Johann Shiller

History of the Revolt of the Netherlands — Volume 01
Go to page: 1234
The sole heiress of Charles the Bold, Maria, at once the richest
princess and the unhappy Helen of that time, whose wooing brought misery
on her inheritance, was now the centre of attraction to the whole known
world.  Among her suitors appeared two great princes, King Louis XI. of
France, for his son, the young Dauphin, and Maximilian of Austria, son
of the Emperor Frederic III.  The successful suitor was to become the
most powerful prince in Europe; and now, for the first time, this
quarter of the globe began to fear for its balance of power.  Louis, the
more powerful of the two, was ready to back his suit by force of arms;
but the people of the Netherlands, who disposed of the hand of their
princess, passed by this dreaded neighbor, and decided in favor of
Maximilian, whose more remote territories and more limited power seemed
less to threaten the liberty of their country.  A deceitful, unfortunate
policy, which, through a strange dispensation of heaven, only
accelerated the melancholy fate which it was intended to prevent.

To Philip the Fair, the son of Maria and Maximilian, a Spanish bride
brought as her portion that extensive kingmdom which Ferdinand and
Isabella had recently founded; and Charles of Austria, his son, was born
lord of the kingdoms of Spain, of the two Sicilies, of the New World,
and of the Netherlands.  In the latter country the commonalty
emancipated themselves much earlier than in other; feudal states, and
quickly attained to an independent political existence.  The favorable
situation of the country on the North Sea and on great navigable rivers
early awakened the spirit of commerce, which rapidly peopled the towns,
encouraged industry and the arts, attracted foreigners, and diffused
prosperity and affluence among them.  However contemptuously the warlike
policy of those times looked down upon every peaceful and useful
occupation, the rulers of the country could not fail altogether to
perceive the essential advantages they derived from such pursuits.  The
increasing population of their territories, the different imposts which
they extorted from natives and foreigners under the various titles of
tolls, customs, highway rates, escort money, bridge tolls, market fees,
escheats, and so forth, were too valuable considerations to allow them
to remain indifferent to the sources from which they were derived..
Their own rapacity made them promoters of trade, and, as often happens,
barbarism itself rudely nursed it, until at last a healthier policy
assumed its place.  In the course of time they invited the Lombard
merchants to settle among them, and accorded to the towns some valuable
privileges and an independent jurisdiction, by which the latter acquired
uncommon extraordinary credit and influence.  The numerous wars which
the counts and dukes carried on with one another, or with their
neighbors, made them in some measure dependent on the good-will of the
towns, who by their wealth obtained weight and consideration, and for
the subsidies which they afforded failed not to extort important
privileges in return.  These privileges of the commonalties increased as
the crusades with their expensive equipment augumented the necessities
of the nobles; as a new road to Europe was opened for the productions of
the East, and as wide-spreading luxury created new wants to their
princes.  Thus as early as the eleventh and twelfth centuries we find in
these lands a mixed form of governmeut, in which the prerogative of the
sovereign is greatly limited by the privileges of the estates; that is
to say, of the nobility, the clergy, and the municipalities.

These, under the name of States, assembled as often as the wants of the
province required it.  Without their consent no new laws were valid, no
war could be carried on, and no taxes levied, no change made in the
coinage, and no foreigner admitted to any office of government.  All the
provinces enjoyed these privileges in common; others were peculiar to
the various districts.  The supreme government was hereditary, but the
son did not enter on the rights of his father before he had solemnly
sworn to maintain the existing constitution.

Necessity is the first lawgiver; all the wants which had to be met by
this constitution were originally of a commercial nature.  Thus the
whole constitution was founded on commerce, and the laws of the nation
were adapted to its pursuits.  The last clause, which excluded
foreigners from all offices of trust, was a natural consequence of the
preceding articles.  So complicated and artificial a relation between
the sovereign and his people, which in many provinces was further
modified according to the peculiar wants of each, and frequently of some
single city, required for its maintenance the liveliest zeal for the
liberties of the country, combined with an intimate acquaintance with
them.  From a foreigner neither could well be expected.  This law,
besides, was enforced reciprocally in each particular province; so that
in Brabant no Fleming, in Zealand no Hollander, could hold office; and
it continued in force even after all these provinces were united under
one government.

Above all others, Brabant enjoyed the highest degree of freedom.  Its
privileges were esteemed so valuable that many mothers from the adjacent
provinces removed thither about the time of their accouchment, in order
to entitle their children to participate, by birth, in all the
immunities of that favored country; just as, says Strada, one improves
the plants of a rude climate by removing them to the soil of a milder.

