William Shakespear

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Corio. Scratches with Briars, scarres to moue
Laughter onely

   Mene. Consider further:
That when he speakes not like a Citizen,
You finde him like a Soldier: do not take
His rougher Actions for malicious sounds:
But as I say, such as become a Soldier,
Rather then enuy you

   Com. Well, well, no more

   Corio. What is the matter,
That being past for Consull with full voyce:
I am so dishonour'd, that the very houre
You take it off againe

   Sicin. Answer to vs

   Corio. Say then: 'tis true, I ought so
  Sicin. We charge you, that you haue contriu'd to take
From Rome all season'd Office, and to winde
Your selfe into a power tyrannicall,
For which you are a Traitor to the people

   Corio. How? Traytor?
  Mene. Nay temperately: your promise

   Corio. The fires i'th' lowest hell. Fould in the people:
Call me their Traitor, thou iniurious Tribune.
Within thine eyes sate twenty thousand deaths
In thy hands clutcht: as many Millions in
Thy lying tongue, both numbers. I would say
Thou lyest vnto thee, with a voice as free,
As I do pray the Gods

   Sicin. Marke you this people?
  All. To'th' Rocke, to'th' Rocke with him

   Sicin. Peace:
We neede not put new matter to his charge:
What you haue seene him do, and heard him speake:
Beating your Officers, cursing your selues,
Opposing Lawes with stroakes, and heere defying
Those whose great power must try him.
Euen this so criminall, and in such capitall kinde
Deserues th' extreamest death

   Bru. But since he hath seru'd well for Rome

   Corio. What do you prate of Seruice

   Brut. I talke of that, that know it

   Corio. You?
  Mene. Is this the promise that you made your mother

   Com. Know, I pray you

   Corio. Ile know no further:
Let them pronounce the steepe Tarpeian death,
Vagabond exile, Fleaing, pent to linger
But with a graine a day, I would not buy
Their mercie, at the price of one faire word,
Nor checke my Courage for what they can giue,
To haue't with saying, Good morrow

   Sicin. For that he ha's
(As much as in him lies) from time to time
Enui'd against the people; seeking meanes
To plucke away their power: as now at last,
Giuen Hostile strokes, and that not in the presence
Of dreaded Iustice, but on the Ministers
That doth distribute it. In the name a'th' people,
And in the power of vs the Tribunes, wee
(Eu'n from this instant) banish him our Citie
In perill of precipitation
From off the Rocke Tarpeian, neuer more
To enter our Rome gates. I'th' Peoples name,
I say it shall bee so

   All. It shall be so, it shall be so: let him away:
Hee's banish'd, and it shall be so

   Com. Heare me my Masters, and my common friends

   Sicin. He's sentenc'd: No more hearing

   Com. Let me speake:
I haue bene Consull, and can shew from Rome
Her Enemies markes vpon me. I do loue
My Countries good, with a respect more tender,
More holy, and profound, then mine owne life,
My deere Wiues estimate, her wombes encrease,
And treasure of my Loynes: then if I would
Speake that

   Sicin. We know your drift. Speake what?
  Bru. There's no more to be said, but he is banish'd
As Enemy to the people, and his Countrey.
It shall bee so

   All. It shall be so, it shall be so

   Corio. You common cry of Curs, whose breath I hate,
As reeke a'th' rotten Fennes: whose Loues I prize,
As the dead Carkasses of vnburied men,
That do corrupt my Ayre: I banish you,
And heere remaine with your vncertaintie.
Let euery feeble Rumor shake your hearts:
Your Enemies, with nodding of their Plumes
Fan you into dispaire: Haue the power still
To banish your Defenders, till at length
Your ignorance (which findes not till it feeles,
Making but reseruation of your selues,
Still your owne Foes) deliuer you
As most abated Captiues, to some Nation
That wonne you without blowes, despising
For you the City. Thus I turne my backe;
There is a world elsewhere.

Exeunt. Coriolanus, Cominius, with Cumalijs. They all shout, and
throw vp
their Caps.

  Edile. The peoples Enemy is gone, is gone

   All. Our enemy is banish'd, he is gone: Hoo, oo

   Sicin. Go see him out at Gates, and follow him
As he hath follow'd you, with all despight
Giue him deseru'd vexation. Let a guard
Attend vs through the City

   All. Come, come, lets see him out at gates, come:
The Gods preserue our Noble Tribunes, come.


Actus Quartus.

Enter Coriolanus, Volumnia, Virgilia, Menenius, Cominius, with
the yong
Nobility of Rome.

  Corio. Come leaue your teares: a brief farwel: the beast
With many heads butts me away. Nay Mother,
Where is your ancient Courage? You were vs'd
To say, Extreamities was the trier of spirits,
That common chances. Common men could beare,
That when the Sea was calme, all Boats alike
Shew'd Mastership in floating. Fortunes blowes,
When most strooke home, being gentle wounded, craues
A Noble cunning. You were vs'd to load me
With Precepts that would make inuincible
The heart that conn'd them

   Virg. Oh heauens! O heauens!
  Corio. Nay, I prythee woman

   Vol. Now the Red Pestilence strike al Trades in Rome,
And Occupations perish

   Corio. What, what, what:
I shall be lou'd when I am lack'd. Nay Mother,
Resume that Spirit, when you were wont to say,
If you had beene the Wife of Hercules,
Six of his Labours youl'd haue done, and sau'd
Your Husband so much swet. Cominius,
Droope not, Adieu: Farewell my Wife, my Mother,
Ile do well yet. Thou old and true Menenius,
Thy teares are salter then a yonger mans,
And venomous to thine eyes. My (sometime) Generall,
I haue seene the Sterne, and thou hast oft beheld
Heart-hardning spectacles. Tell these sad women,
Tis fond to waile ineuitable strokes,
As 'tis to laugh at 'em. My Mother, you wot well
My hazards still haue beene your solace, and
Beleeu't not lightly, though I go alone
Like to a lonely Dragon, that his Fenne
Makes fear'd, and talk'd of more then seene: your Sonne
Will or exceed the Common, or be caught
With cautelous baits and practice

   Volum. My first sonne,
Whether will thou go? Take good Cominius
With thee awhile: Determine on some course
More then a wilde exposture, to each chance
That starts i'th' way before thee

   Corio. O the Gods!
  Com. Ile follow thee a Moneth, deuise with thee
Where thou shalt rest, that thou may'st heare of vs,
And we of thee. So if the time thrust forth
A cause for thy Repeale, we shall not send
O're the vast world, to seeke a single man,
And loose aduantage, which doth euer coole
Ith' absence of the needer

   Corio. Fare ye well:
Thou hast yeares vpon thee, and thou art too full
Of the warres surfets, to go roue with one
That's yet vnbruis'd: bring me but out at gate.
Come my sweet wife, my deerest Mother, and
My Friends of Noble touch: when I am forth,
Bid me farewell, and smile. I pray you come:
While I remaine aboue the ground, you shall
Heare from me still, and neuer of me ought
But what is like me formerly

   Menen. That's worthily
As any eare can heare. Come, let's not weepe,
If I could shake off but one seuen yeeres
From these old armes and legges, by the good Gods
I'ld with thee, euery foot

   Corio. Giue me thy hand, come.


