Robert Louis Stevenson

Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson — Volume 1
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R. L. S.


Letter:  TO A. G. DEW-SMITH


Figure me to yourself, I pray -
A man of my peculiar cut -
Apart from dancing and deray,
Into an Alpine valley shut;

Shut in a kind of damned Hotel,
Discountenanced by God and man;
The food? - Sir, you would do as well
To cram your belly full of bran.

The company?  Alas, the day
That I should dwell with such a crew,
With devil anything to say,
Nor any one to say it to!

The place?  Although they call it Platz,
I will be bold and state my view;
It's not a place at all - and that's
The bottom verity, my Dew.

There are, as I will not deny,
Innumerable inns; a road;
Several Alps indifferent high;
The snow's inviolable abode;

Eleven English parsons, all
Entirely inoffensive; four
True human beings - what I call
Human - the deuce a cipher more;

A climate of surprising worth;
Innumerable dogs that bark;
Some air, some weather, and some earth;
A native race - God save the mark! -

A race that works, yet cannot work,
Yodels, but cannot yodel right,
Such as, unhelp'd, with rusty dirk,
I vow that I could wholly smite.

A river that from morn to night
Down all the valley plays the fool;
Not once she pauses in her flight,
Nor knows the comfort of a pool;

But still keeps up, by straight or bend,
The selfsame pace she hath begun -
Still hurry, hurry, to the end -
Good God, is that the way to run?

If I a river were, I hope
That I should better realise
The opportunities and scope
Of that romantic enterprise.

I should not ape the merely strange,
But aim besides at the divine;
And continuity and change
I still should labour to combine.

Here should I gallop down the race,
Here charge the sterling like a bull;
There, as a man might wipe his face,
Lie, pleased and panting, in a pool.

But what, my Dew, in idle mood,
What prate I, minding not my debt?
What do I talk of bad or good?
The best is still a cigarette.

Me whether evil fate assault,
Or smiling providences crown -
Whether on high the eternal vault
Be blue, or crash with thunder down -

I judge the best, whate'er befall,
Is still to sit on one's behind,
And, having duly moistened all,
Smoke with an unperturbed mind.

R. L. S.



MY DEAR FATHER, - Here is the scheme as well as I can foresee.  I 
begin the book immediately after the '15, as then began the attempt 
to suppress the Highlands.


(1) Rob Roy.
(2) The Independent Companies:  the Watches.
(3) Story of Lady Grange.
(4) The Military Roads, and Disarmament:  Wade and
(5) Burt.


(1) Duncan Forbes of Culloden.
(2) Flora Macdonald.
(3) The Forfeited Estates; including Hereditary Jurisdictions; and 
the admirable conduct of the tenants.


(1) The Ossianic Controversy.
(2) Boswell and Johnson.
(3) Mrs. Grant of Laggan.


(1) Highland Economics.
(2) The Reinstatement of the Proprietors.
(3) The Evictions.
(4) Emigration.
(5) Present State.


(1) The Catholics, Episcopals, and Kirk, and Soc. Prop. Christ. 
(2) The Men.
(3) The Disruption.

All this, of course, will greatly change in form, scope, and order; 
this is just a bird's-eye glance.  Thank you for BURT, which came, 
and for your Union notes.  I have read one-half (about 900 pages) 
of Wodrow's CORRESPONDENCE, with some improvement, but great 
fatigue.  The doctor thinks well of my recovery, which puts me in 
good hope for the future.  I should certainly be able to make a 
fine history of this.

My Essays are going through the press, and should be out in January 
or February. - Ever affectionate son,

R. L. S.



MY DEAR WEG, - I have many letters that I ought to write in 
preference to this; but a duty to letters and to you prevails over 
any private consideration.  You are going to collect odes; I could 
not wish a better man to do so; but I tremble lest you should 
commit two sins of omission.  You will not, I am sure, be so far 
left to yourself as to give us no more of Dryden than the hackneyed 
St. Cecilia; I know you will give us some others of those 
surprising masterpieces where there is more sustained eloquence and 
harmony of English numbers than in all that has been written since; 
there is a machine about a poetical young lady, and another about 
either Charles or James, I know not which; and they are both 
indescribably fine.  (Is Marvell's Horatian Ode good enough?  I 
half think so.)  But my great point is a fear that you are one of 
those who are unjust to our old Tennyson's Duke of Wellington.  I 
have just been talking it over with Symonds; and we agreed that 
whether for its metrical effects, for its brief, plain, stirring 
words of portraiture, as - he 'that never lost an English gun,' or 
- the soldier salute; or for the heroic apostrophe to Nelson; that 
ode has never been surpassed in any tongue or time.  Grant me the 
Duke, O Weg!  I suppose you must not put in yours about the 
warship; you will have to admit worse ones, however. - Ever yours,

R. L. S.



This letter is a report of a long sederunt, also steterunt in small 
committee at Davos Platz, Dec. 15, 1880.

Its results are unhesitatingly shot at your head.

MY DEAR WEG, - We both insist on the Duke of Wellington.  Really it 
cannot be left out.  Symonds said you would cover yourself with 
shame, and I add, your friends with confusion, if you leave it out.  
Really, you know it is the only thing you have, since Dryden, where 
that irregular odic, odal, odous (?) verse is used with mastery and 
sense.  And it's one of our few English blood-boilers.

(2) Byron:  if anything:  PROMETHEUS.

(3) Shelley (1) THE WORLD'S GREAT AGE from Hellas; we are both dead 
on.  After that you have, of course, THE WEST WIND thing.  But we 
think (1) would maybe be enough; no more than two any way.

