Char. Good your Highnesse patience
Cleo. In praysing Anthony, I haue disprais'd Caesar
Char. Many times Madam
Cleo. I am paid for't now: lead me from hence,
I faint, oh Iras, Charmian: 'tis no matter.
Go to the Fellow, good Alexas bid him
Report the feature of Octauia: her yeares,
Her inclination, let him not leaue out
The colour of her haire. Bring me word quickly,
Let him for euer go, let him not Charmian,
Though he be painted one way like a Gorgon,
The other wayes a Mars. Bid you Alexas
Bring me word, how tall she is: pitty me Charmian,
But do not speake to me. Lead me to my Chamber.
Flourish. Enter Pompey, at one doore with Drum and Trumpet: at
Caesar, Lepidus, Anthony, Enobarbus, Mecenas, Agrippa, Menas
with Souldiers
Pom. Your Hostages I haue, so haue you mine:
And we shall talke before we fight
Caesar. Most meete that first we come to words,
And therefore haue we
Our written purposes before vs sent,
Which if thou hast considered, let vs know,
If 'twill tye vp thy discontented Sword,
And carry backe to Cicelie much tall youth,
That else must perish heere
Pom. To you all three,
The Senators alone of this great world,
Chiefe Factors for the Gods. I do not know,
Wherefore my Father should reuengers want,
Hauing a Sonne and Friends, since Iulius Caesar,
Who at Phillippi the good Brutus ghosted,
There saw you labouring for him. What was't
That mou'd pale Cassius to conspire? And what
Made all-honor'd, honest, Romaine Brutus,
With the arm'd rest, Courtiers of beautious freedome,
To drench the Capitoll, but that they would
Haue one man but a man, and that his it
Hath made me rigge my Nauie. At whose burthen,
The anger'd Ocean fomes, with which I meant
To scourge th' ingratitude, that despightfull Rome
Cast on my Noble Father
Caesar. Take your time
Ant. Thou can'st not feare vs Pompey with thy sailes.
Weele speake with thee at Sea. At land thou know'st
How much we do o're-count thee
Pom. At Land indeed
Thou dost orecount me of my Fathers house:
But since the Cuckoo buildes not for himselfe,
Remaine in't as thou maist
Lepi. Be pleas'd to tell vs,
(For this is from the present how you take)
The offers we haue sent you
Caesar. There's the point
Ant. Which do not be entreated too,
But waigh what it is worth imbrac'd
Caesar. And what may follow to try a larger Fortune
Pom. You haue made me offer
Of Cicelie, Sardinia: and I must
Rid all the Sea of Pirats. Then, to send
Measures of Wheate to Rome: this greed vpon,
To part with vnhackt edges, and beare backe
Our Targes vndinted
Omnes. That's our offer
Pom. Know then I came before you heere,
A man prepar'd
To take this offer. But Marke Anthony,
Put me to some impatience: though I loose
The praise of it by telling. You must know
When Caesar and your Brother were at blowes,
Your Mother came to Cicelie, and did finde
Her welcome Friendly
Ant. I haue heard it Pompey,
And am well studied for a liberall thanks,
Which I do owe you
Pom. Let me haue your hand:
I did not thinke Sir, to haue met you heere,
Ant. The beds i'th' East are soft, and thanks to you,
That cal'd me timelier then my purpose hither:
For I haue gained by't
Caesar. Since I saw you last, ther's a change vpon you
Pom. Well, I know not,
What counts harsh Fortune cast's vpon my face,
But in my bosome shall she neuer come,
To make my heart her vassaile
Lep. Well met heere
Pom. I hope so Lepidus, thus we are agreed:
I craue our composion may be written
And seal'd betweene vs,
Caesar. That's the next to do
Pom. Weele feast each other, ere we part, and lett's
Draw lots who shall begin
Ant. That will I Pompey
Pompey. No Anthony take the lot: but first or last,
your fine Egyptian cookerie shall haue the fame, I haue
heard that Iulius Caesar, grew fat with feasting there
Anth. You haue heard much
Pom. I haue faire meaning Sir
Ant. And faire words to them
Pom. Then so much haue I heard,
And I haue heard Appolodorus carried-
Eno. No more that: he did so
Pom. What I pray you?
Eno. A certaine Queene to Caesar in a Matris
Pom. I know thee now, how far'st thou Souldier?
Eno. Well, and well am like to do, for I perceiue
Foure Feasts are toward
Pom. Let me shake thy hand,
I neuer hated thee: I haue seene thee fight,
When I haue enuied thy behauiour
Enob. Sir, I neuer lou'd you much, but I ha' prais'd ye,
When you haue well deseru'd ten times as much,
As I haue said you did
Pom. Inioy thy plainnesse,
It nothing ill becomes thee:
Aboord my Gally, I inuite you all.
Will you leade Lords?
All. Shew's the way, sir
Pom. Come.
Exeunt. Manet Enob. & Menas]
Men. Thy Father Pompey would ne're haue made this
Treaty. You, and I haue knowne sir
Enob. At Sea, I thinke
Men. We haue Sir
Enob. You haue done well by water
Men. And you by Land
Enob. I will praise any man that will praise me, thogh
it cannot be denied what I haue done by Land
Men. Nor what I haue done by water
Enob. Yes some-thing you can deny for your owne
safety: you haue bin a great Theefe by Sea
Men. And you by Land
Enob. There I deny my Land seruice: but giue mee
your hand Menas, if our eyes had authority, heere they
might take two Theeues kissing
Men. All mens faces are true, whatsomere their hands
Enob. But there is neuer a fayre Woman, ha's a true
Men. No slander, they steale hearts
Enob. We came hither to fight with you
Men. For my part, I am sorry it is turn'd to a Drinking.
Pompey doth this day laugh away his Fortune
Enob. If he do, sure he cannot weep't backe againe
Men. Y'haue said Sir, we look'd not for Marke Anthony
heere, pray you, is he married to Cleopatra?
Enob. Caesars Sister is call'd Octauia
Men. True Sir, she was the wife of Caius Marcellus
Enob. But she is now the wife of Marcus Anthonius
Men. Pray'ye sir
Enob. 'Tis true
Men. Then is Caesar and he, for euer knit together
Enob. If I were bound to Diuine of this vnity, I wold
not Prophesie so
Men. I thinke the policy of that purpose, made more
in the Marriage, then the loue of the parties
Enob. I thinke so too. But you shall finde the band
that seemes to tye their friendship together, will bee the
very strangler of their Amity: Octauia is of a holy, cold,
and still conuersation
Men. Who would not haue his wife so?
