Ant. Octauius, leade your Battaile softly on
Vpon the left hand of the euen Field
Octa. Vpon the right hand I, keepe thou the left
Ant. Why do you crosse me in this exigent
Octa. I do not crosse you: but I will do so.
Drum. Enter Brutus, Cassius, & their Army.
Bru. They stand, and would haue parley
Cassi. Stand fast Titinius, we must out and talke
Octa. Mark Antony, shall we giue signe of Battaile?
Ant. No Caesar, we will answer on their Charge.
Make forth, the Generals would haue some words
Oct. Stirre not vntill the Signall
Bru. Words before blowes: is it so Countrymen?
Octa. Not that we loue words better, as you do
Bru. Good words are better then bad strokes Octauius
An. In your bad strokes Brutus, you giue good words
Witnesse the hole you made in Caesars heart,
Crying long liue, Haile Caesar
Cassi. Antony,
The posture of your blowes are yet vnknowne;
But for your words, they rob the Hibla Bees,
And leaue them Hony-lesse
Ant. Not stinglesse too
Bru. O yes, and soundlesse too:
For you haue stolne their buzzing Antony,
And very wisely threat before you sting
Ant. Villains: you did not so, when your vile daggers
Hackt one another in the sides of Caesar:
You shew'd your teethes like Apes,
And fawn'd like Hounds,
And bow'd like Bondmen, kissing Caesars feete;
Whil'st damned Caska, like a Curre, behinde
Strooke Caesar on the necke. O you Flatterers
Cassi. Flatterers? Now Brutus thanke your selfe,
This tongue had not offended so to day.
If Cassius might haue rul'd
Octa. Come, come, the cause. If arguing make vs swet,
The proofe of it will turne to redder drops:
Looke, I draw a Sword against Conspirators,
When thinke you that the Sword goes vp againe?
Neuer till Caesars three and thirtie wounds
Be well aueng'd; or till another Caesar
Haue added slaughter to the Sword of Traitors
Brut. Caesar, thou canst not dye by Traitors hands.
Vnlesse thou bring'st them with thee
Octa. So I hope:
I was not borne to dye on Brutus Sword
Bru. O if thou wer't the Noblest of thy Straine,
Yong-man, thou could'st not dye more honourable
Cassi. A peeuish School-boy, worthles of such Honor
Ioyn'd with a Masker, and a Reueller
Ant. Old Cassius still
Octa. Come Antony: away:
Defiance Traitors, hurle we in your teeth.
If you dare fight to day, come to the Field;
If not, when you haue stomackes.
Exit Octauius, Antony, and Army
Cassi. Why now blow winde, swell Billow,
And swimme Barke:
The Storme is vp, and all is on the hazard
Bru. Ho Lucillius, hearke, a word with you.
Lucillius and Messala stand forth.
Luc. My Lord
Cassi. Messala
Messa. What sayes my Generall?
Cassi. Messala, this is my Birth-day: at this very day
Was Cassius borne. Giue me thy hand Messala:
Be thou my witnesse, that against my will
(As Pompey was) am I compell'd to set
Vpon one Battell all our Liberties.
You know, that I held Epicurus strong,
And his Opinion: Now I change my minde,
And partly credit things that do presage.
Comming from Sardis, on our former Ensigne
Two mighty Eagles fell, and there they pearch'd,
Gorging and feeding from our Soldiers hands,
Who to Philippi heere consorted vs:
This Morning are they fled away, and gone,
And in their steeds, do Rauens, Crowes, and Kites
Fly ore our heads, and downward looke on vs
As we were sickely prey; their shadowes seeme
A Canopy most fatall, vnder which
Our Army lies, ready to giue vp the Ghost
Messa. Beleeue not so
Cassi. I but beleeue it partly,
For I am fresh of spirit, and resolu'd
To meete all perils, very constantly
Bru. Euen so Lucillius
Cassi. Now most Noble Brutus,
The Gods to day stand friendly, that we may
Louers in peace, leade on our dayes to age.
But since the affayres of men rests still incertaine,
Let's reason with the worst that may befall.
If we do lose this Battaile, then is this
The very last time we shall speake together:
What are you then determined to do?