Enter the two Tribunes, Sicinius, and Brutus, with the Edile.

  Sicin. Bid them all home, he's gone: & wee'l no further,
The Nobility are vexed, whom we see haue sided
In his behalfe

   Brut. Now we haue shewne our power,
Let vs seeme humbler after it is done,
Then when it was a dooing

   Sicin. Bid them home: say their great enemy is gone,
And they, stand in their ancient strength

   Brut. Dismisse them home. Here comes his Mother.
Enter Volumnia, Virgilia, and Menenius.

  Sicin. Let's not meet her

   Brut. Why?
  Sicin. They say she's mad

   Brut. They haue tane note of vs: keepe on your way

   Volum. Oh y'are well met:
Th' hoorded plague a'th' Gods requit your loue

   Menen. Peace, peace, be not so loud

   Volum. If that I could for weeping, you should heare,
Nay, and you shall heare some. Will you be gone?
  Virg. You shall stay too: I would I had the power
To say so to my Husband

   Sicin. Are you mankinde?
  Volum. I foole, is that a shame. Note but this Foole,
Was not a man my Father? Had'st thou Foxship
To banish him that strooke more blowes for Rome
Then thou hast spoken words

   Sicin. Oh blessed Heauens!
  Volum. Moe Noble blowes, then euer y wise words.
And for Romes good, Ile tell thee what: yet goe:
Nay but thou shalt stay too: I would my Sonne
Were in Arabia, and thy Tribe before him,
His good Sword in his hand

   Sicin. What then?
  Virg. When then? Hee'ld make an end of thy posterity
  Volum. Bastards, and all.
Good man, the Wounds that he does beare for Rome!
  Menen. Come, come, peace

   Sicin. I would he had continued to his Country
As he began, and not vnknit himselfe
The Noble knot he made

   Bru. I would he had

   Volum. I would he had? Twas thou incenst the rable.
Cats, that can iudge as fitly of his worth,
As I can of those Mysteries which heauen
Will not haue earth to know

   Brut. Pray let's go

   Volum. Now pray sir get you gone.
You haue done a braue deede: Ere you go, heare this:
As farre as doth the Capitoll exceede
The meanest house in Rome; so farre my Sonne
This Ladies Husband heere; this (do you see)
Whom you haue banish'd, does exceed you all

   Bru. Well, well, wee'l leaue you

   Sicin. Why stay we to be baited
With one that wants her Wits.

Exit Tribunes.

  Volum. Take my Prayers with you.
I would the Gods had nothing else to do,
But to confirme my Cursses. Could I meete 'em
But once a day, it would vnclogge my heart
Of what lyes heauy too't

   Mene. You haue told them home,
And by my troth you haue cause: you'l Sup with me

   Volum. Angers my Meate: I suppe vpon my selfe,
And so shall sterue with Feeding: come, let's go,
Leaue this faint-puling, and lament as I do,
In Anger, Iuno-like: Come, come, come.


  Mene. Fie, fie, fie.

Enter a Roman, and a Volce.

  Rom. I know you well sir, and you know mee: your
name I thinke is Adrian

   Volce. It is so sir, truly I haue forgot you

   Rom. I am a Roman, and my Seruices are as you are,
against 'em. Know you me yet

   Volce. Nicanor: no

   Rom. The same sir

   Volce. You had more Beard when I last saw you, but
your Fauour is well appear'd by your Tongue. What's
the Newes in Rome: I haue a Note from the Volcean
state to finde you out there. You haue well saued mee a
dayes iourney

   Rom. There hath beene in Rome straunge Insurrections:
The people, against the Senatours, Patricians, and

   Vol. Hath bin; is it ended then? Our State thinks not
so, they are in a most warlike preparation, & hope to com
vpon them, in the heate of their diuision
  Rom. The maine blaze of it is past, but a small thing
would make it flame againe. For the Nobles receyue so
to heart, the Banishment of that worthy Coriolanus, that
they are in a ripe aptnesse, to take al power from the people,
and to plucke from them their Tribunes for euer.
This lyes glowing I can tell you, and is almost mature for
the violent breaking out

   Vol. Coriolanus Banisht?
  Rom. Banish'd sir

   Vol. You will be welcome with this intelligence Nicanor

   Rom. The day serues well for them now. I haue heard
it saide, the fittest time to corrupt a mans Wife, is when
shee's falne out with her Husband. Your Noble Tullus
Auffidius will appeare well in these Warres, his great
Opposer Coriolanus being now in no request of his countrey

   Volce. He cannot choose: I am most fortunate, thus
accidentally to encounter you. You haue ended my Businesse,
and I will merrily accompany you home

   Rom. I shall betweene this and Supper, tell you most
strange things from Rome: all tending to the good of
their Aduersaries. Haue you an Army ready say you?
  Vol. A most Royall one: The Centurions, and their
charges distinctly billetted already in th' entertainment,
and to be on foot at an houres warning

   Rom. I am ioyfull to heare of their readinesse, and am
the man I thinke, that shall set them in present Action. So
sir, heartily well met, and most glad of your Company

   Volce. You take my part from me sir, I haue the most
cause to be glad of yours

   Rom. Well, let vs go together.


Enter Coriolanus in meane Apparrell, disguisd, and muffled.

  Corio. A goodly City is this Antium. Citty,
'Tis I that made thy Widdowes: Many an heyre
Of these faire Edifices fore my Warres
Haue I heard groane, and drop: Then know me not,
Least that thy Wiues with Spits, and Boyes with stones
In puny Battell slay me. Saue you sir.
Enter a Citizen.

  Cit. And you

   Corio. Direct me, if it be your will, where great Auffidius
lies: Is he in Antium?
  Cit. He is, and Feasts the Nobles of the State, at his
house this night

   Corio. Which is his house, beseech you?
  Cit. This heere before you

   Corio. Thanke you sir, farewell.