(4) Herrick.  MEDDOWES and COME, MY CORINNA.  After that MR. 
WICKES:  two any way.

(5) Leave out stanza 3rd of Congreve's thing, like a dear; we can't 
stand the 'sigh' nor the 'peruke.'

(6) Milton.  TIME and the SOLEMN MUSIC.  We both agree we would 
rather go without L'Allegro and Il Penseroso than these; for the 
reason that these are not so well known to the brutish herd.

(7) Is the ROYAL GEORGE an ode, or only an elegy?  It's so good.

(8) We leave Campbell to you.

(9) If you take anything from Clough, but we don't either of us 
fancy you will, let it be COME BACK.

(10) Quite right about Dryden.  I had a hankering after THRENODIA 
AUGUSTALIS; but I find it long and with very prosaic holes:  
though, O! what fine stuff between whiles.

(11) Right with Collins.

(12) Right about Pope's Ode.  But what can you give?  THE DYING 
CHRISTIAN? or one of his inimitable courtesies?  These last are 
fairly odes, by the Horatian model, just as my dear MEDDOWES is an 
ode in the name and for the sake of Bandusia.

(13) Whatever you do, you'll give us the Greek Vase.

(14) Do you like Jonson's 'loathed stage'?  Verses 2, 3, and 4 are 
so bad, also the last line.  But there is a fine movement and 
feeling in the rest.

We will have the Duke of Wellington by God.  Pro Symonds and 

R. L. S.



DEAR CHARLES WARREN STODDARD, - Many thanks to you for the letter 
and the photograph.  Will you think it mean if I ask you to wait 
till there appears a promised cheap edition?  Possibly the canny 
Scot does feel pleasure in the superior cheapness; but the true 
reason is this, that I think to put a few words, by way of notes, 
to each book in its new form, because that will be the Standard 
Edition, without which no g.'s l. will be complete.  The edition, 
briefly, SINE QUA NON.  Before that, I shall hope to send you my 
essays, which are in the printer's hands.  I look to get yours 
soon.  I am sorry to hear that the Custom House has proved 
fallible, like all other human houses and customs.  Life consists 
of that sort of business, and I fear that there is a class of man, 
of which you offer no inapt type, doomed to a kind of mild, general 
disappointment through life.  I do not believe that a man is the 
more unhappy for that.  Disappointment, except with one's self, is 
not a very capital affair; and the sham beatitude, 'Blessed is he 
that expecteth little,' one of the truest, and in a sense, the most 
Christlike things in literature.

Alongside of you, I have been all my days a red cannon ball of 
dissipated effort; here I am by the heels in this Alpine valley, 
with just so much of a prospect of future restoration as shall make 
my present caged estate easily tolerable to me - shall or should, I 
would not swear to the word before the trial's done.  I miss all my 
objects in the meantime; and, thank God, I have enough of my old, 
and maybe somewhat base philosophy, to keep me on a good 
understanding with myself and Providence.

The mere extent of a man's travels has in it something consolatory.  
That he should have left friends and enemies in many different and 
distant quarters gives a sort of earthly dignity to his existence.  
And I think the better of myself for the belief that I have left 
some in California interested in me and my successes.  Let me 
assure you, you who have made friends already among such various 
and distant races, that there is a certain phthisical Scot who will 
always be pleased to hear good news of you, and would be better 
pleased by nothing than to learn that you had thrown off your 
present incubus, largely consisting of letters I believe, and had 
sailed into some square work by way of change.

And by way of change in itself, let me copy on the other pages some 
broad Scotch I wrote for you when I was ill last spring in Oakland.  
It is no muckle worth:  but ye should na look a gien horse in the 
moo'. - Yours ever,



DECEMBER 21, 1880.  DAVOS.

MY DEAR PEOPLE, - I do not understand these reproaches.  The 
letters come between seven and nine in the evening; and every one 
about the books was answered that same night, and the answer left 
Davos by seven o'clock next morning.  Perhaps the snow delayed 
then; if so, 'tis a good hint to you not to be uneasy at apparent 
silences.  There is no hurry about my father's notes; I shall not 
be writing anything till I get home again, I believe.  Only I want 
to be able to keep reading AD HOC all winter, as it seems about all 
I shall be fit for.  About John Brown, I have been breaking my 
heart to finish a Scotch poem to him.  Some of it is not really 
bad, but the rest will not come, and I mean to get it right before 
I do anything else.

The bazaar is over, 160 pounds gained, and everybody's health lost:  
altogether, I never had a more uncomfortable time; apply to Fanny 
for further details of the discomfort.

We have our Wogg in somewhat better trim now, and vastly better 
spirits.  The weather has been bad - for Davos, but indeed it is a 
wonderful climate.  It never feels cold; yesterday, with a little, 
chill, small, northerly draught, for the first time, it was 
pinching.  Usually, it may freeze, or snow, or do what it pleases, 
you feel it not, or hardly any.

Thanks for your notes; that fishery question will come in, as you 
notice, in the Highland Book, as well as under the Union; it is 
very important.  I hear no word of Hugh Miller's EVICTIONS; I count 
on that.  What you say about the old and new Statistical is odd.  
It seems to me very much as if I were gingerly embarking on a 
HISTORY OF MODERN SCOTLAND.  Probably Tulloch will never carry it 
out.  And, you see, once I have studied and written these two 
AND THE UNION, I shall have a good ground to go upon.  The effect 
on my mind of what I have read has been to awaken a livelier 
sympathy for the Irish; although they never had the remarkable 
virtues, I fear they have suffered many of the injustices, of the 
Scottish Highlanders.  Ruedi has seen me this morning; he says the 
disease is at a standstill, and I am to profit by it to take more 
exercise.  Altogether, he seemed quite hopeful and pleased. - I am 
your ever affectionate son,

R. L S.


[HOTEL BELVEDERE, DAVOS, Christmas 1880.]