Bru. Euen by the rule of that Philosophy,
By which I did blame Cato, for the death
Which he did giue himselfe, I know not how:
But I do finde it Cowardly, and vile,
For feare of what might fall, so to preuent
The time of life, arming my selfe with patience,
To stay the prouidence of some high Powers,
That gouerne vs below
Cassi. Then, if we loose this Battaile,
You are contented to be led in Triumph
Thorow the streets of Rome
Bru. No Cassius, no:
Thinke not thou Noble Romane,
That euer Brutus will go bound to Rome,
He beares too great a minde. But this same day
Must end that worke, the Ides of March begun.
And whether we shall meete againe, I know not:
Therefore our euerlasting farewell take:
For euer, and for euer, farewell Cassius,
If we do meete againe, why we shall smile;
If not, why then this parting was well made
Cassi. For euer, and for euer, farewell Brutus:
If we do meete againe, wee'l smile indeede;
If not, 'tis true, this parting was well made
Bru. Why then leade on. O that a man might know
The end of this dayes businesse, ere it come:
But it sufficeth, that the day will end,
And then the end is knowne. Come ho, away.
Alarum. Enter Brutus and Messala.
Bru. Ride, ride Messala, ride and giue these Billes
Vnto the Legions, on the other side.
Lowd Alarum.
Let them set on at once: for I perceiue
But cold demeanor in Octauio's wing:
And sodaine push giues them the ouerthrow:
Ride, ride Messala, let them all come downe.
Alarums. Enter Cassius and Titinius.
Cassi. O looke Titinius, looke, the Villaines flye:
My selfe haue to mine owne turn'd Enemy:
This Ensigne heere of mine was turning backe,
I slew the Coward, and did take it from him
Titin. O Cassius, Brutus gaue the word too early,
Who hauing some aduantage on Octauius,
Tooke it too eagerly: his Soldiers fell to spoyle,
Whilst we by Antony are all inclos'd.
Enter Pindarus.
Pind. Fly further off my Lord: flye further off,
Mark Antony is in your Tents my Lord:
Flye therefore Noble Cassius, flye farre off
Cassi. This Hill is farre enough. Looke, look Titinius
Are those my Tents where I perceiue the fire?
Tit. They are, my Lord
Cassi. Titinius, if thou louest me,
Mount thou my horse, and hide thy spurres in him,
Till he haue brought thee vp to yonder Troopes
And heere againe, that I may rest assur'd
Whether yond Troopes, are Friend or Enemy
Tit. I will be heere againe, euen with a thought.
Cassi. Go Pindarus, get higher on that hill,
My sight was euer thicke: regard Titinius,
And tell me what thou not'st about the Field.
This day I breathed first, Time is come round,
And where I did begin, there shall I end,
My life is run his compasse. Sirra, what newes?
Pind. Aboue. O my Lord
Cassi. What newes?
Pind. Titinius is enclosed round about
With Horsemen, that make to him on the Spurre,
Yet he spurres on. Now they are almost on him:
Now Titinius. Now some light: O he lights too.
Hee's tane.
And hearke, they shout for ioy
Cassi. Come downe, behold no more:
O Coward that I am, to liue so long,
To see my best Friend tane before my face
Enter Pindarus.
Come hither sirrah: In Parthia did I take thee Prisoner,
And then I swore thee, sauing of thy life,
That whatsoeuer I did bid thee do,
Thou should'st attempt it. Come now, keepe thine oath,
Now be a Free-man, and with this good Sword
That ran through Caesars bowels, search this bosome.
Stand not to answer: Heere, take thou the Hilts,
And when my face is couer'd, as 'tis now,
Guide thou the Sword- Caesar, thou art reueng'd,
Euen with the Sword that kill'd thee
Pin. So, I am free,
Yet would not so haue beene
Durst I haue done my will. O Cassius,
Farre from this Country Pindarus shall run,
Where neuer Roman shall take note of him.
Enter Titinius and Messala.
Messa. It is but change, Titinius: for Octauius
Is ouerthrowne by Noble Brutus power,
As Cassius Legions are by Antony
Titin. These tydings will well comfort Cassius
Messa. Where did you leaue him
Titin. All disconsolate,
With Pindarus his Bondman, on this Hill
Messa. Is not that he that lyes vpon the ground?
