William Shakespear

Julius Caesar
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Ant. So to most Noble Caesar

   Caes Bid them prepare within:
I am too blame to be thus waited for.
Now Cynna, now Metellus: what Trebonius,
I haue an houres talke in store for you:
Remember that you call on me to day:
Be neere me, that I may remember you

   Treb. Caesar I will: and so neere will I be,
That your best Friends shall wish I had beene further

   Caes Good Friends go in, and taste some wine with me.
And we (like Friends) will straight way go together

   Bru. That euery like is not the same, O Caesar,
The heart of Brutus earnes to thinke vpon.


Enter Artemidorus.

Caesar, beware of Brutus, take heede of Cassius; come not
neere Caska, haue an eye to Cynna, trust not Trebonius, marke
well Metellus Cymber, Decius Brutus loues thee not: Thou
hast wrong'd Caius Ligarius. There is but one minde in all
these men, and it is bent against Caesar: If thou beest not
looke about you: Security giues way to Conspiracie.
The mighty Gods defend thee.
Thy Louer, Artemidorus.
Heere will I stand, till Caesar passe along,
And as a Sutor will I giue him this:
My heart laments, that Vertue cannot liue
Out of the teeth of Emulation.
If thou reade this, O Caesar, thou mayest liue;
If not, the Fates with Traitors do contriue.

Enter Portia and Lucius.

  Por. I prythee Boy, run to the Senate-house,
Stay not to answer me, but get thee gone.
Why doest thou stay?
  Luc. To know my errand Madam

   Por. I would haue had thee there and heere agen
Ere I can tell thee what thou should'st do there:
O Constancie, be strong vpon my side,
Set a huge Mountaine 'tweene my Heart and Tongue:
I haue a mans minde, but a womans might:
How hard it is for women to keepe counsell.
Art thou heere yet?
  Luc. Madam, what should I do?
Run to the Capitoll, and nothing else?
And so returne to you, and nothing else?
  Por. Yes, bring me word Boy, if thy Lord look well,
For he went sickly forth: and take good note
What Caesar doth, what Sutors presse to him.
Hearke Boy, what noyse is that?
  Luc. I heare none Madam

   Por. Prythee listen well:
I heard a bussling Rumor like a Fray,
And the winde brings it from the Capitoll

   Luc. Sooth Madam, I heare nothing.
Enter the Soothsayer.

  Por. Come hither Fellow, which way hast thou bin?
  Sooth. At mine owne house, good Lady

   Por. What is't a clocke?
  Sooth. About the ninth houre Lady

   Por. Is Caesar yet gone to the Capitoll?
  Sooth. Madam not yet, I go to take my stand,
To see him passe on to the Capitoll

   Por. Thou hast some suite to Caesar, hast thou not?
  Sooth. That I haue Lady, if it will please Caesar
To be so good to Caesar, as to heare me:
I shall beseech him to befriend himselfe

   Por. Why know'st thou any harme's intended towards
  Sooth. None that I know will be,
Much that I feare may chance:
Good morrow to you: heere the street is narrow:
The throng that followes Caesar at the heeles,
Of Senators, of Praetors, common Sutors,
Will crowd a feeble man (almost) to death:
Ile get me to a place more voyd, and there
Speake to great Caesar as he comes along.


  Por. I must go in:
Aye me! How weake a thing
The heart of woman is? O Brutus,
The Heauens speede thee in thine enterprize.
Sure the Boy heard me: Brutus hath a suite
That Caesar will not grant. O, I grow faint:
Run Lucius, and commend me to my Lord,
Say I am merry; Come to me againe,
And bring me word what he doth say to thee.


Actus Tertius.


Enter Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, Caska, Decius, Metellus, Trebonius,
Antony, Lepidus, Artimedorus, Publius, and the Soothsayer.

  Caes The Ides of March are come

   Sooth. I Caesar, but not gone

   Art. Haile Caesar: Read this Scedule

   Deci. Trebonius doth desire you to ore-read
(At your best leysure) this his humble suite

   Art. O Caesar, reade mine first: for mine's a suite
That touches Caesar neerer. Read it great Caesar

   Caes What touches vs our selfe, shall be last seru'd

   Art. Delay not Caesar, read it instantly

   Caes What, is the fellow mad?
  Pub. Sirra, giue place

   Cassi. What, vrge you your Petitions in the street?
Come to the Capitoll

   Popil. I wish your enterprize to day may thriue

   Cassi. What enterprize Popillius?
  Popil. Fare you well

   Bru. What said Popillius Lena?
  Cassi. He wisht to day our enterprize might thriue:
I feare our purpose is discouered

   Bru. Looke how he makes to Caesar: marke him

   Cassi. Caska be sodaine, for we feare preuention.
Brutus what shall be done? If this be knowne,
Cassius or Caesar neuer shall turne backe,
For I will slay my selfe

   Bru. Cassius be constant:
Popillius Lena speakes not of our purposes,
For looke he smiles, and Caesar doth not change

   Cassi. Trebonius knowes his time: for look you Brutus
He drawes Mark Antony out of the way

   Deci. Where is Metellus Cimber, let him go,
And presently preferre his suite to Caesar

   Bru. He is addrest: presse neere, and second him

   Cin. Caska, you are the first that reares your hand

   Caes Are we all ready? What is now amisse,
That Caesar and his Senate must redresse?
  Metel. Most high, most mighty, and most puisant Caesar
Metellus Cymber throwes before thy Seate
An humble heart

   Caes I must preuent thee Cymber:
These couchings, and these lowly courtesies
Might fire the blood of ordinary men,
And turne pre-Ordinance, and first Decree
Into the lane of Children. Be not fond,
To thinke that Caesar beares such Rebell blood
That will be thaw'd from the true quality
With that which melteth Fooles, I meane sweet words,
Low-crooked-curtsies, and base Spaniell fawning:
Thy Brother by decree is banished:
If thou doest bend, and pray, and fawne for him,
I spurne thee like a Curre out of my way:
Know, Caesar doth not wrong, nor without cause
Will he be satisfied

   Metel. Is there no voyce more worthy then my owne,
To sound more sweetly in great Caesars eare,
For the repealing of my banish'd Brother?
  Bru. I kisse thy hand, but not in flattery Caesar:
Desiring thee, that Publius Cymber may
Haue an immediate freedome of repeale

   Caes What Brutus?
  Cassi. Pardon Caesar: Caesar pardon:
As lowe as to thy foote doth Cassius fall,
To begge infranchisement for Publius Cymber

   Caes I could be well mou'd, if I were as you,
If I could pray to mooue, Prayers would mooue me:
But I am constant as the Northerne Starre,
Of whose true fixt, and resting quality,
There is no fellow in the Firmament.
The Skies are painted with vnnumbred sparkes,
They are all Fire, and euery one doth shine:
But, there's but one in all doth hold his place.
So, in the World; 'Tis furnish'd well with Men,
And Men are Flesh and Blood, and apprehensiue;
Yet in the number, I do know but One
That vnassayleable holds on his Ranke,
Vnshak'd of Motion: and that I am he,
Let me a little shew it, euen in this:
That I was constant Cymber should be banish'd,
And constant do remaine to keepe him so

   Cinna. O Caesar

   Caes Hence: Wilt thou lift vp Olympus?
  Decius. Great Caesar

   Caes Doth not Brutus bootlesse kneele?
  Cask. Speake hands for me.