Exit Citizen

Oh World, thy slippery turnes! Friends now fast sworn,
Whose double bosomes seemes to weare one heart,
Whose Houres, whose Bed, whose Meale and Exercise
Are still together: who Twin (as 'twere) in Loue,
Vnseparable, shall within this houre,
On a dissention of a Doit, breake out
To bitterest Enmity: So fellest Foes,
Whose Passions, and whose Plots haue broke their sleep
To take the one the other, by some chance,
Some tricke not worth an Egge, shall grow deere friends
And inter-ioyne their yssues. So with me,
My Birth-place haue I, and my loues vpon
This Enemie Towne: Ile enter, if he slay me
He does faire Iustice: if he giue me way,
Ile do his Country Seruice.


Musicke playes. Enter a Seruingman.

  1 Ser. Wine, Wine, Wine: What seruice is heere? I
thinke our Fellowes are asleepe.

Enter another Seruingman.

  2 Ser. Where's Cotus: my M[aster]. cals for him: Cotus.


Enter Coriolanus.

  Corio. A goodly House:
The Feast smels well: but I appeare not like a Guest.
Enter the first Seruingman.

  1 Ser. What would you haue Friend? whence are you?
Here's no place for you: pray go to the doore?


  Corio. I haue deseru'd no better entertainment, in being
Enter second Seruant.

  2 Ser. Whence are you sir? Ha's the Porter his eyes in
his head, that he giues entrance to such Companions?
Pray get you out

   Corio. Away

   2 Ser. Away? Get you away

   Corio. Now th'art troublesome

   2 Ser. Are you so braue: Ile haue you talkt with anon
Enter 3 Seruingman, the 1 meets him.

  3 What Fellowes this?
  1 A strange one as euer I look'd on: I cannot get him
out o'thhouse: Prythee call my Master to him

   3 What haue you to do here fellow? Pray you auoid
the house

   Corio. Let me but stand, I will not hurt your Harth

   3 What are you?
  Corio. A Gentleman

   3 A maru'llous poore one

   Corio. True, so I am

   3 Pray you poore Gentleman, take vp some other station:
Heere's no place for you, pray you auoid: Come

   Corio. Follow your Function, go, and batten on colde

Pushes him away from him.

  3 What you will not? Prythee tell my Maister what
a strange Guest he ha's heere

   2 And I shall.

Exit second Seruingman.

  3 Where dwel'st thou?
  Corio. Vnder the Canopy

   3 Vnder the Canopy?
  Corio. I

   3 Where's that?
  Corio. I'th City of Kites and crowes

   3 I'th City of Kites and Crowes? What an Asse it is,
then thou dwel'st with Dawes too?
  Corio. No, I serue not thy Master

   3 How sir? Do you meddle with my Master?
  Corio. I, tis an honester seruice, then to meddle with
thy Mistris: Thou prat'st, and prat'st, serue with thy trencher:

Beats him away

Enter Auffidius with the Seruingman.

  Auf. Where is this Fellow?
  2 Here sir, I'de haue beaten him like a dogge, but for
disturbing the Lords within

   Auf. Whence com'st thou? What wouldst y? Thy name?
Why speak'st not? Speake man: What's thy name?
  Corio. If Tullus not yet thou know'st me, and seeing
me, dost not thinke me for the man I am, necessitie commands
me name my selfe

   Auf. What is thy name?
  Corio. A name vnmusicall to the Volcians eares,
And harsh in sound to thine

   Auf. Say, what's thy name?
Thou hast a Grim apparance, and thy Face
Beares a Command in't: Though thy Tackles torne,
Thou shew'st a Noble Vessell: What's thy name?
  Corio. Prepare thy brow to frowne: knowst y me yet?
  Auf. I know thee not? Thy Name:
  Corio. My name is Caius Martius, who hath done
To thee particularly, and to all the Volces
Great hurt and Mischiefe: thereto witnesse may
My Surname Coriolanus. The painfull Seruice,
The extreme Dangers, and the droppes of Blood
Shed for my thanklesse Country, are requitted:
But with that Surname, a good memorie
And witnesse of the Malice and Displeasure
Which thou should'st beare me, only that name remains.
The Cruelty and Enuy of the people,
Permitted by our dastard Nobles, who
Haue all forsooke me, hath deuour'd the rest:
And suffer'd me by th' voyce of Slaues to be
Hoop'd out of Rome. Now this extremity,
Hath brought me to thy Harth, not out of Hope
(Mistake me not) to saue my life: for if
I had fear'd death, of all the Men i'th' World
I would haue voided thee. But in meere spight
To be full quit of those my Banishers,
Stand I before thee heere: Then if thou hast
A heart of wreake in thee, that wilt reuenge
Thine owne particular wrongs, and stop those maimes
Of shame seene through thy Country, speed thee straight
And make my misery serue thy turne: So vse it,
That my reuengefull Seruices may proue
As Benefits to thee. For I will fight
Against my Cankred Countrey, with the Spleene
Of all the vnder Fiends. But if so be,
Thou dar'st not this, and that to proue more Fortunes
Th'art tyr'd, then in a word, I also am
Longer to liue most wearie: and present
My throat to thee, and to thy Ancient Malice:
Which not to cut, would shew thee but a Foole,
Since I haue euer followed thee with hate,
Drawne Tunnes of Blood out of thy Countries brest,
And cannot liue but to thy shame, vnlesse
It be to do thee seruice

   Auf. Oh Martius, Martius;
Each word thou hast spoke, hath weeded from my heart
A roote of Ancient Enuy. If Iupiter
Should from yond clowd speake diuine things,
And say 'tis true; I'de not beleeue them more
Then thee all-Noble Martius. Let me twine
Mine armes about that body, where against
My grained Ash an hundred times hath broke,
And scarr'd the Moone with splinters: heere I cleep
The Anuile of my Sword, and do contest
As hotly, and as Nobly with thy Loue,
As euer in Ambitious strength, I did
Contend against thy Valour. Know thou first,
I lou'd the Maid I married: neuer man
Sigh'd truer breath. But that I see thee heere
Thou Noble thing, more dances my rapt heart,
Then when I first my wedded Mistris saw
Bestride my Threshold. Why, thou Mars I tell thee,
We haue a Power on foote: and I had purpose
Once more to hew thy Target from thy Brawne,
Or loose mine Arme for't: Thou hast beate mee out
Twelue seuerall times, and I haue nightly since
Dreamt of encounters 'twixt thy selfe and me:
We haue beene downe together in my sleepe,
Vnbuckling Helmes, fisting each others Throat,
And wak'd halfe dead with nothing. Worthy Martius,
Had we no other quarrell else to Rome, but that
Thou art thence Banish'd, we would muster all
From twelue, to seuentie: and powring Warre
Into the bowels of vngratefull Rome,
Like a bold Flood o're-beate. Oh come, go in,
And take our friendly Senators by'th' hands
Who now are heere, taking their leaues of mee,
Who am prepar'd against your Territories,
Though not for Rome it selfe