Eno. Not he that himselfe is not so: which is Marke
Anthony: he will to his Egyptian dish againe: then shall
the sighes of Octauia blow the fire vp in Caesar, and (as I
said before) that which is the strength of their Amity,
shall proue the immediate Author of their variance. Anthony
will vse his affection where it is. Hee married but
his occasion heere
Men. And thus it may be. Come Sir, will you aboord?
I haue a health for you
Enob. I shall take it sir: we haue vs'd our Throats in
Men. Come, let's away.
Musicke playes. Enter two or three Seruants with a Banket.
1 Heere they'l be man: some o' their Plants are ill
rooted already, the least winde i'th' world wil blow them
2 Lepidus is high Coulord
1 They haue made him drinke Almes drinke
2 As they pinch one another by the disposition, hee
cries out, no more; reconciles them to his entreatie, and
himselfe to'th' drinke
1 But it raises the greater warre betweene him & his
2 Why this it is to haue a name in great mens Fellowship:
I had as liue haue a Reede that will doe me no
seruice, as a Partizan I could not heaue
1 To be call'd into a huge Sphere, and not to be seene
to moue in't, are the holes where eyes should bee, which
pittifully disaster the cheekes.
A Sennet sounded. Enter Caesar, Anthony, Pompey, Lepidus,
Mecenas, Enobarbus, Menes, with other Captaines.
Ant. Thus do they Sir: they take the flow o'th' Nyle
By certaine scales i'th' Pyramid: they know
By'th' height, the lownesse, or the meane: If dearth
Or Foizon follow. The higher Nilus swels,
The more it promises: as it ebbes, the Seedsman
Vpon the slime and Ooze scatters his graine,
And shortly comes to Haruest
Lep. Y'haue strange Serpents there?
Anth. I Lepidus
Lep. Your Serpent of Egypt, is bred now of your mud
by the operation of your Sun: so is your Crocodile
Ant. They are so
Pom. Sit, and some Wine: A health to Lepidus
Lep. I am not so well as I should be:
But Ile ne're out
Enob. Not till you haue slept: I feare me you'l bee in
till then
Lep. Nay certainly, I haue heard the Ptolomies Pyramisis
are very goodly things: without contradiction I
haue heard that
Menas. Pompey, a word
Pomp. Say in mine eare, what is't
Men. Forsake thy seate I do beseech thee Captaine,
And heare me speake a word
Pom. Forbeare me till anon.
Whispers in's Eare.
This Wine for Lepidus
Lep. What manner o' thing is your Crocodile?
Ant. It is shap'd sir like it selfe, and it is as broad as it
hath bredth; It is iust so high as it is, and mooues with it
owne organs. It liues by that which nourisheth it, and
the Elements once out of it, it Transmigrates
Lep. What colour is it of?
Ant. Of it owne colour too
Lep. 'Tis a strange Serpent
Ant. 'Tis so, and the teares of it are wet
Caes Will this description satisfie him?
Ant. With the Health that Pompey giues him, else he
is a very Epicure
Pomp. Go hang sir, hang: tell me of that? Away:
Do as I bid you. Where's this Cup I call'd for?
Men. If for the sake of Merit thou wilt heare mee,
Rise from thy stoole
Pom. I thinke th'art mad: the matter?
Men. I haue euer held my cap off to thy Fortunes
Pom. Thou hast seru'd me with much faith: what's
else to say? Be iolly Lords
Anth. These Quicke-sands Lepidus,
Keepe off, them for you sinke
Men. Wilt thou be Lord of all the world?
Pom. What saist thou?
Men. Wilt thou be Lord of the whole world?
That's twice
Pom. How should that be?
Men. But entertaine it, and though thou thinke me
poore, I am the man will giue thee all the world
Pom. Hast thou drunke well
Men. No Pompey, I haue kept me from the cup,
Thou art if thou dar'st be, the earthly Ioue:
What ere the Ocean pales, or skie inclippes,
Is thine, if thou wilt ha't
Pom. Shew me which way?
Men. These three World-sharers, these Competitors
Are in thy vessell. Let me cut the Cable,
And when we are put off, fall to their throates:
All there is thine
Pom. Ah, this thou shouldst haue done,
And not haue spoke on't. In me 'tis villanie,
In thee, 't had bin good seruice: thou must know,
'Tis not my profit that does lead mine Honour:
Mine Honour it, Repent that ere thy tongue,
Hath so betraide thine acte. Being done vnknowne,
I should haue found it afterwards well done,
But must condemne it now: desist, and drinke
Men. For this, Ile neuer follow
Thy paul'd Fortunes more,
Who seekes and will not take, when once 'tis offer'd,
Shall neuer finde it more
Pom. This health to Lepidus
Ant. Beare him ashore,
Ile pledge it for him Pompey
Eno. Heere's to thee Menas
Men. Enobarbus, welcome
Pom. Fill till the cup be hid
Eno. There's a strong Fellow Menas
Men. Why?
Eno. A beares the third part of the world man: seest
Men. The third part, then he is drunk: would it were
all, that it might go on wheeles
Eno. Drinke thou: encrease the Reeles
Men. Come
Pom. This is not yet an Alexandrian Feast
Ant. It ripen's, towards it: strike the Vessells hoa.
Heere's to Caesar
Caesar. I could well forbear't, it's monstrous labour
when I wash my braine, and it grow fouler
Ant. Be a Child o'th' time
Caesar. Possesse it, Ile make answer: but I had rather
fast from all, foure dayes, then drinke so much in one
Enob. Ha my braue Emperour, shall we daunce now
the Egyptian Backenals, and celebrate our drinke?
Pom. Let's ha't good Souldier
Ant. Come, let's all take hands,
Till that the conquering Wine hath steep't our sense,
In soft and delicate Lethe
Eno. All take hands:
Make battery to our eares with the loud Musicke,
The while, Ile place you, then the Boy shall sing.
The holding euery man shall beate as loud,
As his strong sides can volly.
Musicke Playes. Enobarbus places them hand in hand.
The Song.
Come thou Monarch of the Vine,
Plumpie Bacchus, with pinke eyne:
In thy Fattes our Cares be drown'd,
With thy Grapes our haires be Crown'd.
Cup vs till the world go round,
Cup vs till the world go round
Caesar. What would you more?
Pompey goodnight. Good Brother
Let me request you of our grauer businesse
Frownes at this leuitie. Gentle Lords let's part,
You see we haue burnt our cheekes. Strong Enobarbe
Is weaker then the Wine, and mine owne tongue
Spleet's what it speakes: the wilde disguise hath almost
Antickt vs all. What needs more words? goodnight.