They stab Caesar.

  Caes Et Tu Brute? - Then fall Caesar.


  Cin. Liberty, Freedome; Tyranny is dead,
Run hence, proclaime, cry it about the Streets

   Cassi. Some to the common Pulpits, and cry out
Liberty, Freedome, and Enfranchisement

   Bru. People and Senators, be not affrighted:
Fly not, stand still: Ambitions debt is paid

   Cask. Go to the Pulpit Brutus

   Dec. And Cassius too

   Bru. Where's Publius?
  Cin. Heere, quite confounded with this mutiny

   Met. Stand fast together, least some Friend of Caesars
Should chance-
  Bru. Talke not of standing. Publius good cheere,
There is no harme intended to your person,
Nor to no Roman else: so tell them Publius

   Cassi. And leaue vs Publius, least that the people
Rushing on vs, should do your Age some mischiefe

   Bru. Do so, and let no man abide this deede,
But we the Doers.
Enter Trebonius

   Cassi. Where is Antony?
  Treb. Fled to his House amaz'd:
Men, Wiues, and Children, stare, cry out, and run,
As it were Doomesday

   Bru. Fates, we will know your pleasures:
That we shall dye we know, 'tis but the time
And drawing dayes out, that men stand vpon

   Cask. Why he that cuts off twenty yeares of life,
Cuts off so many yeares of fearing death

   Bru. Grant that, and then is Death a Benefit:
So are we Caesars Friends, that haue abridg'd
His time of fearing death. Stoope Romans, stoope,
And let vs bathe our hands in Caesars blood
Vp to the Elbowes, and besmeare our Swords:
Then walke we forth, euen to the Market place,
And wauing our red Weapons o're our heads,
Let's all cry Peace, Freedome, and Liberty

   Cassi. Stoop then, and wash. How many Ages hence
Shall this our lofty Scene be acted ouer,
In State vnborne, and Accents yet vnknowne?
  Bru. How many times shall Caesar bleed in sport,
That now on Pompeyes Basis lye along,
No worthier then the dust?
  Cassi. So oft as that shall be,
So often shall the knot of vs be call'd,
The Men that gaue their Country liberty

   Dec. What, shall we forth?
  Cassi. I, euery man away.
Brutus shall leade, and we will grace his heeles
With the most boldest, and best hearts of Rome.
Enter a Seruant.

  Bru. Soft, who comes heere? A friend of Antonies

   Ser. Thus Brutus did my Master bid me kneele;
Thus did Mark Antony bid me fall downe,
And being prostrate, thus he bad me say:
Brutus is Noble, Wise, Valiant, and Honest;
Caesar was Mighty, Bold, Royall, and Louing:
Say, I loue Brutus, and I honour him;
Say, I fear'd Caesar, honour'd him, and lou'd him.
If Brutus will vouchsafe, that Antony
May safely come to him, and be resolu'd
How Caesar hath deseru'd to lye in death,
Mark Antony, shall not loue Caesar dead
So well as Brutus liuing; but will follow
The Fortunes and Affayres of Noble Brutus,
Thorough the hazards of this vntrod State,
With all true Faith. So sayes my Master Antony

   Bru. Thy Master is a Wise and Valiant Romane,
I neuer thought him worse:
Tell him, so please him come vnto this place
He shall be satisfied: and by my Honor
Depart vntouch'd

   Ser. Ile fetch him presently.

Exit Seruant.

  Bru. I know that we shall haue him well to Friend

   Cassi. I wish we may: But yet haue I a minde
That feares him much: and my misgiuing still
Falles shrewdly to the purpose.
Enter Antony.

  Bru. But heere comes Antony:
Welcome Mark Antony

   Ant. O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lye so lowe?
Are all thy Conquests, Glories, Triumphes, Spoiles,
Shrunke to this little Measure? Fare thee well.
I know not Gentlemen what you intend,
Who else must be let blood, who else is ranke:
If I my selfe, there is no houre so fit
As Caesars deaths houre; nor no Instrument
Of halfe that worth, as those your Swords; made rich
With the most Noble blood of all this World.
I do beseech yee, if you beare me hard,
Now, whil'st your purpled hands do reeke and smoake,
Fulfill your pleasure. Liue a thousand yeeres,
I shall not finde my selfe so apt to dye.
No place will please me so, no meane of death,
As heere by Caesar, and by you cut off,
The Choice and Master Spirits of this Age

   Bru. O Antony! Begge not your death of vs:
Though now we must appeare bloody and cruell,
As by our hands, and this our present Acte
You see we do: Yet see you but our hands,
And this, the bleeding businesse they haue done:
Our hearts you see not, they are pittifull:
And pitty to the generall wrong of Rome,
As fire driues out fire, so pitty, pitty
Hath done this deed on Caesar. For your part,
To you, our Swords haue leaden points Marke Antony:
Our Armes in strength of malice, and our Hearts
Of Brothers temper, do receiue you in,
With all kinde loue, good thoughts, and reuerence

   Cassi. Your voyce shall be as strong as any mans,
In the disposing of new Dignities

   Bru. Onely be patient, till we haue appeas'd
The Multitude, beside themselues with feare,
And then, we will deliuer you the cause,
Why I, that did loue Caesar when I strooke him,
Haue thus proceeded