   Corio. You blesse me Gods

   Auf. Therefore most absolute Sir, if thou wilt haue
The leading of thine owne Reuenges, take
Th' one halfe of my Commission, and set downe
As best thou art experienc'd, since thou know'st
Thy Countries strength and weaknesse, thine own waies
Whether to knocke against the Gates of Rome,
Or rudely visit them in parts remote,
To fright them, ere destroy. But come in,
Let me commend thee first, to those that shall
Say yea to thy desires. A thousand welcomes,
And more a Friend, then ere an Enemie,
Yet Martius that was much. Your hand: most welcome.


Enter two of the Seruingmen.

  1 Heere's a strange alteration?
  2 By my hand, I had thoght to haue stroken him with
a Cudgell, and yet my minde gaue me, his cloathes made
a false report of him

   1 What an Arme he has, he turn'd me about with his
finger and his thumbe, as one would set vp a Top

   2 Nay, I knew by his face that there was some-thing
in him. He had sir, a kinde of face me thought, I cannot
tell how to tearme it

   1 He had so, looking as it were, would I were hang'd
but I thought there was more in him, then I could think

   2 So did I, Ile be sworne: He is simply the rarest man
i'th' world

   1 I thinke he is: but a greater soldier then he,
You wot one

   2 Who my Master?
  1 Nay, it's no matter for that

   2 Worth six on him

   1 Nay not so neither: but I take him to be the greater

   2 Faith looke you, one cannot tell how to say that: for
the Defence of a Towne, our Generall is excellent

   1 I, and for an assault too.
Enter the third Seruingman.

  3 Oh Slaues, I can tell you Newes, News you Rascals
  Both. What, what, what? Let's partake

   3 I would not be a Roman of all Nations; I had as
liue be a condemn'd man

   Both. Wherefore? Wherefore?
  3 Why here's he that was wont to thwacke our Generall,
Caius Martius

   1 Why do you say, thwacke our Generall?
  3 I do not say thwacke our Generall, but he was alwayes
good enough for him
  2 Come we are fellowes and friends: he was euer too
hard for him, I haue heard him say so himselfe

   1 He was too hard for him directly, to say the Troth
on't before Corioles, he scotcht him, and notcht him like a

   2 And hee had bin Cannibally giuen, hee might haue
boyld and eaten him too

   1 But more of thy Newes

   3 Why he is so made on heere within, as if hee were
Son and Heire to Mars, set at vpper end o'th' Table: No
question askt him by any of the Senators, but they stand
bald before him. Our Generall himselfe makes a Mistris
of him, Sanctifies himselfe with's hand, and turnes vp the
white o'th' eye to his Discourse. But the bottome of the
Newes is, our Generall is cut i'th' middle, & but one halfe
of what he was yesterday. For the other ha's halfe, by
the intreaty and graunt of the whole Table. Hee'l go he
sayes, and sole the Porter of Rome Gates by th' eares. He
will mowe all downe before him, and leaue his passage

   2 And he's as like to do't, as any man I can imagine

   3 Doo't? he will doo't: for look you sir, he has as many
Friends as Enemies: which Friends sir as it were, durst
not (looke you sir) shew themselues (as we terme it) his
Friends, whilest he's in Directitude

   1 Directitude? What's that?
  3 But when they shall see sir, his Crest vp againe, and
the man in blood, they will out of their Burroughes (like
Conies after Raine) and reuell all with him

   1 But when goes this forward:
  3 To morrow, to day, presently, you shall haue the
Drum strooke vp this afternoone: 'Tis as it were a parcel
of their Feast, and to be executed ere they wipe their lips

   2 Why then wee shall haue a stirring World againe:
This peace is nothing, but to rust Iron, encrease Taylors,
and breed Ballad-makers

   1 Let me haue Warre say I, it exceeds peace as farre
as day do's night: It's sprightly walking, audible, and full
of Vent. Peace, is a very Apoplexy, Lethargie, mull'd,
deafe, sleepe, insensible, a getter of more bastard Children,
then warres a destroyer of men

   2 'Tis so, and as warres in some sort may be saide to
be a Rauisher, so it cannot be denied, but peace is a great
maker of Cuckolds

   1 I, and it makes men hate one another

   3 Reason, because they then lesse neede one another:
The Warres for my money. I hope to see Romanes as
cheape as Volcians. They are rising, they are rising

   Both. In, in, in, in.


Enter the two Tribunes, Sicinius, and Brutus.

  Sicin. We heare not of him, neither need we fear him,
His remedies are tame, the present peace,
And quietnesse of the people, which before
Were in wilde hurry. Heere do we make his Friends
Blush, that the world goes well: who rather had,
Though they themselues did suffer by't, behold
Dissentious numbers pestring streets, then see
Our Tradesmen singing in their shops, and going
About their Functions friendly.
Enter Menenius.

  Bru. We stood too't in good time. Is this Menenius?
  Sicin. 'Tis he, 'tis he: O he is grown most kind of late:
Haile Sir

   Mene. Haile to you both

   Sicin. Your Coriolanus is not much mist, but with his
Friends: the Commonwealth doth stand, and so would
do, were he more angry at it

   Mene. All's well, and might haue bene much better,
if he could haue temporiz'd

   Sicin. Where is he, heare you?
  Mene. Nay I heare nothing:
His Mother and his wife, heare nothing from him.
Enter three or foure Citizens.

  All. The Gods preserue you both

   Sicin. Gooden our Neighbours

   Bru. Gooden to you all, gooden to you all

   1 Our selues, our wiues, and children, on our knees,
Are bound to pray for you both

   Sicin. Liue, and thriue

   Bru. Farewell kinde Neighbours:
We wisht Coriolanus had lou'd you as we did

   All. Now the Gods keepe you

   Both Tri. Farewell, farewell.

Exeunt. Citizens

  Sicin. This is a happier and more comely time,
Then when these Fellowes ran about the streets,
Crying Confusion

   Bru. Caius Martius was
A worthy Officer i'th' Warre, but Insolent,
O'recome with Pride, Ambitious, past all thinking

   Sicin. And affecting one sole Throne, without assista[n]ce
  Mene. I thinke not so

   Sicin. We should by this, to all our Lamention,
If he had gone forth Consull, found it so

   Bru. The Gods haue well preuented it, and Rome
Sits safe and still, without him.
Enter an aedile.