Titin. He lies not like the Liuing. O my heart!
Messa. Is not that hee?
Titin. No, this was he Messala,
But Cassius is no more. O setting Sunne:
As in thy red Rayes thou doest sinke to night;
So in his red blood Cassius day is set.
The Sunne of Rome is set. Our day is gone,
Clowds, Dewes, and Dangers come; our deeds are done:
Mistrust of my successe hath done this deed
Messa. Mistrust of good successe hath done this deed.
O hatefull Error, Melancholies Childe:
Why do'st thou shew to the apt thoughts of men
The things that are not? O Error soone conceyu'd,
Thou neuer com'st vnto a happy byrth,
But kil'st the Mother that engendred thee
Tit. What Pindarus? Where art thou Pindarus?
Messa. Seeke him Titinius, whilst I go to meet
The Noble Brutus, thrusting this report
Into his eares; I may say thrusting it:
For piercing Steele, and Darts inuenomed,
Shall be as welcome to the eares of Brutus,
As tydings of this sight
Tit. Hye you Messala,
And I will seeke for Pindarus the while:
Why did'st thou send me forth braue Cassius?
Did I not meet thy Friends, and did not they
Put on my Browes this wreath of Victorie,
And bid me giue it thee? Did'st thou not heare their showts?
Alas, thou hast misconstrued euery thing.
But hold thee, take this Garland on thy Brow,
Thy Brutus bid me giue it thee, and I
Will do his bidding. Brutus, come apace,
And see how I regarded Caius Cassius:
By your leaue Gods: This is a Romans part,
Come Cassius Sword, and finde Titinius hart.
Alarum. Enter Brutus, Messala, yong Cato, Strato, Volumnius, and
Bru. Where, where Messala, doth his body lye?
Messa. Loe yonder, and Titinius mourning it
Bru. Titinius face is vpward
Cato. He is slaine
Bru. O Iulius Caesar, thou art mighty yet,
Thy Spirit walkes abroad, and turnes our Swords
In our owne proper Entrailes. Low Alarums
Cato. Braue Titinius,
Looke where he haue not crown'd dead Cassius
Bru. Are yet two Romans liuing such as these?
The last of all the Romans, far thee well:
It is impossible, that euer Rome
Should breed thy fellow. Friends I owe mo teares
To this dead man, then you shall see me pay.
I shall finde time, Cassius: I shall finde time.
Come therefore, and to Tharsus send his body,
His Funerals shall not be in our Campe,
Least it discomfort vs. Lucillius come,
And come yong Cato, let vs to the Field,
Labio and Flauio set our Battailes on:
'Tis three a clocke, and Romans yet ere night,
We shall try Fortune in a second fight.
Alarum. Enter Brutus, Messala, Cato, Lucillius, and Flauius.
Bru. Yet Country-men: O yet, hold vp your heads
Cato. What Bastard doth not? Who will go with me?
I will proclaime my name about the Field.
I am the Sonne of Marcus Cato, hoe.
A Foe to Tyrants, and my Countries Friend.
I am the Sonne of Marcus Cato, hoe.
Enter Souldiers, and fight.
And I am Brutus, Marcus Brutus, I,
Brutus my Countries Friend: Know me for Brutus
Luc. O yong and Noble Cato, art thou downe?
Why now thou dyest, as brauely as Titinius,
And may'st be honour'd, being Cato's Sonne
Sold. Yeeld, or thou dyest
Luc. Onely I yeeld to dye:
There is so much, that thou wilt kill me straight:
Kill Brutus, and be honour'd in his death
Sold. We must not: a Noble Prisoner.
Enter Antony.
2.Sold. Roome hoe: tell Antony, Brutus is tane
1.Sold. Ile tell thee newes. Heere comes the Generall,
Brutus is tane, Brutus is tane my Lord
Ant. Where is hee?
Luc. Safe Antony, Brutus is safe enough:
I dare assure thee, that no Enemy
Shall euer take aliue the Noble Brutus:
The Gods defend him from so great a shame,
When you do finde him, or aliue, or dead,
He will be found like Brutus, like himselfe
Ant. This is not Brutus friend, but I assure you,
A prize no lesse in worth; keepe this man safe,
Giue him all kindnesse. I had rather haue
Such men my Friends, then Enemies. Go on,
And see where Brutus be aliue or dead,
And bring vs word, vnto Octauius Tent:
How euery thing is chanc'd.