   Ant. I doubt not of your Wisedome:
Let each man render me his bloody hand.
First Marcus Brutus will I shake with you;
Next Caius Cassius do I take your hand;
Now Decius Brutus yours; now yours Metellus;
Yours Cinna; and my valiant Caska, yours;
Though last, not least in loue, yours good Trebonius.
Gentlemen all: Alas, what shall I say,
My credit now stands on such slippery ground,
That one of two bad wayes you must conceit me,
Either a Coward, or a Flatterer.
That I did loue thee Caesar, O 'tis true:
If then thy Spirit looke vpon vs now,
Shall it not greeue thee deerer then thy death,
To see thy Antony making his peace,
Shaking the bloody fingers of thy Foes?
Most Noble, in the presence of thy Coarse,
Had I as many eyes, as thou hast wounds,
Weeping as fast as they streame forth thy blood,
It would become me better, then to close
In tearmes of Friendship with thine enemies.
Pardon me Iulius, heere was't thou bay'd braue Hart,
Heere did'st thou fall, and heere thy Hunters stand
Sign'd in thy Spoyle, and Crimson'd in thy Lethee.
O World! thou wast the Forrest to this Hart,
And this indeed, O World, the Hart of thee.
How like a Deere, stroken by many Princes,
Dost thou heere lye?
  Cassi. Mark Antony

   Ant. Pardon me Caius Cassius:
The Enemies of Caesar, shall say this:
Then, in a Friend, it is cold Modestie

   Cassi. I blame you not for praising Caesar so.
But what compact meane you to haue with vs?
Will you be prick'd in number of our Friends,
Or shall we on, and not depend on you?
  Ant. Therefore I tooke your hands, but was indeed
Sway'd from the point, by looking downe on Caesar.
Friends am I with you all, and loue you all,
Vpon this hope, that you shall giue me Reasons,
Why, and wherein, Caesar was dangerous

   Bru. Or else were this a sauage Spectacle:
Our Reasons are so full of good regard,
That were you Antony, the Sonne of Caesar,
You should be satisfied

   Ant. That's all I seeke,
And am moreouer sutor, that I may
Produce his body to the Market-place,
And in the Pulpit as becomes a Friend,
Speake in the Order of his Funerall

   Bru. You shall Marke Antony

   Cassi. Brutus, a word with you:
You know not what you do; Do not consent
That Antony speake in his Funerall:
Know you how much the people may be mou'd
By that which he will vtter

   Bru. By your pardon:
I will my selfe into the Pulpit first,
And shew the reason of our Caesars death.
What Antony shall speake, I will protest
He speakes by leaue, and by permission:
And that we are contented Caesar shall
Haue all true Rites, and lawfull Ceremonies,
It shall aduantage more, then do vs wrong

   Cassi. I know not what may fall, I like it not

   Bru. Mark Antony, heere take you Caesars body:
You shall not in your Funerall speech blame vs,
But speake all good you can deuise of Caesar,
And say you doo't by our permission:
Else shall you not haue any hand at all
About his Funerall. And you shall speake
In the same Pulpit whereto I am going,
After my speech is ended

   Ant. Be it so:
I do desire no more

   Bru. Prepare the body then, and follow vs.


Manet Antony.

O pardon me, thou bleeding peece of Earth:
That I am meeke and gentle with these Butchers.
Thou art the Ruines of the Noblest man
That euer liued in the Tide of Times.
Woe to the hand that shed this costly Blood.
Ouer thy wounds, now do I Prophesie,
(Which like dumbe mouthes do ope their Ruby lips,
To begge the voyce and vtterance of my Tongue)
A Curse shall light vpon the limbes of men;
Domesticke Fury, and fierce Ciuill strife,
Shall cumber all the parts of Italy:
Blood and destruction shall be so in vse,
And dreadfull Obiects so familiar,
That Mothers shall but smile, when they behold
Their Infants quartered with the hands of Warre:
All pitty choak'd with custome of fell deeds,
And Caesars Spirit ranging for Reuenge,
With Ate by his side, come hot from Hell,
Shall in these Confines, with a Monarkes voyce,
Cry hauocke, and let slip the Dogges of Warre,
That this foule deede, shall smell aboue the earth
With Carrion men, groaning for Buriall.
Enter Octauio's Seruant.

You serue Octauius Caesar, do you not?
  Ser. I do Marke Antony

   Ant. Caesar did write for him to come to Rome

   Ser. He did receiue his Letters, and is comming,
And bid me say to you by word of mouth-
O Caesar!
  Ant. Thy heart is bigge: get thee a-part and weepe:
Passion I see is catching from mine eyes,
Seeing those Beads of sorrow stand in thine,
Began to water. Is thy Master comming?
  Ser. He lies to night within seuen Leagues of Rome

   Ant. Post backe with speede,
And tell him what hath chanc'd:
Heere is a mourning Rome, a dangerous Rome,
No Rome of safety for Octauius yet,
Hie hence, and tell him so. Yet stay a-while,
Thou shalt not backe, till I haue borne this course
Into the Market place: There shall I try
In my Oration, how the People take
The cruell issue of these bloody men,
According to the which, thou shalt discourse
To yong Octauius, of the state of things.
Lend me your hand.


Enter Brutus and goes into the Pulpit, and Cassius, with the

  Ple. We will be satisfied: let vs be satisfied

   Bru. Then follow me, and giue me Audience friends.
Cassius go you into the other streete,
And part the Numbers:
Those that will heare me speake, let 'em stay heere;
Those that will follow Cassius, go with him,
And publike Reasons shall be rendred
Of Caesars death

   1.Ple. I will heare Brutus speake

   2. I will heare Cassius, and compare their Reasons,
When seuerally we heare them rendred

   3. The Noble Brutus is ascended: Silence

   Bru. Be patient till the last.
Romans, Countrey-men, and Louers, heare mee for my
cause, and be silent, that you may heare. Beleeue me for
mine Honor, and haue respect to mine Honor, that you
may beleeue. Censure me in your Wisedom, and awake
your Senses, that you may the better Iudge. If there bee
any in this Assembly, any deere Friend of Caesars, to him
I say, that Brutus loue to Caesar, was no lesse then his. If
then, that Friend demand, why Brutus rose against Caesar,
this is my answer: Not that I lou'd Caesar lesse, but
that I lou'd Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were liuing,
and dye all Slaues; then that Caesar were dead, to
liue all Free-men? As Caesar lou'd mee, I weepe for him;
as he was Fortunate, I reioyce at it; as he was Valiant, I
honour him: But, as he was Ambitious, I slew him. There
is Teares, for his Loue: Ioy, for his Fortune: Honor, for
his Valour: and Death, for his Ambition. Who is heere
so base, that would be a Bondman? If any, speak, for him
haue I offended. Who is heere so rude, that would not
be a Roman? If any, speak, for him haue I offended. Who
is heere so vile, that will not loue his Countrey? If any,
speake, for him haue I offended. I pause for a Reply

   All. None Brutus, none

   Brutus. Then none haue I offended. I haue done no
more to Caesar, then you shall do to Brutus. The Question
of his death, is inroll'd in the Capitoll: his Glory not
extenuated, wherein he was worthy; nor his offences enforc'd,
for which he suffered death.
Enter Mark Antony, with Caesars body.