MY DEAR COLVIN, - Thanks for yours; I waited, as said I would.  I 
now expect no answer from you, regarding you as a mere dumb cock-
shy, or a target, at which we fire our arrows diligently all day 
long, with no anticipation it will bring them back to us.  We are 
both sadly mortified you are not coming, but health comes first; 
alas, that man should be so crazy.  What fun we could have, if we 
were all well, what work we could do, what a happy place we could 
make it for each other!  If I were able to do what I want; but then 
I am not, and may leave that vein.

No.  I do not think I shall require to know the Gaelic; few things 
are written in that language, or ever were; if you come to that, 
the number of those who could write, or even read it, through 
almost all my period, must, by all accounts, have been incredibly 
small.  Of course, until the book is done, I must live as much as 
possible in the Highlands, and that suits my book as to health.  It 
is a most interesting and sad story, and from the '45 it is all to 
be written for the first time.  This, of course, will cause me a 
far greater difficulty about authorities; but I have already 
learned much, and where to look for more.  One pleasant feature is 
the vast number of delightful writers I shall have to deal with:  
Burt, Johnson, Boswell, Mrs. Grant of Laggan, Scott.  There will be 
interesting sections on the Ossianic controversy and the growth of 
the taste for Highland scenery.  I have to touch upon Rob Roy, 
Flora Macdonald, the strange story of Lady Grange, the beautiful 
story of the tenants on the Forfeited Estates, and the odd, inhuman 
problem of the great evictions.  The religious conditions are wild, 
unknown, very surprising.  And three out of my five parts remain 
hitherto entirely unwritten.  Smack! - Yours ever,

R. L. S.



MY DEAR MOTHER, - I was very tired yesterday and could not write; 
tobogganed so furiously all morning; we had a delightful day, 
crowned by an incredible dinner - more courses than I have fingers 
on my hands.  Your letter arrived duly at night, and I thank you 
for it as I should.  You need not suppose I am at all insensible to 
my father's extraordinary kindness about this book; he is a brick; 
I vote for him freely.

. . . The assurance you speak of is what we all ought to have, and 
might have, and should not consent to live without.  That people do 
not have it more than they do is, I believe, because persons speak 
so much in large-drawn, theological similitudes, and won't say out 
what they mean about life, and man, and God, in fair and square 
human language.  I wonder if you or my father ever thought of the 
obscurities that lie upon human duty from the negative form in 
which the Ten Commandments are stated, or of how Christ was so 
continually substituting affirmations.  'Thou shalt not' is but an 
example; 'Thou shalt' is the law of God.  It was this that seems 
meant in the phrase that 'not one jot nor tittle of the law should 
pass.'  But what led me to the remark is this:  A kind of black, 
angry look goes with that statement of the law of negatives.  'To 
love one's neighbour as oneself' is certainly much harder, but 
states life so much more actively, gladly, and kindly, that you 
begin to see some pleasure in it; and till you can see pleasure in 
these hard choices and bitter necessities, where is there any Good 
News to men?  It is much more important to do right than not to do 
wrong; further, the one is possible, the other has always been and 
will ever be impossible; and the faithful DESIGN TO DO RIGHT is 
accepted by God; that seems to me to be the Gospel, and that was 
how Christ delivered us from the Law.  After people are told that, 
surely they might hear more encouraging sermons.  To blow the 
trumpet for good would seem the Parson's business; and since it is 
not in our own strength, but by faith and perseverance (no account 
made of slips), that we are to run the race, I do not see where 
they get the material for their gloomy discourses.  Faith is not to 
believe the Bible, but to believe in God; if you believe in God 
(or, for it's the same thing, have that assurance you speak about), 
where is there any more room for terror?  There are only three 
possible attitudes - Optimism, which has gone to smash; Pessimism, 
which is on the rising hand, and very popular with many clergymen 
who seem to think they are Christians.  And this Faith, which is 
the Gospel.  Once you hold the last, it is your business (1) to 
find out what is right in any given case, and (2) to try to do it; 
if you fail in the last, that is by commission, Christ tells you to 
hope; if you fail in the first, that is by omission, his picture of 
the last day gives you but a black lookout.  The whole necessary 
morality is kindness; and it should spring, of itself, from the one 
fundamental doctrine, Faith.  If you are sure that God, in the long 
run, means kindness by you, you should be happy; and if happy, 
surely you should be kind.

I beg your pardon for this long discourse; it is not all right, of 
course, but I am sure there is something in it.  One thing I have 
not got clearly; that about the omission and the commission; but 
there is truth somewhere about it, and I have no time to clear it 
just now.  Do you know, you have had about a Cornhill page of 
sermon?  It is, however, true.

Lloyd heard with dismay Fanny was not going to give me a present; 
so F. and I had to go and buy things for ourselves, and go through 
a representation of surprise when they were presented next morning.  
It gave us both quite a Santa Claus feeling on Xmas Eve to see him 
so excited and hopeful; I enjoyed it hugely. - Your affectionate 




MY DEAR COLVIN. - My health is not just what it should be; I have 
lost weight, pulse, respiration, etc., and gained nothing in the 
way of my old bellows.  But these last few days, with tonic, cod-
liver oil, better wine (there is some better now), and perpetual 
beef-tea, I think I have progressed.  To say truth, I have been 
here a little over long.  I was reckoning up, and since I have 
known you, already quite a while, I have not, I believe, remained 
so long in any one place as here in Davos.  That tells on my old 
gipsy nature; like a violin hung up, I begin to lose what music 
there was in me; and with the music, I do not know what besides, or 
do not know what to call it, but something radically part of life, 
a rhythm, perhaps, in one's old and so brutally over-ridden nerves, 
or perhaps a kind of variety of blood that the heart has come to 
look for.