Good Anthony your hand
Pom. Ile try you on the shore
Anth. And shall Sir, giues your hand
Pom. Oh Anthony, you haue my Father house.
But what, we are Friends?
Come downe into the Boate
Eno. Take heed you fall not Menas: Ile not on shore,
No to my Cabin: these Drummes,
These Trumpets, Flutes: what
Let Neptune heare, we bid aloud farewell
To these great Fellowes. Sound and be hang'd, sound out.
Sound a Flourish with Drummes.
Enor. Hoo saies a there's my Cap
Men. Hoa, Noble Captaine, come.
Enter Ventidius as it were in triumph, the dead body of Pacorus
before him.
Ven. Now darting Parthya art thou stroke, and now
Pleas'd Fortune does of Marcus Crassus death
Make me reuenger. Beare the Kings Sonnes body,
Before our Army, thy Pacorus Orades,
Paies this for Marcus Crassus
Romaine. Noble Ventidius,
Whil'st yet with Parthian blood thy Sword is warme,
The Fugitiue Parthians follow. Spurre through Media,
Mesapotamia, and the shelters, whether
The routed flie. So thy grand Captaine Anthony
Shall set thee on triumphant Chariots, and
Put Garlands on thy head
Ven. Oh Sillius, Sillius,
I haue done enough. A lower place note well
May make too great an act. For learne this Sillius,
Better to leaue vndone, then by our deed
Acquire too high a Fame, when him we serues away.
Caesar and Anthony, haue euer wonne
More in their officer, then person. Sossius
One of my place in Syria, his Lieutenant,
For quicke accumulation of renowne,
Which he atchiu'd by'th' minute, lost his fauour.
Who does i'th' Warres more then his Captaine can,
Becomes his Captaines Captaine: and Ambition
(The Souldiers vertue) rather makes choise of losse
Then gaine, which darkens him.
I could do more to do Anthonius good,
But 'twould offend him. And in his offence,
Should my performance perish
Rom. Thou hast Ventidius that, without the which a
Souldier and his Sword graunts scarce distinction: thou
wilt write to Anthony
Ven. Ile humbly signifie what in his name,
That magicall word of Warre we haue effected,
How with his Banners, and his well paid ranks,
The nere-yet beaten Horse of Parthia,
We haue iaded out o'th' Field
Rom. Where is he now?
Ven. He purposeth to Athens, whither with what hast
The waight we must conuay with's, will permit:
We shall appeare before him. On there, passe along.
Enter Agrippa at one doore, Enobarbus at another.
Agri. What are the Brothers parted?
Eno. They haue dispatcht with Pompey, he is gone,
The other three are Sealing. Octauia weepes
To part from Rome: Caesar is sad, and Lepidus
Since Pompey's feast, as Menas saies, is troubled
With the Greene-Sicknesse
Agri. 'Tis a Noble Lepidus
Eno. A very fine one: oh, how he loues Caesar
Agri. Nay but how deerely he adores Mark Anthony
Eno. Caesar? why he's the Iupiter of men
Ant. What's Anthony, the God of Iupiter?
Eno. Spake you of Caesar? How, the non-pareill?
Agri. Oh Anthony, oh thou Arabian Bird!
Eno. Would you praise Caesar, say Caesar go no further
Agr. Indeed he plied them both with excellent praises
Eno. But he loues Caesar best, yet he loues Anthony:
Hoo, Hearts, Tongues, Figure,
Scribes, Bards, Poets, cannot
Thinke speake, cast, write, sing, number: hoo,
His loue to Anthony. But as for Caesar,
Kneele downe, kneele downe, and wonder
Agri. Both he loues
Eno. They are his Shards, and he their Beetle, so:
This is to horse: Adieu, Noble Agrippa
Agri. Good Fortune worthy Souldier, and farewell.
Enter Caesar, Anthony, Lepidus, and Octauia.
Antho. No further Sir
Caesar. You take from me a great part of my selfe:
Vse me well in't. Sister, proue such a wife
As my thoughts make thee, and as my farthest Band
Shall passe on thy approofe: most Noble Anthony,
Let not the peece of Vertue which is set
Betwixt vs, as the Cyment of our loue
To keepe it builded, be the Ramme to batter
The Fortresse of it: for better might we
Haue lou'd without this meane, if on both parts
This be not cherisht
Ant. Make me not offended, in your distrust
Caesar. I haue said
Ant. You shall not finde,
Though you be therein curious, the lest cause
For what you seeme to feare, so the Gods keepe you,
And make the hearts of Romaines serue your ends:
We will heere part
Caesar. Farewell my deerest Sister, fare thee well,
The Elements be kind to thee, and make
Thy spirits all of comfort: fare thee well
Octa. My Noble Brother
Anth. The Aprill's in her eyes, it is Loues spring,
And these the showers to bring it on: be cheerfull
Octa. Sir, looke well to my Husbands house: and-
Caesar. What Octauia?
Octa. Ile tell you in your eare
Ant. Her tongue will not obey her heart, nor can
Her heart informe her tongue.
The Swannes downe feather
That stands vpon the Swell at the full of Tide:
And neither way inclines
Eno. Will Caesar weepe?
Agr. He ha's a cloud in's face
Eno. He were the worse for that were he a Horse, so is
he being a man
Agri. Why Enobarbus:
When Anthony found Iulius Caesar dead,
He cried almost to roaring: And he wept,
When at Phillippi he found Brutus slaine
Eno. That year indeed, he was trobled with a rheume,
What willingly he did confound, he wail'd,
Beleeu't till I weepe too
Caesar. No sweet Octauia,
You shall heare from me still: the time shall not
Out-go my thinking on you
Ant. Come Sir, come,
Ile wrastle with you in my strength of loue,
Looke heere I haue you, thus I let you go,
And giue you to the Gods
Caesar. Adieu, be happy
Lep. Let all the number of the Starres giue light
To thy faire way
Caesar. Farewell, farewell.
Kisses Octauia.
Ant. Farewell.
Trumpets sound. Exeunt.
Enter Cleopatra, Charmian, Iras, and Alexas.
Cleo. Where is the Fellow?
Alex. Halfe afeard to come
Cleo. Go too, go too: Come hither Sir.
Enter the Messenger as before.
Alex. Good Maiestie: Herod of Iury dare not looke
vpon you, but when you are well pleas'd
Cleo. That Herods head, Ile haue: but how? When
Anthony is gone, through whom I might commaund it:
Come thou neere
Mes. Most gratious Maiestie
Cleo. Did'st thou behold Octauia?