Heere comes his Body, mourn'd by Marke Antony, who
though he had no hand in his death, shall receiue the benefit
of his dying, a place in the Co[m]monwealth, as which
of you shall not. With this I depart, that as I slewe my
best Louer for the good of Rome, I haue the same Dagger
for my selfe, when it shall please my Country to need
my death

   All. Liue Brutus, liue, liue

   1. Bring him with Triumph home vnto his house

   2. Giue him a Statue with his Ancestors

   3. Let him be Caesar

   4. Caesars better parts,
Shall be Crown'd in Brutus

   1. Wee'l bring him to his House,
With Showts and Clamors

   Bru. My Country-men

   2. Peace, silence, Brutus speakes

   1. Peace ho

   Bru. Good Countrymen, let me depart alone,
And (for my sake) stay heere with Antony:
Do grace to Caesars Corpes, and grace his Speech
Tending to Caesars Glories, which Marke Antony
(By our permission) is allow'd to make.
I do intreat you, not a man depart,
Saue I alone, till Antony haue spoke.


  1 Stay ho, and let vs heare Mark Antony

   3 Let him go vp into the publike Chaire,
Wee'l heare him: Noble Antony go vp

   Ant. For Brutus sake, I am beholding to you

   4 What does he say of Brutus?
  3 He sayes, for Brutus sake
He findes himselfe beholding to vs all

   4 'Twere best he speake no harme of Brutus heere?
  1 This Caesar was a Tyrant

   3 Nay that's certaine:
We are blest that Rome is rid of him

   2 Peace, let vs heare what Antony can say

   Ant. You gentle Romans

   All. Peace hoe, let vs heare him

   An. Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears:
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him:
The euill that men do, liues after them,
The good is oft enterred with their bones,
So let it be with Caesar. The Noble Brutus,
Hath told you Caesar was Ambitious:
If it were so, it was a greeuous Fault,
And greeuously hath Caesar answer'd it.
Heere, vnder leaue of Brutus, and the rest
(For Brutus is an Honourable man,
So are they all; all Honourable men)
Come I to speake in Caesars Funerall.
He was my Friend, faithfull, and iust to me;
But Brutus sayes, he was Ambitious,
And Brutus is an Honourable man.
He hath brought many Captiues home to Rome,
Whose Ransomes, did the generall Coffers fill:
Did this in Caesar seeme Ambitious?
When that the poore haue cry'de, Caesar hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuffe,
Yet Brutus sayes, he was Ambitious:
And Brutus is an Honourable man.
You all did see, that on the Lupercall,
I thrice presented him a Kingly Crowne,
Which he did thrice refuse. Was this Ambition?
Yet Brutus sayes, he was Ambitious:
And sure he is an Honourable man.
I speake not to disprooue what Brutus spoke,
But heere I am, to speake what I do know;
You all did loue him once, not without cause,
What cause with-holds you then, to mourne for him?
O Iudgement! thou are fled to brutish Beasts,
And Men haue lost their Reason. Beare with me,
My heart is in the Coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pawse, till it come backe to me

   1 Me thinkes there is much reason in his sayings

   2 If thou consider rightly of the matter,
Caesar ha's had great wrong

   3 Ha's hee Masters? I feare there will a worse come in his place

   4. Mark'd ye his words? he would not take y Crown,
Therefore 'tis certaine, he was not Ambitious

   1. If it be found so, some will deere abide it

   2. Poore soule, his eyes are red as fire with weeping

   3. There's not a Nobler man in Rome then Antony

   4. Now marke him, he begins againe to speake

   Ant. But yesterday, the word of Caesar might
Haue stood against the World: Now lies he there,
And none so poore to do him reuerence.
O Maisters! If I were dispos'd to stirre
Your hearts and mindes to Mutiny and Rage,
I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong:
Who (you all know) are Honourable men.
I will not do them wrong: I rather choose
To wrong the dead, to wrong my selfe and you,
Then I will wrong such Honourable men.
But heere's a Parchment, with the Seale of Caesar,
I found it in his Closset, 'tis his Will:
Let but the Commons heare this Testament:
(Which pardon me) I do not meane to reade,
And they would go and kisse dead Caesars wounds,
And dip their Napkins in his Sacred Blood;
Yea, begge a haire of him for Memory,
And dying, mention it within their Willes,
Bequeathing it as a rich Legacie
Vnto their issue

   4 Wee'l heare the Will, reade it Marke Antony

   All. The Will, the Will; we will heare Caesars Will

   Ant. Haue patience gentle Friends, I must not read it.
It is not meete you know how Caesar lou'd you:
You are not Wood, you are not Stones, but men:
And being men, hearing the Will of Caesar,
It will inflame you, it will make you mad:
'Tis good you know not that you are his Heires,
For if you should, O what would come of it?
  4 Read the Will, wee'l heare it Antony:
You shall reade vs the Will, Caesars Will

   Ant. Will you be Patient? Will you stay a-while?
I haue o're-shot my selfe to tell you of it,
I feare I wrong the Honourable men,
Whose Daggers haue stabb'd Caesar: I do feare it

   4 They were Traitors: Honourable men?
  All. The Will, the Testament

   2 They were Villaines, Murderers: the Will, read the

   Ant. You will compell me then to read the Will:
Then make a Ring about the Corpes of Caesar,
And let me shew you him that made the Will:
Shall I descend? And will you giue me leaue?
  All. Come downe

   2 Descend

   3 You shall haue leaue

   4 A Ring, stand round

   1 Stand from the Hearse, stand from the Body

   2 Roome for Antony, most Noble Antony

   Ant. Nay presse not so vpon me, stand farre off

   All. Stand backe: roome, beare backe

   Ant. If you haue teares, prepare to shed them now.
You all do know this Mantle, I remember
The first time euer Caesar put it on,
'Twas on a Summers Euening in his Tent,
That day he ouercame the Neruij.
Looke, in this place ran Cassius Dagger through:
See what a rent the enuious Caska made:
Through this, the wel-beloued Brutus stabb'd,
And as he pluck'd his cursed Steele away:
Marke how the blood of Caesar followed it,
As rushing out of doores, to be resolu'd
If Brutus so vnkindely knock'd, or no:
For Brutus, as you know, was Caesars Angel.
Iudge, O you Gods, how deerely Caesar lou'd him:
This was the most vnkindest cut of all.
For when the Noble Caesar saw him stab,
Ingratitude, more strong then Traitors armes,
Quite vanquish'd him: then burst his Mighty heart,
And in his Mantle, muffling vp his face,
Euen at the Base of Pompeyes Statue
(Which all the while ran blood) great Caesar fell.
O what a fall was there, my Countrymen?
Then I, and you, and all of vs fell downe,
Whil'st bloody Treason flourish'd ouer vs.
O now you weepe, and I perceiue you feele
The dint of pitty: These are gracious droppes.
Kinde Soules, what weepe you, when you but behold
Our Caesars Vesture wounded? Looke you heere,
Heere is Himselfe, marr'd as you see with Traitors