I purposely knocked myself off first.  As to F. A. S., I believe I 
am no sound authority; I alternate between a stiff disregard and a 
kind of horror.  In neither mood can a man judge at all.  I know 
the thing to be terribly perilous, I fear it to be now altogether 
hopeless.  Luck has failed; the weather has not been favourable; 
and in her true heart, the mother hopes no more.  But - well, I 
feel a great deal, that I either cannot or will not say, as you 
well know.  It has helped to make me more conscious of the 
wolverine on my own shoulders, and that also makes me a poor judge 
and poor adviser.  Perhaps, if we were all marched out in a row, 
and a piece of platoon firing to the drums performed, it would be 
well for us; although, I suppose - and yet I wonder! - so ill for 
the poor mother and for the dear wife.  But you can see this makes 

You are right about the Carlyle book; F. and I are in a world not 
ours; but pardon me, as far as sending on goes, we take another 
view:  the first volume, A LA BONNE HEURE! but not - never - the 
second.  Two hours of hysterics can be no good matter for a sick 
nurse, and the strange, hard, old being in so lamentable and yet 
human a desolation - crying out like a burnt child, and yet always 
wisely and beautifully - how can that end, as a piece of reading, 
even to the strong - but on the brink of the most cruel kind of 
weeping?  I observe the old man's style is stronger on me than ever 
it was, and by rights, too, since I have just laid down his most 
attaching book.  God rest the baith o' them!  But even if they do 
not meet again, how we should all be strengthened to be kind, and 
not only in act, in speech also, that so much more important part.  
See what this apostle of silence most regrets, not speaking out his 

I was struck as you were by the admirable, sudden, clear sunshine 
upon Southey - even on his works.  Symonds, to whom I repeated it, 
remarked at once, a man who was thus respected by both Carlyle and 
Landor must have had more in him than we can trace.  So I feel with 
true humility.

It was to save my brain that Symonds proposed reviewing.  He and, 
it appears, Leslie Stephen fear a little some eclipse; I am not 
quite without sharing the fear.  I know my own languor as no one 
else does; it is a dead down-draught, a heavy fardel.  Yet if I 
could shake off the wolverine aforesaid, and his fangs are lighter, 
though perhaps I feel them more, I believe I could be myself again 
a while.  I have not written any letter for a great time; none 
saying what I feel, since you were here, I fancy.  Be duly obliged 
for it, and take my most earnest thanks not only for the books but 
for your letter.  Your affectionate,

R. L. S.

The effect of reading this on Fanny shows me I must tell you I am 
very happy, peaceful, and jolly, except for questions of work and 
the states of other people.

Woggin sends his love.


DAVOS, 1881.

MY DEAR BROWN. - Here it is, with the mark of a San Francisco 
BOUQUINISTE.  And if ever in all my 'human conduct' I have done a 
better thing to any fellow-creature than handing on to you this 
sweet, dignified, and wholesome book, I know I shall hear of it on 
the last day.  To write a book like this were impossible; at least 
one can hand it on - with a wrench - one to another.  My wife cries 
out and my own heart misgives me, but still here it is.  I could 
scarcely better prove myself - Yours affectionately,



DAVOS, 1881.

MY DEAR BROWN. - I hope, if you get thus far, you will know what an 
invaluable present I have made you.  Even the copy was dear to me, 
printed in the colony that Penn established, and carried in my 
pocket all about the San Francisco streets, read in street cars and 
ferry-boats, when I was sick unto death, and found in all times and 
places a peaceful and sweet companion.  But I hope, when you shall 
have reached this note, my gift will not have been in vain; for 
while just now we are so busy and intelligent, there is not the man 
living, no, nor recently dead, that could put, with so lovely a 
spirit, so much honest, kind wisdom into words.

R. L. S.



MY DEAR BROWN, - Nine years I have conded them.

Brave lads in olden musical centuries
Sang, night by night, adorable choruses,
Sat late by alehouse doors in April
Chaunting in joy as the moon was rising:

Moon-seen and merry, under the trellises,
Flush-faced they played with old polysyllables;
Spring scents inspired, old wine diluted;
Love and Apollo were there to chorus.

Now these, the songs, remain to eternity,
Those, only those, the bountiful choristers
Gone - those are gone, those unremembered
Sleep and are silent in earth for ever.

So man himself appears and evanishes,
So smiles and goes; as wanderers halting at
Some green-embowered house, play their music,
Play and are gone on the windy highway;

Yet dwells the strain enshrined in the memory
Long after they departed eternally,
Forth-faring tow'rd far mountain summits,
Cities of men on the sounding Ocean.

Youth sang the song in years immemorial;
Brave chanticleer, he sang and was beautiful;
Bird-haunted, green tree-tops in springtime
Heard and were pleased by the voice of singing;

Youth goes, and leaves behind him a prodigy -
Songs sent by thee afar from Venetian
Sea-grey lagunes, sea-paven highways,
Dear to me here in my Alpine exile.

Please, my dear Brown, forgive my horrid delay.  Symonds overworked 
and knocked up.  I off my sleep; my wife gone to Paris.  Weather 
lovely. - Yours ever,


Monte Generoso in May; here, I think, till the end of April; write 
again, to prove you are forgiving.