Mes. I dread Queene
Cleo. Where?
Mes. Madam in Rome, I lookt her in the face: and
saw her led betweene her Brother, and Marke Anthony
Cleo. Is she as tall as me?
Mes. She is not Madam
Cleo. Didst heare her speake?
Is she shrill tongu'd or low?
Mes. Madam, I heard her speake, she is low voic'd
Cleo. That's not so good: he cannot like her long
Char. Like her? Oh Isis: 'tis impossible
Cleo. I thinke so Charmian: dull of tongue, & dwarfish
What Maiestie is in her gate, remember
If ere thou look'st on Maiestie
Mes. She creepes: her motion, & her station are as one.
She shewes a body, rather then a life,
A Statue, then a Breather
Cleo. Is this certaine?
Mes. Or I haue no obseruance
Cha. Three in Egypt cannot make better note
Cleo. He's very knowing, I do perceiu't,
There's nothing in her yet.
The Fellow ha's good iudgement
Char. Excellent
Cleo. Guesse at her yeares, I prythee
Mess. Madam, she was a widdow
Cleo. Widdow? Charmian, hearke
Mes. And I do thinke she's thirtie
Cle. Bear'st thou her face in mind? is't long or round?
Mess. Round, euen to faultinesse
Cleo. For the most part too, they are foolish that are
so. Her haire what colour?
Mess. Browne Madam: and her forehead
As low as she would wish it
Cleo. There's Gold for thee,
Thou must not take my former sharpenesse ill,
I will employ thee backe againe: I finde thee
Most fit for businesse. Go, make thee ready,
Our Letters are prepar'd
Char. A proper man
Cleo. Indeed he is so: I repent me much
That so I harried him. Why me think's by him,
This Creature's no such thing
Char. Nothing Madam
Cleo. The man hath seene some Maiesty, and should
Char. Hath he seene Maiestie? Isis else defend: and
seruing you so long
Cleopa. I haue one thing more to aske him yet good
Charmian: but 'tis no matter, thou shalt bring him to me
where I will write; all may be well enough
Char. I warrant you Madam.
Enter Anthony and Octauia.
Ant. Nay, nay Octauia, not onely that,
That were excusable, that and thousands more
Of semblable import, but he hath wag'd
New Warres 'gainst Pompey. Made his will, and read it,
To publicke eare, spoke scantly of me,
When perforce he could not
But pay me tearmes of Honour: cold and sickly
He vented then most narrow measure: lent me,
When the best hint was giuen him: he not took't,
Or did it from his teeth
Octaui. Oh my good Lord,
Beleeue not all, or if you must beleeue,
Stomacke not all. A more vnhappie Lady,
If this deuision chance, ne're stood betweene
Praying for both parts:
The good Gods wil mocke me presently,
When I shall pray: Oh blesse my Lord, and Husband,
Vndo that prayer, by crying out as loud,
Oh blesse my Brother. Husband winne, winne Brother,
Prayes, and distroyes the prayer, no midway
'Twixt these extreames at all
Ant. Gentle Octauia,
Let your best loue draw to that point which seeks
Best to preserue it: if I loose mine Honour,
I loose my selfe: better I were not yours
Then your so branchlesse. But as you requested,
Your selfe shall go between's, the meane time Lady,
Ile raise the preparation of a Warre
Shall staine your Brother, make your soonest hast,
So your desires are yours
Oct. Thanks to my Lord,
The Ioue of power make me most weake, most weake,
Your reconciler: Warres 'twixt you twaine would be,
As if the world should cleaue, and that slaine men
Should soalder vp the Rift
Anth. When it appeeres to you where this begins,
Turne your displeasure that way, for our faults
Can neuer be so equall, that your loue
Can equally moue with them. Prouide your going,
Choose your owne company, and command what cost
Your heart he's mind too.
Enter Enobarbus, and Eros.
Eno. How now Friend Eros?
Eros. Ther's strange Newes come Sir
Eno. What man?
Ero. Caesar & Lepidus haue made warres vpon Pompey
Eno. This is old, what is the successe?
Eros. Caesar hauing made vse of him in the warres
'gainst Pompey: presently denied him riuality, would not
let him partake in the glory of the action, and not resting
here, accuses him of Letters he had formerly wrote to
Pompey. Vpon his owne appeale seizes him, so the poore
third is vp, till death enlarge his Confine
Eno. Then would thou hadst a paire of chaps no more,
and throw betweene them all the food thou hast, they'le
grinde the other. Where's Anthony?
Eros. He's walking in the garden thus, and spurnes
The rush that lies before him. Cries Foole Lepidus,
And threats the throate of that his Officer,
That murdred Pompey
Eno. Our great Nauies rig'd
Eros. For Italy and Caesar, more Domitius,
My Lord desires you presently: my Newes
I might haue told heareafter
Eno. 'Twillbe naught, but let it be: bring me to Anthony
Eros. Come Sir,
Enter Agrippa, Mecenas, and Caesar.
Caes Contemning Rome he ha's done all this, & more
In Alexandria: heere's the manner of't:
I'th' Market-place on a Tribunall siluer'd,
Cleopatra and himselfe in Chaires of Gold
Were publikely enthron'd: at the feet, sat
Caesarion whom they call my Fathers Sonne,
And all the vnlawfull issue, that their Lust
Since then hath made betweene them. Vnto her,
He gaue the stablishment of Egypt, made her
Of lower Syria, Cyprus, Lydia, absolute Queene
Mece. This in the publike eye?
Caesar. I'th' common shew place, where they exercise,
His Sonnes hither proclaimed the King of Kings,
Great Media, Parthia, and Armenia
He gaue to Alexander. To Ptolomy he assign'd,
Syria, Silicia, and Phoenetia: she
In th' abiliments of the Goddesse Isis
That day appeer'd, and oft before gaue audience,
As 'tis reported so
Mece. Let Rome be thus inform'd
Agri. Who queazie with his insolence already,
Will their good thoughts call from him
Caesar. The people knowes it,
And haue now receiu'd his accusations
Agri. Who does he accuse?
Caesar. Caesar, and that hauing in Cicilie
Sextus Pompeius spoil'd, we had not rated him
His part o'th' Isle. Then does he say, he lent me
Some shipping vnrestor'd. Lastly, he frets
That Lepidus of the Triumpherate, should be depos'd,
And being that, we detaine all his Reuenue
Agri. Sir, this should be answer'd
Caesar. 'Tis done already, and the Messenger gone:
I haue told him Lepidus was growne too cruell,
That he his high Authority abus'd,
And did deserue his change: for what I haue conquer'd,
I grant him part: but then in his Armenia,
And other of his conquer'd Kingdoms, I demand the like
Mec. Hee'l neuer yeeld to that
Caes Nor must not then be yeelded to in this.