   1. O pitteous spectacle!
  2. O Noble Caesar!
  3. O wofull day!
  4. O Traitors, Villaines!
  1. O most bloody sight!
  2. We will be reueng'd: Reuenge
About, seeke, burne, fire, kill, slay,
Let not a Traitor liue

   Ant. Stay Country-men

   1. Peace there, heare the Noble Antony

   2. Wee'l heare him, wee'l follow him, wee'l dy with

   Ant. Good Friends, sweet Friends, let me not stirre you vp
To such a sodaine Flood of Mutiny:
They that haue done this Deede, are honourable.
What priuate greefes they haue, alas I know not,
That made them do it: They are Wise, and Honourable,
And will no doubt with Reasons answer you.
I come not (Friends) to steale away your hearts,
I am no Orator, as Brutus is:
But (as you know me all) a plaine blunt man
That loue my Friend, and that they know full well,
That gaue me publike leaue to speake of him:
For I haue neyther writ nor words, nor worth,
Action, nor Vtterance, nor the power of Speech,
To stirre mens Blood. I onely speake right on:
I tell you that, which you your selues do know,
Shew you sweet Caesars wounds, poor poor dum mouths
And bid them speake for me: But were I Brutus,
And Brutus Antony, there were an Antony
Would ruffle vp your Spirits, and put a Tongue
In euery Wound of Caesar, that should moue
The stones of Rome, to rise and Mutiny

   All. Wee'l Mutiny

   1 Wee'l burne the house of Brutus

   3 Away then, come, seeke the Conspirators

   Ant. Yet heare me Countrymen, yet heare me speake
  All. Peace hoe, heare Antony, most Noble Antony

   Ant. Why Friends, you go to do you know not what:
Wherein hath Caesar thus deseru'd your loues?
Alas you know not, I must tell you then:
You haue forgot the Will I told you of

   All. Most true, the Will, let's stay and heare the Wil

   Ant. Heere is the Will, and vnder Caesars Seale:
To euery Roman Citizen he giues,
To euery seuerall man, seuenty fiue Drachmaes

   2 Ple. Most Noble Caesar, wee'l reuenge his death

   3 Ple. O Royall Caesar

   Ant. Heare me with patience

   All. Peace hoe
  Ant. Moreouer, he hath left you all his Walkes,
His priuate Arbors, and new-planted Orchards,
On this side Tyber, he hath left them you,
And to your heyres for euer: common pleasures
To walke abroad, and recreate your selues.
Heere was a Caesar: when comes such another?
  1.Ple. Neuer, neuer: come, away, away:
Wee'l burne his body in the holy place,
And with the Brands fire the Traitors houses.
Take vp the body

   2.Ple. Go fetch fire

   3.Ple. Plucke downe Benches

   4.Ple. Plucke downe Formes, Windowes, any thing.

Exit Plebeians.

  Ant. Now let it worke: Mischeefe thou art a-foot,
Take thou what course thou wilt.
How now Fellow?
Enter Seruant.

  Ser. Sir, Octauius is already come to Rome

   Ant. Where is hee?
  Ser. He and Lepidus are at Caesars house

   Ant. And thither will I straight, to visit him:
He comes vpon a wish. Fortune is merry,
And in this mood will giue vs any thing

   Ser. I heard him say, Brutus and Cassius
Are rid like Madmen through the Gates of Rome

   Ant. Belike they had some notice of the people
How I had moued them. Bring me to Octauius.


Enter Cinna the Poet, and after him the Plebeians.

  Cinna. I dreamt to night, that I did feast with Caesar,
And things vnluckily charge my Fantasie:
I haue no will to wander foorth of doores,
Yet something leads me foorth

   1. What is your name?
  2. Whether are you going?
  3. Where do you dwell?
  4. Are you a married man, or a Batchellor?
  2. Answer euery man directly

   1. I, and breefely

   4. I, and wisely

   3. I, and truly, you were best

   Cin. What is my name? Whether am I going? Where
do I dwell? Am I a married man, or a Batchellour? Then
to answer euery man, directly and breefely, wisely and
truly: wisely I say, I am a Batchellor

   2 That's as much as to say, they are fooles that marrie:
you'l beare me a bang for that I feare: proceede directly

   Cinna. Directly I am going to Caesars Funerall

   1. As a Friend, or an Enemy?
  Cinna. As a friend

   2. That matter is answered directly

   4. For your dwelling: breefely

   Cinna. Breefely, I dwell by the Capitoll

   3. Your name sir, truly

   Cinna. Truly, my name is Cinna

   1. Teare him to peeces, hee's a Conspirator

   Cinna. I am Cinna the Poet, I am Cinna the Poet

   4. Teare him for his bad verses, teare him for his bad

   Cin. I am not Cinna the Conspirator

   4. It is no matter, his name's Cinna, plucke but his
name out of his heart, and turne him going

   3. Teare him, tear him; Come Brands hoe, Firebrands:
to Brutus, to Cassius, burne all. Some to Decius House,
and some to Caska's; some to Ligarius: Away, go.

Exeunt. all the Plebeians.

Actus Quartus.

Enter Antony, Octauius, and Lepidus.

  Ant. These many then shall die, their names are prickt
  Octa. Your Brother too must dye: consent you Lepidus?
  Lep. I do consent

   Octa. Pricke him downe Antony

   Lep. Vpon condition Publius shall not liue,
Who is your Sisters sonne, Marke Antony

   Ant. He shall not liue; looke, with a spot I dam him.
But Lepidus, go you to Caesars house:
Fetch the Will hither, and we shall determine
How to cut off some charge in Legacies

   Lep. What? shall I finde you heere?
  Octa. Or heere, or at the Capitoll.