Enter Brutus, Dardanius, Clitus, Strato, and Volumnius.
Brut. Come poore remaines of friends, rest on this
Clit. Statillius shew'd the Torch-light, but my Lord
He came not backe: he is or tane, or slaine
Brut. Sit thee downe, Clitus: slaying is the word,
It is a deed in fashion. Hearke thee, Clitus
Clit. What I, my Lord? No, not for all the World
Brut. Peace then, no words
Clit. Ile rather kill my selfe
Brut. Hearke thee, Dardanius
Dard. Shall I doe such a deed?
Clit. O Dardanius
Dard. O Clitus
Clit. What ill request did Brutus make to thee?
Dard. To kill him, Clitus: looke he meditates
Clit. Now is that Noble Vessell full of griefe,
That it runnes ouer euen at his eyes
Brut. Come hither, good Volumnius, list a word
Volum. What sayes my Lord?
Brut. Why this, Volumnius:
The Ghost of Caesar hath appear'd to me
Two seuerall times by Night: at Sardis, once;
And this last Night, here in Philippi fields:
I know my houre is come
Volum. Not so, my Lord
Brut. Nay, I am sure it is, Volumnius.
Thou seest the World, Volumnius, how it goes,
Our Enemies haue beat vs to the Pit:
Low Alarums.
It is more worthy, to leape in our selues,
Then tarry till they push vs. Good Volumnius,
Thou know'st, that we two went to Schoole together:
Euen for that our loue of old, I prethee
Hold thou my Sword Hilts, whilest I runne on it
Vol. That's not an Office for a friend, my Lord.
Alarum still.
Cly. Fly, flye my Lord, there is no tarrying heere
Bru. Farewell to you, and you, and Volumnius.
Strato, thou hast bin all this while asleepe:
Farewell to thee, to Strato, Countrymen:
My heart doth ioy, that yet in all my life,
I found no man, but he was true to me.
I shall haue glory by this loosing day
More then Octauius, and Marke Antony,
By this vile Conquest shall attaine vnto.
So fare you well at once, for Brutus tongue
Hath almost ended his liues History:
Night hangs vpon mine eyes, my Bones would rest,
That haue but labour'd, to attaine this houre.
Alarum. Cry within, Flye, flye, flye.
Cly. Fly my Lord, flye
Bru. Hence: I will follow:
I prythee Strato, stay thou by thy Lord,
Thou art a Fellow of a good respect:
Thy life hath had some smatch of Honor in it,
Hold then my Sword, and turne away thy face,
While I do run vpon it. Wilt thou Strato?
Stra. Giue me your hand first. Fare you wel my Lord
Bru. Farewell good Strato. - Caesar, now be still,
I kill'd not thee with halfe so good a will.
Alarum. Retreat. Enter Antony, Octauius, Messala, Lucillius, and
Octa. What man is that?
Messa. My Masters man. Strato, where is thy Master?
Stra. Free from the Bondage you are in Messala,
The Conquerors can but make a fire of him:
For Brutus onely ouercame himselfe,
And no man else hath Honor by his death
Lucil. So Brutus should be found. I thank thee Brutus
That thou hast prou'd Lucillius saying true,
Octa. All that seru'd Brutus, I will entertaine them.
Fellow, wilt thou bestow thy time with me?
Stra. I, if Messala will preferre me to you
Octa. Do so, good Messala
Messa. How dyed my Master Strato?
Stra. I held the Sword, and he did run on it
Messa. Octauius, then take him to follow thee,
That did the latest seruice to my Master
Ant. This was the Noblest Roman of them all:
All the Conspirators saue onely hee,
Did that they did, in enuy of great Caesar:
He, onely in a generall honest thought,
And common good to all, made one of them.
His life was gentle, and the Elements
So mixt in him, that Nature might stand vp,
And say to all the world; This was a man
Octa. According to his Vertue, let vs vse him
Withall Respect, and Rites of Buriall.
Within my Tent his bones to night shall ly,
Most like a Souldier ordered Honourably:
So call the Field to rest, and let's away,
To part the glories of this happy day.
Exeunt. omnes.