Enter Octauia with her Traine.
Octa. Haile Caesar, and my L[ord]. haile most deere Caesar
Caesar. That euer I should call thee Cast-away
Octa. You haue not call'd me so, nor haue you cause
Caes Why haue you stoln vpon vs thus? you come not
Like Caesars Sister, The wife of Anthony
Should haue an Army for an Vsher, and
The neighes of Horse to tell of her approach,
Long ere she did appeare. The trees by'th' way
Should haue borne men, and expectation fainted,
Longing for what it had not. Nay, the dust
Should haue ascended to the Roofe of Heauen,
Rais'd by your populous Troopes: But you are come
A Market-maid to Rome, and haue preuented
The ostentation of our loue; which left vnshewne,
Is often left vnlou'd: we should haue met you
By Sea, and Land, supplying euery Stage
With an augmented greeting
Octa. Good my Lord,
To come thus was I not constrain'd, but did it
On my free-will. My Lord Marke Anthony,
Hearing that you prepar'd for Warre, acquainted
My greeued eare withall: whereon I begg'd
His pardon for returne
Caes Which soone he granted,
Being an abstract 'tweene his Lust, and him
Octa. Do not say so, my Lord
Caes I haue eyes vpon him,
And his affaires come to me on the wind: wher is he now?
Octa. My Lord, in Athens
Caesar. No my most wronged Sister, Cleopatra
Hath nodded him to her. He hath giuen his Empire
Vp to a Whore, who now are leuying
The Kings o'th' earth for Warre. He hath assembled,
Bochus the King of Lybia, Archilaus
Of Cappadocia, Philadelphos King
Of Paphlagonia: the Thracian King Adullas,
King Manchus of Arabia, King of Pont,
Herod of Iewry, Mithridates King
Of Comageat, Polemen and Amintas,
The Kings of Mede, and Licoania,
With a more larger List of Scepters
Octa. Aye me most wretched,
That haue my heart parted betwixt two Friends,
That does afflict each other
Caes Welcom hither: your Letters did with-holde our breaking
Till we perceiu'd both how you were wrong led,
And we in negligent danger: cheere your heart,
Be you not troubled with the time, which driues
O're your content, these strong necessities,
But let determin'd things to destinie
Hold vnbewayl'd their way. Welcome to Rome,
Nothing more deere to me: You are abus'd
Beyond the marke of thought: and the high Gods
To do you Iustice, makes his Ministers
Of vs, and those that loue you. Best of comfort,
And euer welcom to vs
Agrip. Welcome Lady
Mec. Welcome deere Madam,
Each heart in Rome does loue and pitty you,
Onely th' adulterous Anthony, most large
In his abhominations, turnes you off,
And giues his potent Regiment to a Trull
That noyses it against vs
Octa. Is it so sir?
Caes Most certaine: Sister welcome: pray you
Be euer knowne to patience. My deer'st Sister.
Enter Cleopatra, and Enobarbus.
Cleo. I will be euen with thee, doubt it not
Eno. But why, why, why?
Cleo. Thou hast forespoke my being in these warres,
And say'st it is not fit
Eno. Well: is it, is it
Cleo. If not, denounc'd against vs, why should not
we be there in person
Enob. Well, I could reply: if wee should serue with
Horse and Mares together, the Horse were meerly lost:
the Mares would beare a Soldiour and his Horse
Cleo. What is't you say?
Enob. Your presence needs must puzle Anthony,
Take from his heart, take from his Braine, from's time,
What should not then be spar'd. He is already
Traduc'd for Leuity, and 'tis said in Rome,
That Photinus an Eunuch, and your Maides
Mannage this warre
Cleo. Sinke Rome, and their tongues rot
That speake against vs. A Charge we beare i'th' Warre,
And as the president of my Kingdome will
Appeare there for a man. Speake not against it,
I will not stay behinde.
Enter Anthony and Camidias.
Eno. Nay I haue done, here comes the Emperor
Ant. Is it not strange Camidius,
That from Tarientum, and Brandusium,
He could so quickly cut the Ionian Sea,
And take in Troine. You haue heard on't (Sweet?)
Cleo. Celerity is neuer more admir'd,
Then by the negligent
Ant. A good rebuke,
Which might haue well becom'd the best of men
To taunt at slacknesse. Camidius, wee
Will fight with him by Sea
Cleo. By Sea, what else?
Cam. Why will my Lord, do so?
Ant. For that he dares vs too't
Enob. So hath my Lord, dar'd him to single fight
Cam. I, and to wage this Battell at Pharsalia,
Where Caesar fought with Pompey. But these offers
Which serue not for his vantage, he shakes off,
And so should you
Enob. Your Shippes are not well mann'd,
Your Marriners are Militers, Reapers, people
Ingrost by swift Impresse. In Caesars Fleete,
Are those, that often haue 'gainst Pompey fought,
Their shippes are yare, yours heauy: no disgrace
Shall fall you for refusing him at Sea,
Being prepar'd for Land
Ant. By Sea, by Sea
Eno. Most worthy Sir, you therein throw away
The absolute Soldiership you haue by Land,
Distract your Armie, which doth most consist
Of Warre-markt-footmen, leaue vnexecuted
Your owne renowned knowledge, quite forgoe
The way which promises assurance, and
Giue vp your selfe meerly to chance and hazard,
From firme Securitie
Ant. Ile fight at Sea
Cleo. I haue sixty Sailes, Caesar none better
Ant. Our ouer-plus of shipping will we burne,
And with the rest full mann'd, from th' head of Action
Beate th' approaching Caesar. But if we faile,
We then can doo't at Land.
Enter a Messenger.
Thy Businesse?
Mes. The Newes is true, my Lord, he is descried,
Caesar ha's taken Toryne
Ant. Can he be there in person? 'Tis impossible
Strange, that his power should be. Camidius,
Our nineteene Legions thou shalt hold by Land,
And our twelue thousand Horse. Wee'l to our Ship,
Away my Thetis.
Enter a Soldiour.
How now worthy Souldier?