Exit Lepidus

  Ant. This is a slight vnmeritable man,
Meet to be sent on Errands: is it fit
The three-fold World diuided, he should stand
One of the three to share it?
  Octa. So you thought him,
And tooke his voyce who should be prickt to dye
In our blacke Sentence and Proscription

   Ant. Octauius, I haue seene more dayes then you,
And though we lay these Honours on this man,
To ease our selues of diuers sland'rous loads,
He shall but beare them, as the Asse beares Gold,
To groane and swet vnder the Businesse,
Either led or driuen, as we point the way:
And hauing brought our Treasure, where we will,
Then take we downe his Load, and turne him off
(Like to the empty Asse) to shake his eares,
And graze in Commons

   Octa. You may do your will:
But hee's a tried, and valiant Souldier

   Ant. So is my Horse Octauius, and for that
I do appoint him store of Prouender.
It is a Creature that I teach to fight,
To winde, to stop, to run directly on:
His corporall Motion, gouern'd by my Spirit,
And in some taste, is Lepidus but so:
He must be taught, and train'd, and bid go forth:
A barren spirited Fellow; one that feeds
On Obiects, Arts, and Imitations.
Which out of vse, and stal'de by other men
Begin his fashion. Do not talke of him,
But as a property: and now Octauius,
Listen great things. Brutus and Cassius
Are leuying Powers; We must straight make head:
Therefore let our Alliance be combin'd,
Our best Friends made, our meanes stretcht,
And let vs presently go sit in Councell,
How couert matters may be best disclos'd,
And open Perils surest answered

   Octa. Let vs do so: for we are at the stake,
And bayed about with many Enemies,
And some that smile haue in their hearts I feare
Millions of Mischeefes.


Drum. Enter Brutus, Lucillius, and the Army. Titinius and
Pindarus meete

  Bru. Stand ho

   Lucil. Giue the word ho, and Stand

   Bru. What now Lucillius, is Cassius neere?
  Lucil. He is at hand, and Pindarus is come
To do you salutation from his Master

   Bru. He greets me well. Your Master Pindarus
In his owne change, or by ill Officers,
Hath giuen me some worthy cause to wish
Things done, vndone: But if he be at hand
I shall be satisfied

   Pin. I do not doubt
But that my Noble Master will appeare
Such as he is, full of regard, and Honour

   Bru. He is not doubted. A word Lucillius
How he receiu'd you: let me be resolu'd

   Lucil. With courtesie, and with respect enough,
But not with such familiar instances,
Nor with such free and friendly Conference
As he hath vs'd of old

   Bru. Thou hast describ'd
A hot Friend, cooling: Euer note Lucillius,
When Loue begins to sicken and decay
It vseth an enforced Ceremony.
There are no trickes, in plaine and simple Faith:
But hollow men, like Horses hot at hand,
Make gallant shew, and promise of their Mettle:

Low March within.

But when they should endure the bloody Spurre,
They fall their Crests, and like deceitfull Iades
Sinke in the Triall. Comes his Army on?
  Lucil. They meane this night in Sardis to be quarter'd:
The greater part, the Horse in generall
Are come with Cassius.
Enter Cassius and his Powers.

  Bru. Hearke, he is arriu'd:
March gently on to meete him

   Cassi. Stand ho

   Bru. Stand ho, speake the word along.

   Cassi. Most Noble Brother, you haue done me wrong

   Bru. Iudge me you Gods; wrong I mine Enemies?
And if not so, how should I wrong a Brother

   Cassi. Brutus, this sober forme of yours, hides wrongs,
And when you do them-
  Brut. Cassius, be content,
Speake your greefes softly, I do know you well.
Before the eyes of both our Armies heere
(Which should perceiue nothing but Loue from vs)
Let vs not wrangle. Bid them moue away:
Then in my Tent Cassius enlarge your Greefes,
And I will giue you Audience

   Cassi. Pindarus,
Bid our Commanders leade their Charges off
A little from this ground

   Bru. Lucillius, do you the like, and let no man
Come to our Tent, till we haue done our Conference.
Let Lucius and Titinius guard our doore.


Manet Brutus and Cassius.

  Cassi. That you haue wrong'd me, doth appear in this:
You haue condemn'd, and noted Lucius Pella
For taking Bribes heere of the Sardians;
Wherein my Letters, praying on his side,
Because I knew the man was slighted off

   Bru. You wrong'd your selfe to write in such a case

   Cassi. In such a time as this, it is not meet
That euery nice offence should beare his Comment

   Bru. Let me tell you Cassius, you your selfe
Are much condemn'd to haue an itching Palme,
To sell, and Mart your Offices for Gold
To Vndeseruers

   Cassi. I, an itching Palme?
You know that you are Brutus that speakes this,
Or by the Gods, this speech were else your last

   Bru. The name of Cassius Honors this corruption,
And Chasticement doth therefore hide his head

   Cassi. Chasticement?
  Bru. Remember March, the Ides of March reme[m]ber:
Did not great Iulius bleede for Iustice sake?
What Villaine touch'd his body, that did stab,
And not for Iustice? What? Shall one of Vs,
That strucke the Formost man of all this World,
But for supporting Robbers: shall we now,
Contaminate our fingers, with base Bribes?
And sell the mighty space of our large Honors
For so much trash, as may be grasped thus?
I had rather be a Dogge, and bay the Moone,
Then such a Roman

   Cassi. Brutus, baite not me,
Ile not indure it: you forget your selfe
To hedge me in. I am a Souldier, I,
Older in practice, Abler then your selfe
To make Conditions

   Bru. Go too: you are not Cassius

   Cassi. I am

   Bru. I say, you are not

   Cassi. Vrge me no more, I shall forget my selfe:
Haue minde vpon your health: Tempt me no farther

   Bru. Away slight man

   Cassi. Is't possible?
  Bru. Heare me, for I will speake.
Must I giue way, and roome to your rash Choller?
Shall I be frighted, when a Madman stares?
  Cassi. O ye Gods, ye Gods, Must I endure all this?
  Bru. All this? I more: Fret till your proud hart break.
Go shew your Slaues how Chollericke you are,
And make your Bondmen tremble. Must I bouge?
Must I obserue you? Must I stand and crouch
Vnder your Testie Humour? By the Gods,
You shall digest the Venom of your Spleene
Though it do Split you. For, from this day forth,
Ile vse you for my Mirth, yea for my Laughter
When you are Waspish

   Cassi. Is it come to this?
  Bru. You say, you are a better Souldier:
Let it appeare so; make your vaunting true,
And it shall please me well. For mine owne part,
I shall be glad to learne of Noble men

   Cass. You wrong me euery way:
You wrong me Brutus:
I saide, an Elder Souldier, not a Better.
Did I say Better?
  Bru. If you did, I care not