MY DEAR PEOPLE, - A week in Paris reduced me to the limpness and 
lack of appetite peculiar to a kid glove, and gave Fanny a jumping 
sore throat.  It's my belief there is death in the kettle there; a 
pestilence or the like.  We came out here, pitched on the STAR and 
GARTER (they call it Somebody's pavilion), found the place a bed of 
lilacs and nightingales (first time I ever heard one), and also of 
a bird called the PIASSEUR, cheerfulest of sylvan creatures, an 
ideal comic opera in itself.  'Come along, what fun, here's Pan in 
the next glade at picnic, and this-yer's Arcadia, and it's awful 
fun, and I've had a glass, I will not deny, but not to see it on 
me,' that is his meaning as near as I can gather.  Well, the place 
(forest of beeches all new-fledged, grass like velvet, fleets of 
hyacinth) pleased us and did us good.  We tried all ways to find a 
cheaper place, but could find nothing safe; cold, damp, brick-
floored rooms and sich; we could not leave Paris till your seven 
days' sight on draft expired; we dared not go back to be 
miasmatised in these homes of putridity; so here we are till 
Tuesday in the STAR AND GARTER.  My throat is quite cured, appetite 
and strength on the mend.  Fanny seems also picking up.

If we are to come to Scotland, I WILL have fir-trees, and I want a 
burn, the firs for my physical, the water for my moral health. - 
Ever affectionate son,

R. L. S.



MY DEAR WEG, - Here I am in my native land, being gently blown and 
hailed upon, and sitting nearer and nearer to the fire.  A cottage 
near a moor is soon to receive our human forms; it is also near a 
burn to which Professor Blackie (no less!) has written some verses 
in his hot old age, and near a farm from whence we shall draw cream 
and fatness.  Should I be moved to join Blackie, I shall go upon my 
knees and pray hard against temptation; although, since the new 
Version, I do not know the proper form of words.  The swollen, 
childish, and pedantic vanity that moved the said revisers to put 
'bring'  for 'lead,' is a sort of literary fault that calls for an 
eternal hell; it may be quite a small place, a star of the least 
magnitude, and shabbily furnished; there shall -, -, the revisers 
of the Bible and other absolutely loathsome literary lepers, dwell 
among broken pens, bad, GROUNDY ink and ruled blotting-paper made 
in France - all eagerly burning to write, and all inflicted with 
incurable aphasia.  I should not have thought upon that torture had 
I not suffered it in moderation myself, but it is too horrid even 
for a hell; let's let 'em off with an eternal toothache.

All this talk is partly to persuade you that I write to you out of 
good feeling only, which is not the case.  I am a beggar:  ask 
Dobson, Saintsbury, yourself, and any other of these cheeses who 
know something of the eighteenth century, what became of Jean 
Cavalier between his coming to England and his death in 1740.  Is 
anything interesting known about him?  Whom did he marry?  The 
happy French, smilingly following one another in a long procession 
headed by the loud and empty Napoleon Peyrat, say, Olympe Dunoyer, 
Voltaire's old flame.  Vacquerie even thinks that they were rivals, 
and is very French and very literary and very silly in his 
comments.  Now I may almost say it consists with my knowledge that 
all this has not a shadow to rest upon.  It is very odd and very 
annoying; I have splendid materials for Cavalier till he comes to 
my own country; and there, though he continues to advance in the 
service, he becomes entirely invisible to me.  Any information 
about him will be greatly welcome:  I may mention that I know as 
much as I desire about the other prophets, Marion, Fage, Cavalier 
(de Sonne), my Cavalier's cousin, the unhappy Lions, and the 
idiotic Mr. Lacy; so if any erudite starts upon that track, you may 
choke him off.  If you can find aught for me, or if you will but 
try, count on my undying gratitude.  Lang's 'Library' is very 
pleasant reading.

My book will reach you soon, for I write about it to-day - Yours 





The Black Man:

I. Thrawn Janet.
II. The Devil on Cramond Sands.
The Shadow on the Bed.
The Body Snatchers.
The Case Bottle.
The King's Horn.
The Actor's Wife.
The Wreck of the SUSANNA.

This is the new work on which I am engaged with Fanny; they are all 
supernatural.  'Thrawn Janet' is off to Stephen, but as it is all 
in Scotch he cannot take it, I know.  It was SO GOOD, I could not 
help sending it.  My health improves.  We have a lovely spot here:  
a little green glen with a burn, a wonderful burn, gold and green 
and snow-white, singing loud and low in different steps of its 
career, now pouring over miniature crags, now fretting itself to 
death in a maze of rocky stairs and pots; never was so sweet a 
little river.  Behind, great purple moorlands reaching to Ben 
Vrackie.  Hunger lives here, alone with larks and sheep.  Sweet 
spot, sweet spot.

Write me a word about Bob's professoriate and Landor, and what you 
think of THE BLACK MAN.  The tales are all ghastly.  'Thrawn Janet' 
frightened me to death.  There will maybe be another - 'The Dead 
Man's A Letter.'  I believe I shall recover; and I am, in this 
blessed hope, yours exuberantly,

R. L. S.



MY DEAR MACKAY, - What is this I hear? - that you are retiring from 
your chair.  It is not, I hope, from ill-health?

But if you are retiring, may I ask if you have promised your 
support to any successor?  I have a great mind to try.  The summer 
session would suit me; the chair would suit me - if only I would 
suit it; I certainly should work it hard:  that I can promise.  I 
only wish it were a few years from now, when I hope to have 
something more substantial to show for myself.  Up to the present 
time, all that I have published, even bordering on history, has 
been in an occasional form, and I fear this is much against me.

