will haue it nam'd, euen that it is,
And so it shall be so for Katherine

   Hort. Petruchio, goe thy waies, the field is won

   Petr. Well, forward, forward, thus the bowle should run,
And not vnluckily against the Bias:
But soft, Company is comming here.
Enter Vincentio.

Good morrow gentle Mistris, where away:
Tell me sweete Kate, and tell me truely too,
Hast thou beheld a fresher Gentlewoman:
Such warre of white and red within her cheekes:
What stars do spangle heauen with such beautie,
As those two eyes become that heauenly face?
Faire louely Maide, once more good day to thee:
Sweete Kate embrace her for her beauties sake

   Hort. A will make the man mad to make the woman
of him

   Kate. Yong budding Virgin, faire, and fresh, & sweet,
Whether away, or whether is thy aboade?
Happy the Parents of so faire a childe;
Happier the man whom fauourable stars
A lots thee for his louely bedfellow

   Petr. Why how now Kate, I hope thou art not mad,
This is a man old, wrinckled, faded, withered,
And not a Maiden, as thou saist he is

   Kate. Pardon old father my mistaking eies,
That haue bin so bedazled with the sunne,
That euery thing I looke on seemeth greene:
Now I perceiue thou art a reuerent Father:
Pardon I pray thee for my mad mistaking

   Petr. Do good old grandsire, & withall make known
Which way thou trauellest, if along with vs,
We shall be ioyfull of thy companie

   Vin. Faire Sir, and you my merry Mistris,
That with your strange encounter much amasde me:
My name is call'd Vincentio, my dwelling Pisa,
And bound I am to Padua, there to visite
A sonne of mine, which long I haue not seene

   Petr. What is his name?
  Vinc. Lucentio gentle sir

   Petr. Happily met, the happier for thy sonne:
And now by Law, as well as reuerent age,
I may intitle thee my louing Father,
The sister to my wife, this Gentlewoman,
Thy Sonne by this hath married: wonder not,
Nor be not grieued, she is of good esteeme,
Her dowrie wealthie, and of worthie birth;
Beside, so qualified, as may beseeme
The Spouse of any noble Gentleman:
Let me imbrace with old Vincentio,
And wander we to see thy honest sonne,
Who will of thy arriuall be full ioyous

   Vinc. But is this true, or is it else your pleasure,
Like pleasant trauailors to breake a Iest
Vpon the companie you ouertake?
  Hort. I doe assure thee father so it is

   Petr. Come goe along and see the truth hereof,
For our first merriment hath made thee iealous.


  Hor. Well Petruchio, this has put me in heart;
Haue to my Widdow, and if she froward,
Then hast thou taught Hortentio to be vntoward.

Enter Biondello, Lucentio and Bianca, Gremio is out before.

  Biond. Softly and swiftly sir, for the Priest is ready

   Luc. I flie Biondello; but they may chance to neede
thee at home, therefore leaue vs.

  Biond. Nay faith, Ile see the Church a your backe,
and then come backe to my mistris as soone as I can

   Gre. I maruaile Cambio comes not all this while.
Enter Petruchio, Kate, Vincentio, Grumio with Attendants.

  Petr. Sir heres the doore, this is Lucentios house,
My Fathers beares more toward the Market-place,
Thither must I, and here I leaue you sir

   Vin. You shall not choose but drinke before you go,
I thinke I shall command your welcome here;
And by all likelihood some cheere is toward.


  Grem. They're busie within, you were best knocke

Pedant lookes out of the window.

  Ped. What's he that knockes as he would beat downe
the gate?
  Vin. Is Signior Lucentio within sir?
  Ped. He's within sir, but not to be spoken withall

   Vinc. What if a man bring him a hundred pound or
two to make merrie withall

   Ped. Keepe your hundred pounds to your selfe, hee
shall neede none so long as I liue

   Petr. Nay, I told you your sonne was well beloued in
Padua: doe you heare sir, to leaue friuolous circumstances,
I pray you tell signior Lucentio that his Father is
come from Pisa, and is here at the doore to speake with

   Ped. Thou liest his Father is come from Padua, and
here looking out at the window

   Vin. Art thou his father?
  Ped. I sir, so his mother saies, if I may beleeue her

   Petr. Why how now gentleman: why this is flat knauerie
to take vpon you another mans name

   Peda. Lay hands on the villaine, I beleeue a meanes
to cosen some bodie in this Citie vnder my countenance.
Enter Biondello.