   Cass. When Caesar liu'd, he durst not thus haue mou'd me

   Brut. Peace, peace, you durst not so haue tempted him

   Cassi. I durst not

   Bru. No

   Cassi. What? durst not tempt him?
  Bru. For your life you durst not

   Cassi. Do not presume too much vpon my Loue,
I may do that I shall be sorry for

   Bru. You haue done that you should be sorry for.
There is no terror Cassius in your threats:
For I am Arm'd so strong in Honesty,
That they passe by me, as the idle winde,
Which I respect not. I did send to you
For certaine summes of Gold, which you deny'd me,
For I can raise no money by vile meanes:
By Heauen, I had rather Coine my Heart,
And drop my blood for Drachmaes, then to wring
From the hard hands of Peazants, their vile trash
By any indirection. I did send
To you for Gold to pay my Legions,
Which you deny'd me: was that done like Cassius?
Should I haue answer'd Caius Cassius so?
When Marcus Brutus growes so Couetous,
To locke such Rascall Counters from his Friends,
Be ready Gods with all your Thunder-bolts,
Dash him to peeces

   Cassi. I deny'd you not

   Bru. You did

   Cassi. I did not. He was but a Foole
That brought my answer back. Brutus hath riu'd my hart:
A Friend should beare his Friends infirmities;
But Brutus makes mine greater then they are

   Bru. I do not, till you practice them on me

   Cassi. You loue me not

   Bru. I do not like your faults

   Cassi. A friendly eye could neuer see such faults

   Bru. A Flatterers would not, though they do appeare
As huge as high Olympus

   Cassi. Come Antony, and yong Octauius come,
Reuenge your selues alone on Cassius,
For Cassius is a-weary of the World:
Hated by one he loues, brau'd by his Brother,
Check'd like a bondman, all his faults obseru'd,
Set in a Note-booke, learn'd, and con'd by roate
To cast into my Teeth. O I could weepe
My Spirit from mine eyes. There is my Dagger,
And heere my naked Breast: Within, a Heart
Deerer then Pluto's Mine, Richer then Gold:
If that thou bee'st a Roman, take it foorth.
I that deny'd thee Gold, will giue my Heart:
Strike as thou did'st at Caesar: For I know,
When thou did'st hate him worst, y loued'st him better
Then euer thou loued'st Cassius

   Bru. Sheath your Dagger:
Be angry when you will, it shall haue scope:
Do what you will, Dishonor, shall be Humour.
O Cassius, you are yoaked with a Lambe
That carries Anger, as the Flint beares fire,
Who much inforced, shewes a hastie Sparke,
And straite is cold agen

   Cassi. Hath Cassius liu'd
To be but Mirth and Laughter to his Brutus,
When greefe and blood ill temper'd, vexeth him?
  Bru. When I spoke that, I was ill temper'd too

   Cassi. Do you confesse so much? Giue me your hand

   Bru. And my heart too

   Cassi. O Brutus!
  Bru. What's the matter?
  Cassi. Haue not you loue enough to beare with me,
When that rash humour which my Mother gaue me
Makes me forgetfull

   Bru. Yes Cassius, and from henceforth
When you are ouer-earnest with your Brutus,
Hee'l thinke your Mother chides, and leaue you so.
Enter a Poet.

  Poet. Let me go in to see the Generals,
There is some grudge betweene 'em, 'tis not meete
They be alone

   Lucil. You shall not come to them

   Poet. Nothing but death shall stay me

   Cas. How now? What's the matter?
  Poet. For shame you Generals; what do you meane?
Loue, and be Friends, as two such men should bee,
For I haue seene more yeeres I'me sure then yee

   Cas. Ha, ha, how vildely doth this Cynicke rime?
  Bru. Get you hence sirra: Sawcy Fellow, hence

   Cas. Beare with him Brutus, 'tis his fashion

   Brut. Ile know his humor, when he knowes his time:
What should the Warres do with these Iigging Fooles?
Companion, hence

   Cas. Away, away be gone.

Exit Poet

  Bru. Lucillius and Titinius bid the Commanders
Prepare to lodge their Companies to night

   Cas. And come your selues, & bring Messala with you
Immediately to vs

   Bru. Lucius, a bowle of Wine

   Cas. I did not thinke you could haue bin so angry

   Bru. O Cassius, I am sicke of many greefes

   Cas. Of your Philosophy you make no vse,
If you giue place to accidentall euils

   Bru. No man beares sorrow better. Portia is dead

   Cas. Ha? Portia?
  Bru. She is dead

   Cas. How scap'd I killing, when I crost you so?
O insupportable, and touching losse!
Vpon what sicknesse?
  Bru. Impatient of my absence,
And greefe, that yong Octauius with Mark Antony
Haue made themselues so strong: For with her death
That tydings came. With this she fell distract,
And (her Attendants absent) swallow'd fire

   Cas. And dy'd so?
  Bru. Euen so

   Cas. O ye immortall Gods!
Enter Boy with Wine, and Tapers.

  Bru. Speak no more of her: Giue me a bowl of wine,
In this I bury all vnkindnesse Cassius.


  Cas. My heart is thirsty for that Noble pledge.
Fill Lucius, till the Wine ore-swell the Cup:
I cannot drinke too much of Brutus loue.
Enter Titinius and Messala.

  Brutus. Come in Titinius:
Welcome good Messala:
Now sit we close about this Taper heere,
And call in question our necessities

   Cass. Portia, art thou gone?
  Bru. No more I pray you.
Messala, I haue heere receiued Letters,
That yong Octauius, and Marke Antony
Come downe vpon vs with a mighty power,
Bending their Expedition toward Philippi

   Mess. My selfe haue Letters of the selfe-same Tenure

   Bru. With what Addition

   Mess. That by proscription, and billes of Outlarie,
Octauius, Antony, and Lepidus,
Haue put to death, an hundred Senators

   Bru. Therein our Letters do not well agree:
Mine speake of seuenty Senators, that dy'de
By their proscriptions, Cicero being one

   Cassi. Cicero one?
  Messa. Cicero is dead, and by that order of proscription
Had you your Letters from your wife, my Lord?
  Bru. No Messala

   Messa. Nor nothing in your Letters writ of her?
  Bru. Nothing Messala

   Messa. That me thinkes is strange

   Bru. Why aske you?
Heare you ought of her, in yours?
  Messa. No my Lord

   Bru. Now as you are a Roman tell me true

   Messa. Then like a Roman, beare the truth I tell,
For certaine she is dead, and by strange manner