  Aedile. Worthy Tribunes,
There is a Slaue whom we haue put in prison,
Reports the Volces with two seuerall Powers
Are entred in the Roman Territories,
And with the deepest malice of the Warre,
Destroy, what lies before' em

   Mene. 'Tis Auffidius,
Who hearing of our Martius Banishment,
Thrusts forth his hornes againe into the world
Which were In-shell'd, when Martius stood for Rome,
And durst not once peepe out

   Sicin. Come, what talke you of Martius

   Bru. Go see this Rumorer whipt, it cannot be,
The Volces dare breake with vs

   Mene. Cannot be?
We haue Record, that very well it can,
And three examples of the like, hath beene
Within my Age. But reason with the fellow
Before you punish him, where he heard this,
Least you shall chance to whip your Information,
And beate the Messenger, who bids beware
Of what is to be dreaded

   Sicin. Tell not me: I know this cannot be

   Bru. Not possible.
Enter a Messenger.

  Mes. The Nobles in great earnestnesse are going
All to the Senate-house: some newes is comming
That turnes their Countenances

   Sicin. 'Tis this Slaue:
Go whip him fore the peoples eyes: His raising,
Nothing but his report

   Mes. Yes worthy Sir,
The Slaues report is seconded, and more
More fearfull is deliuer'd

   Sicin. What more fearefull?
  Mes. It is spoke freely out of many mouths,
How probable I do not know, that Martius
Ioyn'd with Auffidius, leads a power 'gainst Rome,
And vowes Reuenge as spacious, as betweene
The yong'st and oldest thing

   Sicin. This is most likely

   Bru. Rais'd onely, that the weaker sort may wish
Good Martius home againe

   Sicin. The very tricke on't

   Mene. This is vnlikely,
He, and Auffidius can no more attone
Then violent'st Contrariety.
Enter Messenger.

  Mes. You are sent for to the Senate:
A fearefull Army, led by Caius Martius,
Associated with Auffidius, Rages
Vpon our Territories, and haue already
O're-borne their way, consum'd with fire, and tooke
What lay before them.
Enter Cominius.

  Com. Oh you haue made good worke

   Mene. What newes? What newes?
  Com. You haue holp to rauish your owne daughters, &
To melt the Citty Leades vpon your pates,
To see your Wiues dishonour'd to your Noses

   Mene. What's the newes? What's the newes?
  Com. Your Temples burned in their Ciment, and
Your Franchises, whereon you stood, confin'd
Into an Augors boare

   Mene. Pray now, your Newes:
You haue made faire worke I feare me: pray your newes,
If Martius should be ioyn'd with Volceans

   Com. If? He is their God, he leads them like a thing
Made by some other Deity then Nature,
That shapes man Better: and they follow him
Against vs Brats, with no lesse Confidence,
Then Boyes pursuing Summer Butter-flies,
Or Butchers killing Flyes

   Mene. You haue made good worke,
You and your Apron men: you, that stood so much
Vpon the voyce of occupation, and
The breath of Garlicke-eaters

   Com. Hee'l shake your Rome about your eares

   Mene. As Hercules did shake downe Mellow Fruite:
You haue made faire worke

   Brut. But is this true sir?
  Com. I, and you'l looke pale
Before you finde it other. All the Regions
Do smilingly Reuolt, and who resists
Are mock'd for valiant Ignorance,
And perish constant Fooles: who is't can blame him?
Your Enemies and his, finde something in him

   Mene. We are all vndone, vnlesse
The Noble man haue mercy

   Com. Who shall aske it?
The Tribunes cannot doo't for shame; the people
Deserue such pitty of him, as the Wolfe
Doe's of the Shepheards: For his best Friends, if they
Should say be good to Rome, they charg'd him, euen
As those should do that had deseru'd his hate,
And therein shew'd like Enemies

   Me. 'Tis true, if he were putting to my house, the brand
That should consume it, I haue not the face
To say, beseech you cease. You haue made faire hands,
You and your Crafts, you haue crafted faire

   Com. You haue brought
A Trembling vpon Rome, such as was neuer
S' incapeable of helpe

   Tri. Say not, we brought it

   Mene. How? Was't we? We lou'd him,
But like Beasts, and Cowardly Nobles,
Gaue way vnto your Clusters, who did hoote
Him out o'th' Citty

   Com. But I feare
They'l roare him in againe. Tullus Affidius,
The second name of men, obeyes his points
As if he were his Officer: Desperation,
Is all the Policy, Strength, and Defence
That Rome can make against them.
Enter a Troope of Citizens.

  Mene. Heere come the Clusters.
And is Auffidius with him? You are they
That made the Ayre vnwholsome, when you cast
Your stinking, greasie Caps, in hooting
At Coriolanus Exile. Now he's comming,
And not a haire vpon a Souldiers head
Which will not proue a whip: As many Coxcombes
As you threw Caps vp, will he tumble downe,
And pay you for your voyces. 'Tis no matter,
If he could burne vs all into one coale,
We haue deseru'd it

   Omnes. Faith, we heare fearfull Newes

   1 Cit. For mine owne part,
When I said banish him, I said 'twas pitty

   2 And so did I

   3 And so did I: and to say the truth, so did very many
of vs, that we did we did for the best, and though wee
willingly consented to his Banishment, yet it was against
our will

   Com. Y'are goodly things, you Voyces

   Mene. You haue made good worke
You and your cry. Shal's to the Capitoll?
  Com. Oh I, what else?

Exeunt. both.

  Sicin. Go Masters get you home, be not dismaid,
These are a Side, that would be glad to haue
This true, which they so seeme to feare. Go home,
And shew no signe of Feare

   1 Cit. The Gods bee good to vs: Come Masters let's
home, I euer said we were i'th wrong, when we banish'd

   2 Cit. So did we all. But come, let's home.

Exit Cit.

  Bru. I do not like this Newes

   Sicin. Nor I

   Bru. Let's to the Capitoll: would halfe my wealth
Would buy this for a lye

   Sicin. Pray let's go.

Exeunt. Tribunes.

Enter Auffidius with his Lieutenant.