Please let me hear a word in answer, and believe me, yours very 




MY DEAR MACKAY, - Thank you very much for your kind letter, and 
still more for your good opinion.  You are not the only one who has 
regretted my absence from your lectures; but you were to me, then, 
only a part of a mangle through which I was being slowly and 
unwillingly dragged - part of a course which I had not chosen - 
part, in a word, of an organised boredom.

I am glad to have your reasons for giving up the chair; they are 
partly pleasant, and partly honourable to you.  And I think one may 
say that every man who publicly declines a plurality of offices, 
makes it perceptibly more difficult for the next man to accept 

Every one tells me that I come too late upon the field, every one 
being pledged, which, seeing it is yet too early for any one to 
come upon the field, I must regard as a polite evasion.  Yet all 
advise me to stand, as it might serve me against the next vacancy.  
So stand I shall, unless things are changed.  As it is, with my 
health this summer class is a great attraction; it is perhaps the 
only hope I may have of a permanent income.  I had supposed the 
needs of the chair might be met by choosing every year some period 
of history in which questions of Constitutional Law were involved; 
but this is to look too far forward.

I understand (1ST) that no overt steps can be taken till your 
resignation is accepted; and (2ND) that in the meantime I may, 
without offence, mention my design to stand.

If I am mistaken about these, please correct me, as I do not wish 
to appear where I should not.

Again thanking you very heartily for your coals of fire I remain 
yours very sincerely,




MY DEAR GOSSE, - I wonder if I misdirected my last to you.  I begin 
to fear it.  I hope, however, this will go right.  I am in act to 
do a mad thing - to stand for the Edinburgh Chair of History; it is 
elected for by the advocates, QUORUM PARS; I am told that I am too 
late this year; but advised on all hands to go on, as it is likely 
soon to be once more vacant; and I shall have done myself good for 
the next time.  Now, if I got the thing (which I cannot, it 
appears), I believe, in spite of all my imperfections, I could be 
decently effectual.  If you can think so also, do put it in a 

Heavens!  JE ME SAUVE, I have something else to say to you, but 
after that (which is not a joke) I shall keep it for another shoot. 
- Yours testimonially,


I surely need not add, dear lad, that if you don't feel like it, 
you will only have to pacify me by a long letter on general 
subjects, when I shall hasten to respond in recompense for my 
assault upon the postal highway.



MY DEAR WEG, - Many thanks for the testimonial; many thanks for 
your blind, wondering letter; many wishes, lastly, for your swift 
recovery.  Insomnia is the opposite pole from my complaint; which 
brings with it a nervous lethargy, an unkind, unwholesome, and 
ungentle somnolence, fruitful in heavy heads and heavy eyes at 
morning.  You cannot sleep; well, I can best explain my state thus:  
I cannot wake.  Sleep, like the lees of a posset, lingers all day, 
lead-heavy, in my knees and ankles.  Weight on the shoulders, 
torpor on the brain.  And there is more than too much of that from 
an ungrateful hound who is now enjoying his first decently 
competent and peaceful weeks for close upon two years; happy in a 
big brown moor behind him, and an incomparable burn by his side; 
happy, above all, in some work - for at last I am at work with that 
appetite and confidence that alone makes work supportable.

I told you I had something else to say.  I am very tedious - it is 
another request.  In August and a good part of September we shall 
be in Braemar, in a house with some accommodation.  Now Braemar is 
a place patronised by the royalty of the Sister Kingdoms - Victoria 
and the Cairngorms, sir, honouring that countryside by their 
conjunct presence.  This seems to me the spot for A Bard.  Now can 
you come to see us for a little while?  I can promise you, you must 
like my father, because you are a human being; you ought to like 
Braemar, because of your avocation; and you ought to like me, 
because I like you; and again, you must like my wife, because she 
likes cats; and as for my mother - well, come and see, what do you 
think? that is best.  Mrs. Gosse, my wife tells me, will have other 
fish to fry; and to be plain, I should not like to ask her till I 
had seen the house.  But a lone man I know we shall be equal to.  
QU'EN DIS TU?  VIENS. - Yours,

R. L. S.

Letter:  TO P. G. HAMERTON


MY DEAR MR. HAMMERTON, - (There goes the second M.; it is a 
certainty.)  Thank you for your prompt and kind answer, little as I 
deserved it, though I hope to show you I was less undeserving than 
I seemed.  But just might I delete two words in your testimonial?  
The two words 'and legal' were unfortunately winged by chance 
against my weakest spot, and would go far to damn me.

It was not my bliss that I was interested in when I was married; it 
was a sort of marriage IN EXTREMIS; and if I am where I am, it is 
thanks to the care of that lady who married me when I was a mere 
complication of cough and bones, much fitter for an emblem of 
mortality than a bridegroom.

I had a fair experience of that kind of illness when all the women 
(God bless them!) turn round upon the streets and look after you 
with a look that is only too kind not to be cruel.  I have had 
nearly two years of more or less prostration.  I have done no work 
whatever since the February before last until quite of late.  To be 
precise, until the beginning of last month, exactly two essays.  
All last winter I was at Davos; and indeed I am home here just now 
against the doctor's orders, and must soon be back again to that 
unkindly haunt 'upon the mountains visitant' - there goes no angel 
there but the angel of death.  The deaths of last winter are still 
sore spots to me. . . . So, you see, I am not very likely to go on 
a 'wild expedition,' cis-Stygian at least.  The truth is, I am 
scarce justified in standing for the chair, though I hope you will 
not mention this; and yet my health is one of my reasons, for the 
class is in summer.