   Bru. Why farewell Portia: We must die Messala:
With meditating that she must dye once,
I haue the patience to endure it now

   Messa. Euen so great men, great losses shold indure

   Cassi. I haue as much of this in Art as you,
But yet my Nature could not beare it so

   Bru. Well, to our worke aliue. What do you thinke
Of marching to Philippi presently

   Cassi. I do not thinke it good

   Bru. Your reason?
  Cassi. This it is:
'Tis better that the Enemie seeke vs,
So shall he waste his meanes, weary his Souldiers,
Doing himselfe offence, whil'st we lying still,
Are full of rest, defence, and nimblenesse

   Bru. Good reasons must of force giue place to better:
The people 'twixt Philippi, and this ground
Do stand but in a forc'd affection:
For they haue grug'd vs Contribution.
The Enemy, marching along by them,
By them shall make a fuller number vp,
Come on refresht, new added, and encourag'd:
From which aduantage shall we cut him off.
If at Philippi we do face him there,
These people at our backe

   Cassi. Heare me good Brother

   Bru. Vnder your pardon. You must note beside,
That we haue tride the vtmost of our Friends:
Our Legions are brim full, our cause is ripe,
The Enemy encreaseth euery day,
We at the height, are readie to decline.
There is a Tide in the affayres of men,
Which taken at the Flood, leades on to Fortune:
Omitted, all the voyage of their life,
Is bound in Shallowes, and in Miseries.
On such a full Sea are we now a-float,
And we must take the current when it serues,
Or loose our Ventures

   Cassi. Then with your will go on: wee'l along
Our selues, and meet them at Philippi

   Bru. The deepe of night is crept vpon our talke,
And Nature must obey Necessitie,
Which we will niggard with a little rest:
There is no more to say

   Cassi. No more, good night,
Early to morrow will we rise, and hence.
Enter Lucius.

  Bru. Lucius my Gowne: farewell good Messala,
Good night Titinius: Noble, Noble Cassius,
Good night, and good repose

   Cassi. O my deere Brother:
This was an ill beginning of the night:
Neuer come such diuision 'tweene our soules:
Let it not Brutus.
Enter Lucius with the Gowne.

  Bru. Euery thing is well

   Cassi. Good night my Lord

   Bru. Good night good Brother

   Tit. Messa. Good night Lord Brutus

   Bru. Farwell euery one.


Giue me the Gowne. Where is thy Instrument?
  Luc. Heere in the Tent

   Bru. What, thou speak'st drowsily?
Poore knaue I blame thee not, thou art ore-watch'd.
Call Claudio, and some other of my men,
Ile haue them sleepe on Cushions in my Tent

   Luc. Varrus, and Claudio.
Enter Varrus and Claudio.

  Var. Cals my Lord?
  Bru. I pray you sirs, lye in my Tent and sleepe,
It may be I shall raise you by and by
On businesse to my Brother Cassius

   Var. So please you, we will stand,
And watch your pleasure

   Bru. I will it not haue it so: Lye downe good sirs,
It may be I shall otherwise bethinke me.
Looke Lucius, heere's the booke I sought for so:
I put it in the pocket of my Gowne

   Luc. I was sure your Lordship did not giue it me

   Bru. Beare with me good Boy, I am much forgetfull.
Canst thou hold vp thy heauie eyes a-while,
And touch thy Instrument a straine or two

   Luc. I my Lord, an't please you

   Bru. It does my Boy:
I trouble thee too much, but thou art willing

   Luc. It is my duty Sir

   Brut. I should not vrge thy duty past thy might,
I know yong bloods looke for a time of rest

   Luc. I haue slept my Lord already

   Bru. It was well done, and thou shalt sleepe againe:
I will not hold thee long. If I do liue,
I will be good to thee.

Musicke, and a Song.

This is a sleepy Tune: O Murd'rous slumber!
Layest thou thy Leaden Mace vpon my Boy,
That playes thee Musicke? Gentle knaue good night:
I will not do thee so much wrong to wake thee:
If thou do'st nod, thou break'st thy Instrument,
Ile take it from thee, and (good Boy) good night.
Let me see, let me see; is not the Leafe turn'd downe
Where I left reading? Heere it is I thinke.
Enter the Ghost of Caesar.

How ill this Taper burnes. Ha! Who comes heere?
I thinke it is the weakenesse of mine eyes
That shapes this monstrous Apparition.
It comes vpon me: Art thou any thing?
Art thou some God, some Angell, or some Diuell,
That mak'st my blood cold, and my haire to stare?
Speake to me, what thou art

   Ghost. Thy euill Spirit Brutus?
  Bru. Why com'st thou?
  Ghost. To tell thee thou shalt see me at Philippi

   Brut. Well: then I shall see thee againe?
  Ghost. I, at Philippi

   Brut. Why I will see thee at Philippi then:
Now I haue taken heart, thou vanishest.
Ill Spirit, I would hold more talke with thee.
Boy, Lucius, Varrus, Claudio, Sirs: Awake:

   Luc. The strings my Lord, are false

   Bru. He thinkes he still is at his Instrument.
Lucius, awake

   Luc. My Lord

   Bru. Did'st thou dreame Lucius, that thou so cryedst
  Luc. My Lord, I do not know that I did cry

   Bru. Yes that thou did'st: Did'st thou see any thing?
  Luc. Nothing my Lord

   Bru. Sleepe againe Lucius: Sirra Claudio, Fellow,
Thou: Awake

   Var. My Lord

   Clau. My Lord

   Bru. Why did you so cry out sirs, in your sleepe?
  Both. Did we my Lord?
  Bru. I: saw you any thing?
  Var. No my Lord, I saw nothing

   Clau. Nor I my Lord

   Bru. Go, and commend me to my Brother Cassius:
Bid him set on his Powres betimes before,
And we will follow

   Both. It shall be done my Lord.


Actus Quintus.

Enter Octauius, Antony, and their Army.

  Octa. Now Antony, our hopes are answered,
You said the Enemy would not come downe,
But keepe the Hilles and vpper Regions:
It proues not so: their battailes are at hand,
They meane to warne vs at Philippi heere:
Answering before we do demand of them

   Ant. Tut I am in their bosomes, and I know
Wherefore they do it: They could be content
To visit other places, and come downe
With fearefull brauery: thinking by this face
To fasten in our thoughts that they haue Courage;
But 'tis not so.
Enter a Messenger.

  Mes. Prepare you Generals,
The Enemy comes on in gallant shew:
Their bloody signe of Battell is hung out,
And something to be done immediately
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