  Auf. Do they still flye to'th' Roman?
  Lieu. I do not know what Witchcraft's in him: but
Your Soldiers vse him as the Grace 'fore meate,
Their talke at Table, and their Thankes at end,
And you are darkned in this action Sir,
Euen by your owne

   Auf. I cannot helpe it now,
Vnlesse by vsing meanes I lame the foote
Of our designe. He beares himselfe more proudlier,
Euen to my person, then I thought he would
When first I did embrace him. Yet his Nature
In that's no Changeling, and I must excuse
What cannot be amended

   Lieu. Yet I wish Sir,
(I meane for your particular) you had not
Ioyn'd in Commission with him: but either haue borne
The action of your selfe, or else to him, had left it soly

   Auf. I vnderstand thee well, and be thou sure
When he shall come to his account, he knowes not
What I can vrge against him, although it seemes
And so he thinkes, and is no lesse apparant
To th' vulgar eye, that he beares all things fairely:
And shewes good Husbandry for the Volcian State,
Fights Dragon-like, and does atcheeue as soone
As draw his Sword: yet he hath left vndone
That which shall breake his necke, or hazard mine,
When ere we come to our account

   Lieu. Sir, I beseech you, think you he'l carry Rome?
  Auf. All places yeelds to him ere he sits downe,
And the Nobility of Rome are his:
The Senators and Patricians loue him too:
The Tribunes are no Soldiers: and their people
Will be as rash in the repeale, as hasty
To expell him thence. I thinke hee'l be to Rome
As is the Aspray to the Fish, who takes it
By Soueraignty of Nature. First, he was
A Noble seruant to them, but he could not
Carry his Honors eeuen: whether 'twas Pride
Which out of dayly Fortune euer taints
The happy man; whether detect of iudgement,
To faile in the disposing of those chances
Which he was Lord of: or whether Nature,
Not to be other then one thing, not moouing
From th' Caske to th' Cushion: but commanding peace
Euen with the same austerity and garbe,
As he controll'd the warre. But one of these
(As he hath spices of them all) not all,
For I dare so farre free him, made him fear'd,
So hated, and so banish'd: but he ha's a Merit
To choake it in the vtt'rance: So our Vertue,
Lie in th' interpretation of the time,
And power vnto it selfe most commendable,
Hath not a Tombe so euident as a Chaire
T' extoll what it hath done.
One fire driues out one fire; one Naile, one Naile;
Rights by rights fouler, strengths by strengths do faile.
Come let's away: when Caius Rome is thine,
Thou art poor'st of all; then shortly art thou mine.


Actus Quintus.

Enter Menenius, Cominius, Sicinius, Brutus, the two Tribunes,

  Menen. No, ile not go: you heare what he hath said
Which was sometime his Generall: who loued him
In a most deere particular. He call'd me Father:
But what o'that? Go you that banish'd him
A Mile before his Tent, fall downe, and knee
The way into his mercy: Nay, if he coy'd
To heare Cominius speake, Ile keepe at home

   Com. He would not seeme to know me

   Menen. Do you heare?
  Com. Yet one time he did call me by my name:
I vrg'd our old acquaintance, and the drops
That we haue bled together. Coriolanus
He would not answer too: Forbad all Names,
He was a kinde of Nothing, Titlelesse,
Till he had forg'd himselfe a name a'th' fire
Of burning Rome

   Menen. Why so: you haue made good worke:
A paire of Tribunes, that haue wrack'd for Rome,
To make Coales cheape: A Noble memory

   Com. I minded him, how Royall 'twas to pardon
When it was lesse expected. He replyed
It was a bare petition of a State
To one whom they had punish'd

   Menen. Very well, could he say lesse

   Com. I offered to awaken his regard
For's priuate Friends. His answer to me was
He could not stay to picke them, in a pile
Of noysome musty Chaffe. He said, 'twas folly
For one poore graine or two, to leaue vnburnt
And still to nose th' offence

   Menen. For one poore graine or two?
I am one of those: his Mother, Wife, his Childe,
And this braue Fellow too: we are the Graines,
You are the musty Chaffe, and you are smelt
Aboue the Moone. We must be burnt for you

   Sicin. Nay, pray be patient: If you refuse your ayde
In this so neuer-needed helpe, yet do not
Vpbraid's with our distresse. But sure if you
Would be your Countries Pleader, your good tongue
More then the instant Armie we can make
Might stop our Countryman

   Mene. No: Ile not meddle

   Sicin. Pray you go to him

   Mene. What should I do?
  Bru. Onely make triall what your Loue can do,
For Rome, towards Martius

   Mene. Well, and say that Martius returne mee,
As Cominius is return'd, vnheard: what then?
But as a discontented Friend, greefe-shot
With his vnkindnesse. Say't be so?
  Sicin. Yet your good will
Must haue that thankes from Rome, after the measure
As you intended well

   Mene. Ile vndertak't:
I thinke hee'l heare me. Yet to bite his lip,
And humme at good Cominius, much vnhearts mee.
He was not taken well, he had not din'd,
The Veines vnfill'd, our blood is cold, and then
We powt vpon the Morning, are vnapt
To giue or to forgiue; but when we haue stufft
These Pipes, and these Conueyances of our blood
With Wine and Feeding, we haue suppler Soules
Then in our Priest-like Fasts: therefore Ile watch him
Till he be dieted to my request,
And then Ile set vpon him

   Bru. You know the very rode into his kindnesse,
And cannot lose your way

   Mene. Good faith Ile proue him,
Speed how it will. I shall ere long, haue knowledge
Of my successe.

  Com. Hee'l neuer heare him

   Sicin. Not

   Com. I tell you, he doe's sit in Gold, his eye
Red as 'twould burne Rome: and his Iniury
The Gaoler to his pitty. I kneel'd before him,
'Twas very faintly he said Rise: dismist me
Thus with his speechlesse hand. What he would do
He sent in writing after me: what he would not,
Bound with an Oath to yeeld to his conditions:
So that all hope is vaine, vnlesse his Noble Mother,
And his Wife, who (as I heare) meane to solicite him
For mercy to his Countrey: therefore let's hence,
And with our faire intreaties hast them on.


Enter Menenius to the Watch or Guard.