I hope this statement of my case will make my long neglect appear 
less unkind.  It was certainly not because I ever forgot you, or 
your unwonted kindness; and it was not because I was in any sense 
rioting in pleasures.

I am glad to hear the catamaran is on her legs again; you have my 
warmest wishes for a good cruise down the Saone; and yet there 
comes some envy to that wish, for when shall I go cruising?  Here a 
sheer hulk, alas! lies R. L. S.  But I will continue to hope for a 
better time, canoes that will sail better to the wind, and a river 
grander than the Saone.

I heard, by the way, in a letter of counsel from a well-wisher, one 
reason of my town's absurdity about the chair of Art:  I fear it is 
characteristic of her manners.  It was because you did not call 
upon the electors!

Will you remember me to Mrs. Hamerton and your son? - And believe 
me, etc., etc.,




MY DEAR COLVIN, - I do believe I am better, mind and body; I am 
tired just now, for I have just been up the burn with Wogg, daily 
growing better and boo'f'ler; so do not judge my state by my style 
in this.  I am working steady, four Cornhill pages scrolled every 
day, besides the correspondence about this chair, which is heavy in 
itself.  My first story, 'Thrawn Janet,' all in Scotch, is accepted 
by Stephen; my second, 'The Body Snatchers,' is laid aside in a 
justifiable disgust, the tale being horrid; my third, 'The Merry 
Men,' I am more than half through, and think real well of.  It is a 
fantastic sonata about the sea and wrecks; and I like it much above 
all my other attempts at story-telling; I think it is strange; if 
ever I shall make a hit, I have the line now, as I believe.

Fanny has finished one of hers, 'The Shadow on the Bed,' and is now 
hammering at a second, for which we have 'no name' as yet - not by 
Wilkie Collins.

TALES FOR WINTER NIGHTS.  Yes, that, I think, we will call the lot 
of them when republished.

Why have you not sent me a testimonial?  Everybody else but you has 
responded, and Symonds, but I'm afraid he's ill.  Do think, too, if 
anybody else would write me a testimonial.  I am told quantity goes 
far.  I have good ones from Rev. Professor Campbell, Professor 
Meiklejohn, Leslie Stephen, Lang, Gosse, and a very shaky one from 

Grant is an elector, so can't, but has written me kindly.  From 
Tulloch I have not yet heard.  Do help me with suggestions.  This 
old chair, with its 250 pounds and its light work, would make me.

It looks as if we should take Cater's chalet after all; but O! to 
go back to that place, it seems cruel.  I have not yet received the 
Landor; but it may be at home, detained by my mother, who returns 

Believe me, dear Colvin, ever yours,

R. L. S.

Yours came; the class is in summer; many thanks for the 
testimonial, it is bully; arrived along with it another from 
Symonds, also bully; he is ill, but not lungs, thank God - fever 
got in Italy.  We HAVE taken Cater's chalet; so we are now the 
aristo.'s of the valley.  There is no hope for me, but if there 
were, you would hear sweetness and light streaming from my lips.

'The Merry Men'

Chap. I. Eilean Aros.                    }
II. What the Wreck had brought to Aros.  } Tip
III. Past and Present in Sandag Bay.     }  Top
IV. The Gale.                            }   Tale.
V. A Man out of the Sea.                 }

Letter:  TO W. E. HENLEY


MY DEAR HENLEY, - I hope, then, to have a visit from you.  If 
before August, here; if later, at Braemar.  Tupe!

And now, MON BON, I must babble about 'The Merry Men,' my favourite 
work.  It is a fantastic sonata about the sea and wrecks.  Chapter 
I. 'Eilean Aros' - the island, the roost, the 'merry men,' the 
three people there living - sea superstitions.  Chapter II. 'What 
the Wreck had brought to Aros.'  Eh, boy? what had it?  Silver and 
clocks and brocades, and what a conscience, what a mad brain!  
Chapter III. 'Past and Present in Sandag Bay' - the new wreck and 
the old - so old - the Armada treasure-ship, Santma Trinid - the 
grave in the heather - strangers there.  Chapter IV. 'The Gale' - 
the doomed ship - the storm - the drunken madman on the head - 
cries in the night.  Chapter V. 'A Man out of the Sea.'  But I must 
not breathe to you my plot.  It is, I fancy, my first real shoot at 
a story; an odd thing, sir, but, I believe, my own, though there is 
a little of Scott's PIRATE in it, as how should there not?  He had 
the root of romance in such places.  Aros is Earraid, where I lived 
lang syne; the Ross of Grisapol is the Ross of Mull; Ben Ryan, Ben 
More.  I have written to the middle of Chapter IV.  Like enough, 
when it is finished I shall discard all chapterings; for the thing 
is written straight through.  It must, unhappily, be re-written - 
too well written not to be.

The chair is only three months in summer; that is why I try for it.  
If I get it, which I shall not, I should be independent at once.  
Sweet thought.  I liked your Byron well; your Berlioz better.  No 
one would remark these cuts; even I, who was looking for it, knew 
it not at all to be a TORSO.  The paper strengthens me in my 
recommendation to you to follow Colvin's hint.  Give us an 1830; 
you will do it well, and the subject smiles widely on the world:-

1830:  A CHAPTER OF ARTISTIC HISTORY, by William Ernest Henley (or 
OF SOCIAL AND ARTISTIC HISTORY, as the thing might grow to you).  
Sir, you might be in the Athenaeum yet with that; and, believe me, 
you might and would be far better, the author of a readable book. - 
Yours ever,

R. L. S.

The following names have been invented for Wogg by his dear papa:-

Grunty-pig (when he is scratched),
Rose-mouth (when he comes flying up with his rose-leaf tongue 
depending), and
Hoofen-boots (when he has had his foots wet).