  Bio. I haue seene them in the Church together, God
send 'em good shipping: but who is here? mine old Master
Vincentio: now wee are vndone and brought to nothing

   Vin. Come hither crackhempe

   Bion. I hope I may choose Sir

   Vin. Come hither you rogue, what haue you forgot
  Biond. Forgot you, no sir: I could not forget you, for
I neuer saw you before in all my life

   Vinc. What, you notorious villaine, didst thou neuer
see thy Mistris father, Vincentio?
  Bion. What my old worshipfull old master? yes
marie sir see where he lookes out of the window

   Vin. Ist so indeede.

He beates Biondello.

  Bion. Helpe, helpe, helpe, here's a mad man will murder

   Pedan. Helpe, sonne, helpe signior Baptista

   Petr. Preethe Kate let's stand aside and see the end of
this controuersie.
Enter Pedant with seruants, Baptista, Tranio.

  Tra. Sir, what are you that offer to beate my seruant?
  Vinc. What am I sir: nay what are you sir: oh immortall
Goddes: oh fine villaine, a silken doublet, a veluet
hose, a scarlet cloake, and a copataine hat: oh I am
vndone, I am vndone: while I plaie the good husband
at home, my sonne and my seruant spend all at the vniuersitie

   Tra. How now, what's the matter?
  Bapt. What is the man lunaticke?
  Tra. Sir, you seeme a sober ancient Gentleman by
your habit: but your words shew you a mad man: why
sir, what cernes it you, if I weare Pearle and gold: I thank
my good Father, I am able to maintaine it

   Vin. Thy father: oh villaine, he is a Saile-maker in

   Bap. You mistake sir, you mistake sir, praie what do
you thinke is his name?
  Vin. His name, as if I knew not his name: I haue
brought him vp euer since he was three yeeres old, and
his name is Tronio

   Ped. Awaie, awaie mad asse, his name is Lucentio, and
he is mine onelie sonne and heire to the Lands of me signior

   Ven. Lucentio: oh he hath murdred his Master; laie
hold on him I charge you in the Dukes name: oh my
sonne, my sonne: tell me thou villaine, where is my son
  Tra. Call forth an officer: Carrie this mad knaue to
the Iaile: father Baptista, I charge you see that hee be
forth comming

   Vinc. Carrie me to the Iaile?
  Gre. Staie officer, he shall not go to prison

   Bap. Talke not signior Gremio: I saie he shall goe to

   Gre. Take heede signior Baptista, least you be conicatcht
in this businesse: I dare sweare this is the right

   Ped. Sweare if thou dar'st

   Gre. Naie, I dare not sweare it

   Tran. Then thou wert best saie that I am not Lucentio

   Gre. Yes, I know thee to be signior Lucentio

   Bap. Awaie with the dotard, to the Iaile with him.
Enter Biondello, Lucentio and Bianeu.

  Vin. Thus strangers may be haild and abusd: oh monstrous

   Bion. Oh we are spoil'd, and yonder he is, denie him,
forsweare him, or else we are all vndone.

Exit Biondello, Tranio and Pedant as fast as may be.

  Luc. Pardon sweete father.


  Vin. Liues my sweete sonne?
  Bian. Pardon deere father

   Bap. How hast thou offended, where is Lucentio?
  Luc. Here's Lucentio, right sonne to the right Vincentio,
That haue by marriage made thy daughter mine,
While counterfeit supposes bleer'd thine eine

   Gre. Here's packing with a witnesse to deceiue vs all

   Vin. Where is that damned villaine Tranio,
That fac'd and braued me in this matter so?
  Bap. Why, tell me is not this my Cambio?
  Bian. Cambio is chang'd into Lucentio

   Luc. Loue wrought these miracles. Biancas loue
Made me exchange my state with Tranio,
While he did beare my countenance in the towne,
And happilie I haue arriued at the last
Vnto the wished hauen of my blisse:
What Tranio did, my selfe enforst him to;
Then pardon him sweete Father for my sake

   Vin. Ile slit the villaines nose that would haue sent
me to the Iaile

   Bap. But doe you heare sir, haue you married my
daughter without asking my good will?
  Vin. Feare not Baptista, we will content you, goe to:
but I will in to be reueng'd for this villanie.

  Bap. And I to sound the depth of this knauerie.

  Luc. Looke not pale Bianca, thy father will not frown.


  Gre. My cake is dough, but Ile in among the rest,
Out of hope of all, but my share of the feast

   Kate. Husband let's follow, to see the end of this adoe

   Petr. First kisse me Kate, and we will

   Kate. What in the midst of the streete?
  Petr. What art thou asham'd of me?
  Kate. No sir, God forbid, but asham'd to kisse

   Petr. Why then let's home againe: Come Sirra let's

   Kate. Nay, I will giue thee a kisse, now praie thee
Loue staie

   Petr. Is not this well? come my sweete Kate.
Better once then neuer, for neuer to late.


Actus Quintus.