  1.Wat. Stay: whence are you

   2.Wat. Stand, and go backe

   Me. You guard like men, 'tis well. But by your leaue,
I am an Officer of State, & come to speak with Coriolanus
  1 From whence?
  Mene. From Rome

   I You may not passe, you must returne: our Generall
will no more heare from thence

   2 You'l see your Rome embrac'd with fire, before
You'l speake with Coriolanus

   Mene. Good my Friends,
If you haue heard your Generall talke of Rome,
And of his Friends there, it is Lots to Blankes,
My name hath touch't your eares: it is Menenius

   1 Be it so, go back: the vertue of your name,
Is not heere passable

   Mene. I tell thee Fellow,
Thy Generall is my Louer: I haue beene
The booke of his good Acts, whence men haue read
His Fame vnparalell'd, happely amplified:
For I haue euer verified my Friends,
(Of whom hee's cheefe) with all the size that verity
Would without lapsing suffer: Nay, sometimes,
Like to a Bowle vpon a subtle ground
I haue tumbled past the throw: and in his praise
Haue (almost) stampt the Leasing. Therefore Fellow,
I must haue leaue to passe

   1 Faith Sir, if you had told as many lies in his behalfe,
as you haue vttered words in your owne, you should not
passe heere: no, though it were as vertuous to lye, as to
liue chastly. Therefore go backe

   Men. Prythee fellow, remember my name is Menenius,
alwayes factionary on the party of your Generall

   2 Howsoeuer you haue bin his Lier, as you say you
haue, I am one that telling true vnder him, must say you
cannot passe. Therefore go backe

   Mene. Ha's he din'd can'st thou tell? For I would not
speake with him, till after dinner

   1 You are a Roman, are you?
  Mene. I am as thy Generall is

   1 Then you should hate Rome, as he do's. Can you,
when you haue pusht out your gates, the very Defender
of them, and in a violent popular ignorance, giuen your
enemy your shield, thinke to front his reuenges with the
easie groanes of old women, the Virginall Palms of your
daughters, or with the palsied intercession of such a decay'd
Dotant as you seeme to be? Can you think to blow
out the intended fire, your City is ready to flame in, with
such weake breath as this? No, you are deceiu'd, therfore
backe to Rome, and prepare for your execution: you are
condemn'd, our Generall has sworne you out of repreeue
and pardon

   Mene. Sirra, if thy Captaine knew I were heere,
He would vse me with estimation

   1 Come, my Captaine knowes you not

   Mene. I meane thy Generall

   1 My Generall cares not for you. Back I say, go: least
I let forth your halfe pinte of blood. Backe, that's the vtmost
of your hauing, backe

   Mene. Nay but Fellow, Fellow.
Enter Coriolanus with Auffidius.

  Corio. What's the matter?
  Mene. Now you Companion: Ile say an arrant for you:
you shall know now that I am in estimation: you shall
perceiue, that a Iacke gardant cannot office me from my
Son Coriolanus, guesse but my entertainment with him: if
thou stand'st not i'th state of hanging, or of some death
more long in Spectatorship, and crueller in suffering, behold
now presently, and swoond for what's to come vpon
thee. The glorious Gods sit in hourely Synod about thy
particular prosperity, and loue thee no worse then thy old
Father Menenius do's. O my Son, my Son! thou art preparing
fire for vs: looke thee, heere's water to quench it.
I was hardly moued to come to thee: but beeing assured
none but my selfe could moue thee, I haue bene blowne
out of your Gates with sighes: and coniure thee to pardon
Rome, and thy petitionary Countrimen. The good
Gods asswage thy wrath, and turne the dregs of it, vpon
this Varlet heere: This, who like a blocke hath denyed
my accesse to thee

   Corio. Away

   Mene. How? Away?
  Corio. Wife, Mother, Child, I know not. My affaires
Are Seruanted to others: Though I owe
My Reuenge properly, my remission lies
In Volcean brests. That we haue beene familiar,
Ingrate forgetfulnesse shall poison rather
Then pitty: Note how much, therefore be gone.
Mine eares against your suites, are stronger then
Your gates against my force. Yet for I loued thee,
Take this along, I writ it for thy sake,
And would haue sent it. Another word Menenius,
I will not heare thee speake. This man Auffidius
Was my belou'd in Rome: yet thou behold'st

   Auffid. You keepe a constant temper.


Manet the Guard and Menenius.

  1 Now sir, is your name Menenius?
  2 'Tis a spell you see of much power:
You know the way home againe

   1 Do you heare how wee are shent for keeping your
greatnesse backe?
  2 What cause do you thinke I haue to swoond?
  Menen. I neither care for th' world, nor your General:
for such things as you. I can scarse thinke ther's any, y'are
so slight. He that hath a will to die by himselfe, feares it
not from another: Let your Generall do his worst. For
you, bee that you are, long; and your misery encrease
with your age. I say to you, as I was said to, Away.


  1 A Noble Fellow I warrant him

   2 The worthy Fellow is our General. He's the Rock,
The Oake not to be winde-shaken.

Exit Watch.

Enter Coriolanus and Auffidius.

  Corio. We will before the walls of Rome to morrow
Set downe our Hoast. My partner in this Action,
You must report to th' Volcian Lords, how plainly
I haue borne this Businesse

   Auf. Onely their ends you haue respected,
Stopt your eares against the generall suite of Rome:
Neuer admitted a priuat whisper, no not with such frends
That thought them sure of you

   Corio. This last old man,
Whom with a crack'd heart I haue sent to Rome,
Lou'd me, aboue the measure of a Father,
Nay godded me indeed. Their latest refuge
Was to send him: for whose old Loue I haue
(Though I shew'd sowrely to him) once more offer'd
The first Conditions which they did refuse,
And cannot now accept, to grace him onely,
That thought he could do more: A very little
I haue yeelded too. Fresh Embasses, and Suites,
Nor from the State, nor priuate friends heereafter
Will I lend eare to. Ha? what shout is this?

Shout within

Shall I be tempted to infringe my vow
In the same time 'tis made? I will not.
Enter Virgilia, Volumnia, Valeria, yong Martius, with Attendants.

My wife comes formost, then the honour'd mould
Wherein this Trunke was fram'd, and in her hand
The Grandchilde to her blood. But out affection,
All bond and priuiledge of Nature breake;
Let it be Vertuous to be Obstinate.
What is that Curt'sie worth? Or those Doues eyes,
Which can make Gods forsworne? I melt, and am not
Of stronger earth then others: my Mother bowes,
As if Olympus to a Mole-hill should
In supplication Nod: and my yong Boy
Hath an Aspect of intercession, which
Great Nature cries, Deny not. Let the Volces
Plough Rome, and harrow Italy, Ile neuer
Be such a Gosling to obey instinct; but stand
As if a man were Author of himself, & knew no other kin
  Virgil. My Lord and Husband