Letter:  TO W. E. HENLEY


DEAR HENLEY, - To answer a point or two.  First, the Spanish ship 
was sloop-rigged and clumsy, because she was fitted out by some 
private adventurers, not over wealthy, and glad to take what they 
could get.  Is that not right?  Tell me if you think not.  That, at 
least, was how I meant it.  As for the boat-cloaks, I am afraid 
they are, as you say, false imagination; but I love the name, 
nature, and being of them so dearly, that I feel as if I would 
almost rather ruin a story than omit the reference.  The proudest 
moments of my life have been passed in the stern-sheets of a boat 
with that romantic garment over my shoulders.  This, without 
prejudice to one glorious day when standing upon some water stairs 
at Lerwick I signalled with my pocket-handkerchief for a boat to 
come ashore for me.  I was then aged fifteen or sixteen; conceive 
my glory.

Several of the phrases you object to are proper nautical, or long-
shore phrases, and therefore, I think, not out of place in this 
long-shore story.  As for the two members which you thought at 
first so ill-united; I confess they seem perfectly so to me.  I 
have chosen to sacrifice a long-projected story of adventure 
because the sentiment of that is identical with the sentiment of 
'My uncle.'  My uncle himself is not the story as I see it, only 
the leading episode of that story.  It's really a story of wrecks, 
as they appear to the dweller on the coast.  It's a view of the 
sea.  Goodness knows when I shall be able to re-write; I must first 
get over this copper-headed cold.

R. L. S.



MY DEAR COLVIN, - This is the first letter I have written this good 
while.  I have had a brutal cold, not perhaps very wisely treated; 
lots of blood - for me, I mean.  I was so well, however, before, 
that I seem to be sailing through with it splendidly.  My appetite 
never failed; indeed, as I got worse, it sharpened - a sort of 
reparatory instinct.  Now I feel in a fair way to get round soon.

MONDAY, AUGUST (2ND, is it?). - We set out for the Spital of 
Glenshee, and reach Braemar on Tuesday.  The Braemar address we 
cannot learn; it looks as if 'Braemar' were all that was necessary; 
if particular, you can address 17 Heriot Row.  We shall be 
delighted to see you whenever, and as soon as ever, you can make it 

. . . I hope heartily you will survive me, and do not doubt it.  
There are seven or eight people it is no part of my scheme in life 
to survive - yet if I could but heal me of my bellowses, I could 
have a jolly life - have it, even now, when I can work and stroll a 
little, as I have been doing till this cold.  I have so many things 
to make life sweet to me, it seems a pity I cannot have that other 
one thing - health.  But though you will be angry to hear it, I 
believe, for myself at least, what is is best.  I believed it all 
through my worst days, and I am not ashamed to profess it now.

Landor has just turned up; but I had read him already.  I like him 
extremely; I wonder if the 'cuts' were perhaps not advantageous.  
It seems quite full enough; but then you know I am a 

If I am to criticise, it is a little staid; but the classical is 
apt to look so.  It is in curious contrast to that inexpressive, 
unplanned wilderness of Forster's; clear, readable, precise, and 
sufficiently human.  I see nothing lost in it, though I could have 
wished, in my Scotch capacity, a trifle clearer and fuller 
exposition of his moral attitude, which is not quite clear 'from 

He and his tyrannicide!  I am in a mad fury about these explosions.  
If that is the new world!  Damn O'Donovan Rossa; damn him behind 
and before, above, below, and roundabout; damn, deracinate, and 
destroy him, root and branch, self and company, world without end.  
Amen.  I write that for sport if you like, but I will pray in 
earnest, O Lord, if you cannot convert, kindly delete him!

Stories naturally at - halt.  Henley has seen one and approves.  I 
believe it to be good myself, even real good.  He has also seen and 
approved one of Fanny's.  It will snake a good volume.  We have now

Thrawn Janet (with Stephen), proof to-day.
The Shadow on the Bed (Fanny's copying).
The Merry Men (scrolled).
The Body Snatchers (scrolled).


The Travelling Companion.
The Torn Surplice (NOT FINAL TITLE).

Yours ever,

R. L. S.



MY DEAR SIR, - I should long ago have written to thank you for your 
kind and frank letter; but in my state of health papers are apt to 
get mislaid, and your letter has been vainly hunted for until this 
(Sunday) morning.

I regret I shall not be able to see you in Edinburgh; one visit to 
Edinburgh has already cost me too dear in that invaluable 
particular health; but if it should be at all possible for you to 
push on as far as Braemar, I believe you would find an attentive 
listener, and I can offer you a bed, a drive, and necessary food, 

If, however, you should not be able to come thus far, I can promise 
you two things:  First, I shall religiously revise what I have 
written, and bring out more clearly the point of view from which I 
regarded Thoreau; second, I shall in the Preface record your 

The point of view (and I must ask you not to forget that any such 
short paper is essentially only a SECTION THROUGH a man) was this:  
I desired to look at the man through his books.  Thus, for 
instance, when I mentioned his return to the pencil-making, I did 
it only in passing (perhaps I was wrong), because it seemed to me 
not an illustration of his principles, but a brave departure from 
them.  Thousands of such there were I do not doubt; still, they 
might be hardly to my purpose, though, as you say so, some of them 
would be.
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