Enter Baptista, Vincentio, Gremio, the Pedant, Lucentio, and
Tranio, Biondello Grumio, and Widdow: The Seruingmen with
Tranio bringing
in a Banquet.

  Luc. At last, though long, our iarring notes agree,
And time it is when raging warre is come,
To smile at scapes and perils ouerblowne:
My faire Bianca bid my father welcome,
While I with selfesame kindnesse welcome thine:
Brother Petruchio, sister Katerina,
And thou Hortentio with thy louing Widdow:
Feast with the best, and welcome to my house,
My Banket is to close our stomakes vp
After our great good cheere: praie you sit downe,
For now we sit to chat as well as eate

   Petr. Nothing but sit and sit, and eate and eate

   Bap. Padua affords this kindnesse, sonne Petruchio

   Petr. Padua affords nothing but what is kinde

   Hor. For both our sakes I would that word were true

   Pet. Now for my life Hortentio feares his Widow

   Wid. Then neuer trust me if I be affeard

   Petr. You are verie sencible, and yet you misse my
I meane Hortentio is afeard of you

   Wid. He that is giddie thinks the world turns round

   Petr. Roundlie replied

   Kat. Mistris, how meane you that?
  Wid. Thus I conceiue by him

   Petr. Conceiues by me, how likes Hortentio that?
  Hor. My Widdow saies, thus she conceiues her tale

   Petr. Verie well mended: kisse him for that good

   Kat. He that is giddie thinkes the world turnes round,
I praie you tell me what you meant by that

   Wid. Your housband being troubled with a shrew,
Measures my husbands sorrow by his woe:
And now you know my meaning

   Kate. A verie meane meaning

   Wid. Right, I meane you

   Kat. And I am meane indeede, respecting you

   Petr. To her Kate

   Hor. To her Widdow

   Petr. A hundred marks, my Kate does put her down

   Hor. That's my office
  Petr. Spoke like an Officer: ha to the lad.

Drinkes to Hortentio.

  Bap. How likes Gremio these quicke witted folkes?
  Gre. Beleeue me sir, they But together well

   Bian. Head, and but an hastie witted bodie,
Would say your Head and But were head and horne

   Vin. I Mistris Bride, hath that awakened you?
  Bian. I, but not frighted me, therefore Ile sleepe againe

   Petr. Nay that you shall not since you haue begun:
Haue at you for a better iest or too

   Bian. Am I your Bird, I meane to shift my bush,
And then pursue me as you draw your Bow.
You are welcome all.

Exit Bianca.

  Petr. She hath preuented me, here signior Tranio,
This bird you aim'd at, though you hit her not,
Therefore a health to all that shot and mist

   Tri. Oh sir, Lucentio slipt me like his Gray-hound,
Which runs himselfe, and catches for his Master

   Petr. A good swift simile, but something currish

   Tra. 'Tis well sir that you hunted for your selfe:
'Tis thought your Deere does hold you at a baie

   Bap. Oh, oh Petruchio, Tranio hits you now

   Luc. I thanke thee for that gird good Tranio

   Hor. Confesse, confesse, hath he not hit you here?
  Petr. A has a little gald me I confesse:
And as the Iest did glaunce awaie from me,
'Tis ten to one it maim'd you too out right

   Bap. Now in good sadnesse sonne Petruchio,
I thinke thou hast the veriest shrew of all

   Petr. Well, I say no: and therefore sir assurance,
Let's each one send vnto his wife,
And he whose wife is most obedient,
To come at first when he doth send for her,
Shall win the wager which we will propose

   Hort. Content, what's the wager?
  Luc. Twentie crownes

   Petr. Twentie crownes,
Ile venture so much of my Hawke or Hound,
But twentie times so much vpon my Wife

   Luc. A hundred then

   Hor. Content

   Petr. A match, 'tis done

   Hor. Who shall begin?
  Luc. That will I.
Goe Biondello, bid your Mistris come to me

   Bio. I goe.

  Bap. Sonne, Ile be your halfe, Bianca comes

   Luc. Ile haue no halues: Ile beare it all my selfe.
Enter Biondello.

How now, what newes?
  Bio. Sir, my Mistris sends you word
That she is busie, and she cannot come

   Petr. How? she's busie, and she cannot come: is that
an answere?
  Gre. I, and a kinde one too:
Praie God sir your wife send you not a worse

   Petr. I hope better

   Hor. Sirra Biondello, goe and intreate my wife to
come to me forthwith.

Exit. Bion.

  Pet. Oh ho, intreate her, nay then shee must needes

   Hor. I am affraid sir, doe what you can
Enter Biondello.