   Corio. These eyes are not the same I wore in Rome

   Virg. The sorrow that deliuers vs thus chang'd,
Makes you thinke so

   Corio. Like a dull Actor now, I haue forgot my part,
And I am out, euen to a full Disgrace. Best of my Flesh,
Forgiue my Tyranny: but do not say,
For that forgiue our Romanes. O a kisse
Long as my Exile, sweet as my Reuenge!
Now by the iealous Queene of Heauen, that kisse
I carried from thee deare; and my true Lippe
Hath Virgin'd it ere since. You Gods, I pray,
And the most noble Mother of the world
Leaue vnsaluted: Sinke my knee i'th' earth,


Of thy deepe duty, more impression shew
Then that of common Sonnes

   Volum. Oh stand vp blest!
Whil'st with no softer Cushion then the Flint
I kneele before thee, and vnproperly
Shew duty as mistaken, all this while,
Betweene the Childe, and Parent

   Corio. What's this? your knees to me?
To your Corrected Sonne?
Then let the Pibbles on the hungry beach
Fillop the Starres: Then, let the mutinous windes
Strike the proud Cedars 'gainst the fiery Sun:
Murd'ring Impossibility, to make
What cannot be, slight worke

   Volum. Thou art my Warriour, I hope to frame thee
Do you know this Lady?
  Corio. The Noble Sister of Publicola;
The Moone of Rome: Chaste as the Isicle
That's curdied by the Frost, from purest Snow,
And hangs on Dians Temple: Deere Valeria

   Volum. This is a poore Epitome of yours,
Which by th' interpretation of full time,
May shew like all your selfe

   Corio. The God of Souldiers:
With the consent of supreame Ioue, informe
Thy thoughts with Noblenesse, that thou mayst proue
To shame vnvulnerable, and sticke i'th Warres
Like a great Sea-marke standing euery flaw,
And sauing those that eye thee

   Volum. Your knee, Sirrah

   Corio. That's my braue Boy

   Volum. Euen he, your wife, this Ladie, and my selfe,
Are Sutors to you

   Corio. I beseech you peace:
Or if you'ld aske, remember this before;
The thing I haue forsworne to graunt, may neuer
Be held by you denials. Do not bid me
Dismisse my Soldiers, or capitulate
Againe, with Romes Mechanickes. Tell me not
Wherein I seeme vnnaturall: Desire not t' allay
My Rages and Reuenges, with your colder reasons

   Volum. Oh no more, no more:
You haue said you will not grant vs any thing:
For we haue nothing else to aske, but that
Which you deny already: yet we will aske,
That if you faile in our request, the blame
May hang vpon your hardnesse, therefore heare vs

   Corio. Auffidius, and you Volces marke, for wee'l
Heare nought from Rome in priuate. Your request?
  Volum. Should we be silent & not speak, our Raiment
And state of Bodies would bewray what life
We haue led since thy Exile. Thinke with thy selfe,
How more vnfortunate then all liuing women
Are we come hither; since that thy sight, which should
Make our eies flow with ioy, harts dance with comforts,
Constraines them weepe, and shake with feare & sorow,
Making the Mother, wife, and Childe to see,
The Sonne, the Husband, and the Father tearing
His Countries Bowels out; and to poore we
Thine enmities most capitall: Thou barr'st vs
Our prayers to the Gods, which is a comfort
That all but we enioy. For how can we?
Alas! how can we, for our Country pray?
Whereto we are bound, together with thy victory:
Whereto we are bound: Alacke, or we must loose
The Countrie our deere Nurse, or else thy person
Our comfort in the Country. We must finde
An euident Calamity, though we had
Our wish, which side should win. For either thou
Must as a Forraine Recreant be led
With Manacles through our streets, or else
Triumphantly treade on thy Countries ruine,
And beare the Palme, for hauing brauely shed
Thy Wife and Childrens blood: For my selfe, Sonne,
I purpose not to waite on Fortune, till
These warres determine: If I cannot perswade thee,
Rather to shew a Noble grace to both parts,
Then seeke the end of one; thou shalt no sooner
March to assault thy Country, then to treade
(Trust too't, thou shalt not) on thy Mothers wombe
That brought thee to this world

   Virg. I, and mine, that brought you forth this boy,
To keepe your name liuing to time

   Boy. A shall not tread on me: Ile run away
Till I am bigger, but then Ile fight

   Corio. Not of a womans tendernesse to be,
Requires nor Childe, nor womans face to see:
I haue sate too long

   Volum. Nay, go not from vs thus:
If it were so, that our request did tend
To saue the Romanes, thereby to destroy
The Volces whom you serue, you might condemne vs
As poysonous of your Honour. No, our suite
Is that you reconcile them: While the Volces
May say, this mercy we haue shew'd: the Romanes,
This we receiu'd, and each in either side
Giue the All-haile to thee, and cry be Blest
For making vp this peace. Thou know'st (great Sonne)
The end of Warres vncertaine: but this certaine,
That if thou conquer Rome, the benefit
Which thou shalt thereby reape, is such a name
Whose repetition will be dogg'd with Curses:
Whose Chronicle thus writ, The man was Noble,
But with his last Attempt, he wip'd it out:
Destroy'd his Country, and his name remaines
To th' insuing Age, abhorr'd. Speake to me Son:
Thou hast affected the fiue straines of Honor,
To imitate the graces of the Gods.
To teare with Thunder the wide Cheekes a'th' Ayre,
And yet to change thy Sulphure with a Boult
That should but riue an Oake. Why do'st not speake?
Think'st thou it Honourable for a Nobleman
Still to remember wrongs? Daughter, speake you:
He cares not for your weeping. Speake thou Boy,
Perhaps thy childishnesse will moue him more
Then can our Reasons. There's no man in the world
More bound to's Mother, yet heere he let's me prate
Like one i'th' Stockes. Thou hast neuer in thy life,
Shew'd thy deere Mother any curtesie,
When she (poor Hen) fond of no second brood,
Ha's clock'd thee to the Warres: and safelie home
Loden with Honor. Say my Request's vniust,
And spurne me backe: But, if it be not so
Thou art not honest, and the Gods will plague thee
That thou restrain'st from me the Duty, which
To a Mothers part belongs. He turnes away:
Down Ladies: let vs shame him with him with our knees
To his sur-name Coriolanus longs more pride
Then pitty to our Prayers. Downe: an end,
This is the last. So, we will home to Rome,
And dye among our Neighbours: Nay, behold's,
This Boy that cannot tell what he would haue,
But kneeles, and holds vp hands for fellowship,
Doe's reason our Petition with more strength
Then thou hast to deny't. Come, let vs go:
This Fellow had a Volcean to his Mother:
His Wife is in Corioles, and his Childe
Like him by chance: yet giue vs our dispatch:
I am husht vntill our City be afire, & then Ile speak a litle
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