Soul. Oh Noble Emperor, do not fight by Sea,
Trust not to rotten plankes: Do you misdoubt
This Sword, and these my Wounds; let th' Egyptians
And the Phoenicians go a ducking: wee
Haue vs'd to conquer standing on the earth,
And fighting foot to foot
Ant. Well, well, away.
exit Ant. Cleo. & Enob
Soul. By Hercules I thinke I am i'th' right
Cam. Souldier thou art: but his whole action growes
Not in the power on't: so our Leaders leade,
And we are Womens mens
Soul. You keepe by Land the Legions and the Horse
whole, do you not?
Ven. Marcus Octauius, Marcus Iusteus,
Publicola, and Celius, are for Sea:
But we keepe whole by Land. This speede of Caesars
Carries beyond beleefe
Soul. While he was yet in Rome,
His power went out in such distractions,
As beguilde all Spies
Cam. Who's his Lieutenant, heare you?
Soul. They say, one Towrus
Cam. Well, I know the man.
Enter a Messenger.
Mes. The Emperor cals Camidius
Cam. With Newes the times with Labour,
And throwes forth each minute, some.
Enter Caesar with his Army, marching.
Caes Towrus?
Tow. My Lord
Caes Strike not by Land,
Keepe whole, prouoke not Battaile
Till we haue done at Sea. Do not exceede
The Prescript of this Scroule: Our fortune lyes
Vpon this iumpe.
Enter Anthony, and Enobarbus.
Ant. Set we our Squadrons on yond side o'th' Hill,
In eye of Caesars battaile, from which place
We may the number of the Ships behold,
And so proceed accordingly.
Camidius Marcheth with his Land Army one way ouer the stage,
and Towrus
the Lieutenant of Caesar the other way: After their going in, is
heard the
noise of a Sea fight. Alarum. Enter Enobarbus and Scarus.
Eno. Naught, naught, al naught, I can behold no longer:
Thantoniad, the Egyptian Admirall,
With all their sixty flye, and turne the Rudder:
To see't, mine eyes are blasted.
Enter Scarrus.
Scar. Gods, & Goddesses, all the whol synod of them!
Eno. What's thy passion
Scar. The greater Cantle of the world, is lost
With very ignorance, we haue kist away
Kingdomes, and Prouinces
Eno. How appeares the Fight?
Scar. On our side, like the Token'd Pestilence,
Where death is sure. Yon ribaudred Nagge of Egypt,
(Whom Leprosie o're-take) i'th' midst o'th' fight,
When vantage like a payre of Twinnes appear'd
Both as the same, or rather ours the elder;
(The Breeze vpon her) like a Cow in Iune,
Hoists Sailes, and flyes
Eno. That I beheld:
Mine eyes did sicken at the sight, and could not
Indure a further view
Scar. She once being looft,
The Noble ruine of her Magicke, Anthony,
Claps on his Sea-wing, and (like a doting Mallard)
Leauing the Fight in heighth, flyes after her:
I neuer saw an Action of such shame;
Experience, Man-hood, Honor, ne're before,
Did violate so it selfe
Enob. Alacke, alacke.
Enter Camidius
Cam. Our Fortune on the Sea is out of breath,
And sinkes most lamentably. Had our Generall
Bin what he knew himselfe, it had gone well:
Oh his ha's giuen example for our flight,
Most grossely by his owne
Enob. I, are you thereabouts? Why then goodnight
Cam. Toward Peloponnesus are they fled
Scar. 'Tis easie toot,
And there I will attend what further comes
Camid. To Caesar will I render
My Legions and my Horse, sixe Kings alreadie
Shew me the way of yeelding
Eno. Ile yet follow
The wounded chance of Anthony, though my reason
Sits in the winde against me.
Enter Anthony with Attendants.
Ant. Hearke, the Land bids me tread no more vpon't,
It is asham'd to beare me. Friends, come hither,
I am so lated in the world, that I
Haue lost my way for euer. I haue a shippe,
Laden with Gold, take that, diuide it: flye,
And make your peace with Caesar
Omnes. Fly? Not wee
Ant. I haue fled my selfe, and haue instructed cowards
To runne, and shew their shoulders. Friends be gone,
I haue my selfe resolu'd vpon a course,
Which has no neede of you. Be gone,
My Treasure's in the Harbour. Take it: Oh,
I follow'd that I blush to looke vpon,
My very haires do mutiny: for the white
Reproue the browne for rashnesse, and they them
For feare, and doting. Friends be gone, you shall
Haue Letters from me to some Friends, that will
Sweepe your way for you. Pray you looke not sad,
Nor make replyes of loathnesse, take the hint
Which my dispaire proclaimes. Let them be left
Which leaues it selfe, to the Sea-side straight way;
I will possesse you of that ship and Treasure.
Leaue me, I pray a little: pray you now,
Nay do so: for indeede I haue lost command,
Therefore I pray you, Ile see you by and by.
Sits downe
Enter Cleopatra led by Charmian and Eros.
Eros. Nay gentle Madam, to him, comfort him
Iras. Do most deere Queene
Char. Do, why, what else?
Cleo. Let me sit downe: Oh Iuno
Ant. No, no, no, no, no
Eros. See you heere, Sir?
Ant. Oh fie, fie, fie
Char. Madam
Iras. Madam, oh good Empresse
Eros. Sir, sir
Ant. Yes my Lord, yes; he at Philippi kept
His sword e'ne like a dancer, while I strooke
The leane and wrinkled Cassius, and 'twas I
That the mad Brutus ended: he alone
Dealt on Lieutenantry, and no practise had
In the braue squares of Warre: yet now: no matter
Cleo. Ah stand by
Eros. The Queene my Lord, the Queene
Iras. Go to him, Madam, speake to him,
Hee's vnqualitied with very shame
Cleo. Well then, sustaine me: Oh
Eros. Most Noble Sir arise, the Queene approaches,
Her head's declin'd, and death will cease her, but
Your comfort makes the rescue
Ant. I haue offended Reputation,
A most vnnoble sweruing
Eros. Sir, the Queene
Ant. Oh whether hast thou lead me Egypt, see
How I conuey my shame, out of thine eyes,
By looking backe what I haue left behinde
Stroy'd in dishonor
Cleo. Oh my Lord, my Lord,
Forgiue my fearfull sayles, I little thought
You would haue followed
Ant. Egypt, thou knew'st too well,
My heart was to thy Rudder tyed by'th' strings,
And thou should'st towe me after. O're my spirit
The full supremacie thou knew'st, and that
Thy becke, might from the bidding of the Gods
Command mee
Cleo. Oh my pardon
Ant. Now I must
To the young man send humble Treaties, dodge
And palter in the shifts of lownes, who
With halfe the bulke o'th' world plaid as I pleas'd,
Making, and marring Fortunes. You did know
How much you were my Conqueror, and that
My Sword, made weake by my affection, would
Obey it on all cause
Cleo. Pardon, pardon
Ant. Fall not a teare I say, one of them rates
All that is wonne and lost: Giue me a kisse,
Euen this repayes me.