Yours will not be entreated: Now, where's my wife?
  Bion. She saies you haue some goodly Iest in hand,
She will not come: she bids you come to her

   Petr. Worse and worse, she will not come:
Oh vilde, intollerable, not to be indur'd:
Sirra Grumio, goe to your Mistris,
Say I command her come to me.

  Hor. I know her answere

   Pet. What?
  Hor. She will not

   Petr. The fouler fortune mine, and there an end.
Enter Katerina.

  Bap. Now by my hollidam here comes Katerina

   Kat. What is your will sir, that you send for me?
  Petr. Where is your sister, and Hortensios wife?
  Kate. They sit conferring by the Parler fire

   Petr. Goe fetch them hither, if they denie to come,
Swinge me them soundly forth vnto their husbands:
Away I say, and bring them hither straight

   Luc. Here is a wonder, if you talke of a wonder

   Hor. And so it is: I wonder what it boads

   Petr. Marrie peace it boads, and loue, and quiet life,
An awfull rule, and right supremicie:
And to be short, what not, that's sweete and happie

   Bap. Now faire befall thee good Petruchio;
The wager thou hast won, and I will adde
Vnto their losses twentie thousand crownes,
Another dowrie to another daughter,
For she is chang'd as she had neuer bin

   Petr. Nay, I will win my wager better yet,
And show more signe of her obedience,
Her new built vertue and obedience.
Enter Kate, Bianca, and Widdow.

See where she comes, and brings your froward Wiues
As prisoners to her womanlie perswasion:
Katerine, that Cap of yours becomes you not,
Off with that bable, throw it vnderfoote

   Wid. Lord let me neuer haue a cause to sigh,
Till I be brought to such a sillie passe

   Bian. Fie what a foolish dutie call you this?
  Luc. I would your dutie were as foolish too:
The wisdome of your dutie faire Bianca,
Hath cost me fiue hundred crownes since supper time

   Bian. The more foole you for laying on my dutie

   Pet. Katherine I charge thee tell these head-strong
women, what dutie they doe owe their Lords and husbands

   Wid. Come, come, your mocking: we will haue no

   Pet. Come on I say, and first begin with her

   Wid. She shall not

   Pet. I say she shall, and first begin with her

   Kate. Fie, fie, vnknit that threatning vnkinde brow,
And dart not scornefull glances from those eies,
To wound thy Lord, thy King, thy Gouernour.
It blots thy beautie, as frosts doe bite the Meads,
Confounds thy fame, as whirlewinds shake faire budds,
And in no sence is meete or amiable.
A woman mou'd, is like a fountaine troubled,
Muddie, ill seeming, thicke, bereft of beautie,
And while it is so, none so dry or thirstie
Will daigne to sip, or touch one drop of it.
Thy husband is thy Lord, thy life, thy keeper,
Thy head, thy soueraigne: One that cares for thee,
And for thy maintenance. Commits his body
To painfull labour, both by sea and land:
To watch the night in stormes, the day in cold,
Whil'st thou ly'st warme at home, secure and safe,
And craues no other tribute at thy hands,
But loue, faire lookes, and true obedience;
Too little payment for so great a debt.
Such dutie as the subiect owes the Prince,
Euen such a woman oweth to her husband:
And when she is froward, peeuish, sullen, sowre,
And not obedient to his honest will,
What is she but a foule contending Rebell,
And gracelesse Traitor to her louing Lord?
I am asham'd that women are so simple,
To offer warre, where they should kneele for peace:
Or seeke for rule, supremacie, and sway,
When they are bound to serue, loue, and obay.
Why are our bodies soft, and weake, and smooth,
Vnapt to toyle and trouble in the world,
But that our soft conditions, and our harts,
Should well agree with our externall parts?
Come, come, you froward and vnable wormes,
My minde hath bin as bigge as one of yours,
My heart as great, my reason haplie more,
To bandie word for word, and frowne for frowne;
But now I see our Launces are but strawes:
Our strength as weake, our weakenesse past compare,
That seeming to be most, which we indeed least are.
Then vale your stomackes, for it is no boote,
And place your hands below your husbands foote:
In token of which dutie, if he please,
My hand is readie, may it do him ease

   Pet. Why there's a wench: Come on, and kisse mee

   Luc. Well go thy waies olde Lad for thou shalt ha't

   Vin. Tis a good hearing, when children are toward

   Luc. But a harsh hearing, when women are froward,
  Pet. Come Kate, wee'le to bed,
We three are married, but you two are sped.
'Twas I wonne the wager, though you hit the white,
And being a winner, God giue you good night.

Exit Petruchio

  Horten. Now goe thy wayes, thou hast tam'd a curst

   Luc. Tis a wonder, by your leaue, she wil be tam'd so.

FINIS. THE Taming of the Shrew.
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