We sent our Schoolemaster, is a come backe?
Loue I am full of Lead: some Wine
Within there, and our Viands: Fortune knowes,
We scorne her most, when most she offers blowes.
Enter Caesar, Agrippa, and Dollabello, with others.
Caes Let him appeare that's come from Anthony.
Know you him
Dolla. Caesar, 'tis his Schoolemaster,
An argument that he is pluckt, when hither
He sends so poore a Pinnion of his Wing,
Which had superfluous Kings for Messengers,
Not many Moones gone by.
Enter Ambassador from Anthony.
Caesar. Approach, and speake
Amb. Such as I am, I come from Anthony:
I was of late as petty to his ends,
As is the Morne-dew on the Mertle leafe
To his grand Sea
Caes Bee't so, declare thine office
Amb. Lord of his Fortunes he salutes thee, and
Requires to liue in Egypt, which not granted
He Lessons his Requests, and to thee sues
To let him breath betweene the Heauens and Earth
A priuate man in Athens: this for him.
Next, Cleopatra does confesse thy Greatnesse,
Submits her to thy might, and of thee craues
The Circle of the Ptolomies for her heyres,
Now hazarded to thy Grace
Caes For Anthony,
I haue no eares to his request. The Queene,
Of Audience, nor Desire shall faile, so shee
From Egypt driue her all-disgraced Friend,
Or take his life there. This if shee performe,
She shall not sue vnheard. So to them both
Amb. Fortune pursue thee
Caes Bring him through the Bands:
To try thy Eloquence, now 'tis time, dispatch,
From Anthony winne Cleopatra, promise
And in our Name, what she requires, adde more
From thine inuention, offers. Women are not
In their best Fortunes strong; but want will periure
The ne're touch'd Vestall. Try thy cunning Thidias,
Make thine owne Edict for thy paines, which we
Will answer as a Law
Thid. Caesar. I go
Caesar. Obserue how Anthony becomes his flaw,
And what thou think'st his very action speakes
In euery power that mooues
Thid. Caesar, I shall.
Enter Cleopatra, Enobarbus, Charmian, & Iras.
Cleo. What shall we do, Enobarbus?
Eno. Thinke, and dye
Cleo. Is Anthony, or we in fault for this?
Eno. Anthony onely, that would make his will
Lord of his Reason. What though you fled,
From that great face of Warre, whose seuerall ranges
Frighted each other? Why should he follow?
The itch of his Affection should not then
Haue nickt his Captain-ship, at such a point,
When halfe to halfe the world oppos'd, he being
The meered question? 'Twas a shame no lesse
Then was his losse, to course your flying Flagges,
And leaue his Nauy gazing
Cleo. Prythee peace.
Enter the Ambassador, with Anthony.
Ant. Is that his answer?
Amb. I my Lord
Ant. The Queene shall then haue courtesie,
So she will yeeld vs vp
Am. He sayes so
Antho. Let her know't. To the Boy Caesar send this
grizled head, and he will fill thy wishes to the brimme,
With Principalities
Cleo. That head my Lord?
Ant. To him againe, tell him he weares the Rose
Of youth vpon him: from which, the world should note
Something particular: His Coine, Ships, Legions,
May be a Cowards, whose Ministers would preuaile
Vnder the seruice of a Childe, as soone
As i'th' Command of Caesar. I dare him therefore
To lay his gay Comparisons a-part,
And answer me declin'd, Sword against Sword,
Our selues alone: Ile write it: Follow me
Eno. Yes like enough: hye battel'd Caesar will
Vnstate his happinesse, and be Stag'd to'th' shew
Against a Sworder. I see mens Iudgements are
A parcell of their Fortunes, and things outward
Do draw the inward quality after them
To suffer all alike, that he should dreame,
Knowing all measures, the full Caesar will
Answer his emptinesse; Caesar thou hast subdu'de
His iudgement too.
Enter a Seruant.
Ser. A Messenger from Caesar
Cleo. What no more Ceremony? See my Women,
Against the blowne Rose may they stop their nose,
That kneel'd vnto the Buds. Admit him sir
Eno. Mine honesty, and I, beginne to square,
The Loyalty well held to Fooles, does make
Our Faith meere folly: yet he that can endure
To follow with Allegeance a falne Lord,
Does conquer him that did his Master conquer,
And earnes a place i'th' Story.
Enter Thidias.
Cleo. Caesars will
Thid. Heare it apart
Cleo. None but Friends: say boldly
Thid. So haply are they Friends to Anthony
Enob. He needs as many (Sir) as Caesar ha's,
Or needs not vs. If Caesar please, our Master
Will leape to be his Friend: For vs you know,
Whose he is, we are, and that is Caesars
Thid. So. Thus then thou most renown'd, Caesar intreats,
Not to consider in what case thou stand'st
Further then he is Caesars
Cleo. Go on, right Royall
Thid. He knowes that you embrace not Anthony
As you did loue, but as you feared him
Cleo. Oh
Thid. The scarre's vpon your Honor, therefore he
Does pitty, as constrained blemishes,
Not as deserued
Cleo. He is a God,
And knowes what is most right. Mine Honour
Was not yeelded, but conquer'd meerely
Eno. To be sure of that, I will aske Anthony.
Sir, sir, thou art so leakie
That we must leaue thee to thy sinking, for
Thy deerest quit thee.
Exit Enob.
Thid. Shall I say to Caesar,
What you require of him: for he partly begges
To be desir'd to giue. It much would please him,
That of his Fortunes you should make a staffe
To leane vpon. But it would warme his spirits
To heare from me you had left Anthony,
And put your selfe vnder his shrowd, the vniuersal Landlord
Cleo. What's your name?
Thid. My name is Thidias
Cleo. Most kinde Messenger,
Say to great Caesar this in disputation,
I kisse his conqu'ring hand: Tell him, I am prompt
To lay my Crowne at's feete, and there to kneele.
Tell him, from his all-obeying breath, I heare
The doome of Egypt
Thid. 'Tis your Noblest course:
Wisedome and Fortune combatting together,
If that the former dare but what it can,
No chance may shake it. Giue me grace to lay
My dutie on your hand
Cleo. Your Caesars Father oft,
(When he hath mus'd of taking kingdomes in)
Bestow'd his lips on that vnworthy place,
As it rain'd kisses.
Enter Anthony and Enobarbus.
Ant. Fauours? By Ioue that thunders. What art thou Fellow?
Thid. One that but performes
The bidding of the fullest man, and worthiest
To haue command obey'd
Eno. You will be whipt
Ant. Approch there: ah you Kite. Now Gods & diuels
Authority melts from me of late. When I cried hoa,
Like Boyes vnto a musse, Kings would start forth,
And cry, your will. Haue you no eares?
I am Anthony yet. Take hence this Iack, and whip him.
Enter a Seruant.
Eno. 'Tis better playing with a Lions whelpe,
Then with an old one dying
Ant. Moone and Starres,
Whip him: wer't twenty of the greatest Tributaries
That do acknowledge Caesar, should I finde them
So sawcy with the hand of she heere, what's her name
Since she was Cleopatra? Whip him Fellowes,
Till like a Boy you see him crindge his face,
And whine aloud for mercy. Take him hence
Thid. Marke Anthony
Ant. Tugge him away: being whipt
Bring him againe, the Iacke of Caesars shall
Beare vs an arrant to him.
Exeunt. with Thidius.
You were halfe blasted ere I knew you: Ha?
Haue I my pillow left vnprest in Rome,
Forborne the getting of a lawfull Race,
And by a Iem of women, to be abus'd
By one that lookes on Feeders?
Cleo. Good my Lord
Ant. You haue beene a boggeler euer,
But when we in our viciousnesse grow hard
(Oh misery on't) the wise Gods seele our eyes
In our owne filth, drop our cleare iudgements, make vs
Adore our errors, laugh at's while we strut
To our confusion
Cleo. Oh, is't come to this?
Ant. I found you as a Morsell, cold vpon
Dead Caesars Trencher: Nay, you were a Fragment
Of Gneius Pompeyes, besides what hotter houres
Vnregistred in vulgar Fame, you haue
Luxuriously pickt out. For I am sure,
Though you can guesse what Temperance should be,
You know not what it is
Cleo. Wherefore is this?
Ant. To let a Fellow that will take rewards,
And say, God quit you, be familiar with
My play-fellow, your hand; this Kingly Seale,
And plighter of high hearts. O that I were
Vpon the hill of Basan, to out-roare
The horned Heard, for I haue sauage cause,
And to proclaime it ciuilly, were like
A halter'd necke, which do's the Hangman thanke,
For being yare about him. Is he whipt?
Enter a Seruant with Thidias.
Ser. Soundly, my Lord
Ant. Cried he? and begg'd a Pardon?
Ser. He did aske fauour
Ant. If that thy Father liue, let him repent
Thou was't not made his daughter, and be thou sorrie
To follow Caesar in his Triumph, since
Thou hast bin whipt. For following him, henceforth
The white hand of a Lady Feauer thee,
Shake thou to looke on't. Get thee backe to Caesar,
Tell him thy entertainment: looke thou say
He makes me angry with him. For he seemes
Proud and disdainfull, harping on what I am,
Not what he knew I was. He makes me angry,
And at this time most easie 'tis to doo't:
When my good Starres, that were my former guides
Haue empty left their Orbes, and shot their Fires
Into th' Abisme of hell. If he mislike,
My speech, and what is done, tell him he has
Hiparchus, my enfranched Bondman, whom
He may at pleasure whip, or hang, or torture,
As he shall like to quit me. Vrge it thou:
Hence with thy stripes, be gone.
Exit Thid.
Cleo. Haue you done yet?
Ant. Alacke our Terrene Moone is now Eclipst,
And it portends alone the fall of Anthony
Cleo. I must stay his time?
Ant. To flatter Caesar, would you mingle eyes
With one that tyes his points
Cleo. Not know me yet?
Ant. Cold-hearted toward me?
Cleo. Ah (Deere) if I be so,
From my cold heart let Heauen ingender haile,
And poyson it in the sourse, and the first stone
Drop in my necke: as it determines so
Dissolue my life, the next Caesarian smile,
Till by degrees the memory of my wombe,
Together with my braue Egyptians all,
By the discandering of this pelleted storme,
Lye grauelesse, till the Flies and Gnats of Nyle
Haue buried them for prey
Ant. I am satisfied:
Caesar sets downe in Alexandria, where
I will oppose his Fate. Our force by Land,
Hath Nobly held, our seuer'd Nauie too
Haue knit againe, and Fleete, threatning most Sea-like.
Where hast thou bin my heart? Dost thou heare Lady?
If from the Field I shall returne once more
To kisse these Lips, I will appeare in Blood,
I, and my Sword, will earne our Chronicle,
There's hope in't yet
Cleo. That's my braue Lord
Ant. I will be trebble-sinewed, hearted, breath'd,
And fight maliciously: for when mine houres
Were nice and lucky, men did ransome liues
Of me for iests: But now, Ile set my teeth,
And send to darkenesse all that stop me. Come,
Let's haue one other gawdy night: Call to me
All my sad Captaines, fill our Bowles once more:
Let's mocke the midnight Bell
Cleo. It is my Birth-day,
I had thought t'haue held it poore. But since my Lord
Is Anthony againe, I will be Cleopatra
Ant. We will yet do well
Cleo. Call all his Noble Captaines to my Lord
Ant. Do so, wee'l speake to them,
And to night Ile force
The Wine peepe through their scarres.
Come on (my Queene)
There's sap in't yet. The next time I do fight
Ile make death loue me: for I will contend
Euen with his pestilent Sythe.
Eno. Now hee'l out-stare the Lightning, to be furious
Is to be frighted out of feare, and in that moode
The Doue will pecke the Estridge; and I see still
A diminution in our Captaines braine,
Restores his heart; when valour prayes in reason,
It eates the Sword it fights with: I will seeke
Some way to leaue him.
Enter Caesar, Agrippa, & Mecenas with his Army, Caesar reading
a Letter.
Caes He calles me Boy, and chides as he had power
To beate me out of Egypt. My Messenger
He hath whipt with Rods, dares me to personal Combat.
Caesar to Anthony: let the old Ruffian know,
I haue many other wayes to dye: meane time
Laugh at his Challenge
Mece. Caesar must thinke,
When one so great begins to rage, hee's hunted
Euen to falling. Giue him no breath, but now
Make boote of his distraction: Neuer anger
Made good guard for it selfe
Caes Let our best heads know,
That to morrow, the last of many Battailes
We meane to fight. Within our Files there are,
Of those that seru'd Marke Anthony but late,
Enough to fetch him in. See it done,
And Feast the Army, we haue store to doo't,
And they haue earn'd the waste. Poore Anthony.