After the House of Burgundy had united several provinces under its
dominion, the separate provincial assemblies which, up to that time, had
been independent tribunals, were made subject to a supreme court at
Malines, which incorporated the various judicatures into one body, and
decided in the last resort all civil and criminal appeals.  The separate
independence of the provinces was thus abolished, and the supreme power
vested in the senate at Malines.

After the death of Charles the Bold the states did not neglect to avail
themselves of the embarassment of their duchess, who, threatened by
France, was consequently in their power.  Holland and Zealand compelled
her to sign a great charter, which secured to them the most important
sovereign rights.  The people of Ghent carried their insolence to such a
pitch that they arbitrarily dragged the favorites of Maria, who had the
misfortune to displease them, before their own tribunals, and beheaded
them before the eyes of that princess.  During the short government of
the Duchess Maria, from her father's death to her marriage, the commons
obtained powers which few free states enjoyed.  After her death her
husband, Maximilian, illegally assumed the government as guardian of his
son.  Offended by this invasion of their rights, the estates refused to
acknowledge his authority, and could only be brought to receive him as a
viceroy for a stated period, and under conditions ratified by oath.

Maximilian, after he became Roman Emperor, fancied that he might safely
venture to violate the constitution.  He imposed extraordinary taxes on
the provinces, gave official appointments to Burgundians and Germans,
and introduced foreign troops into the provinces.  But the jealousy of
these republicans kept pace with the power of their regent.  As he
entered Bruges with a large retinue of foreigners, the people flew to
arms, made themselves masters of his person, and placed him in
confinement in the castle.  In spite of the intercession of the Imperial
and Roman courts, he did not again obtain his freedom until security had
been given to the people on all the disputed points.

The security of life and property arising from mild laws, and, an equal
administration of justice, had encouraged activity and industry.  In
continual contest with the ocean and rapid rivers, which poured their
violence on the neighboring lowlands, and whose force it was requisite
to break by embankments and canals, this people had early learned to
observe the natural objects around them; by industry and perseverance to
defy an element of superior power; and like the Egyptian, instructed by
his Nile, to exercise their inventive genius and acuteness in self-
defence.  The natural fertility of their soil, which favored agriculture
and the breeding of cattle, tended at the same time to increase the
population.  Their happy position on the sea and the great navigable
rivers of Germany and France, many of which debouched on their coasts;
the numerous artificial canals which intersected the land in all
directions, imparted life to navigation; and the facility of internal
communication between the provinces, soon created and fostered a
commercial spirit among these people.

The neighboring coasts, Denmark and Britain, were the first visited by
their vessels.  The English wool which they brought back employed
thousands of industrious hands in Bruges, Ghent, and Antwerp; and as
early as the middle of the twelfth century cloths of Flanders were
extensively worn in France and Germany.  In the eleventh century we find
ships of Friesland in the Belt, and even in the Levant.  This
enterprising people ventured, without a compass, to steer under the
North Pole round to the most northerly point of Russia.  From the
Wendish towns the Netherlands received a share in the Levant trade,
which, at that time, still passed from the Black Sea through the Russian
territories to the Baltic.  When, in the thirteenth century, this trade
began to decline, the Crusades having opened a new road through the
Mediterranean for Indian merchandise, and after the Italian towns had
usurped this lucrative branch of commerce, and the great Hanseatic
League had been formed in Germany, the Netherlands became the most
important emporium between the north and south.  As yet the use of
the compass was not general, and the merchantmen sailed slowly and
laboriously along the coasts.  The ports on the Baltic were, during the
winter months, for the most part frozen and inaccessible.  Ships,
therefore, which could not well accomplish within the year the long
voyage from the Mediterranean to the Belt, gladly availed theniselves of
harbors which lay half-way between the two,

With an immense continent behind them with which navigable streams kept
up their communication, and towards the west and north open to the ocean
by commodious harbors, this country appeared to be expressly formed for
a place of resort for different nations, and for a centre of commerce.
The principal towns of the Netherlands were established marts.
Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, French, Britons, Germans, Danes, and
Swedes thronged to them with the produce of every country in the world.
Competition insured cheapness; industry was stimulated as it found a
ready market for its productions.  With the necessary exchange of money
arose the commerce in bills, which opened a new and fruitful source of
wealth.  The princes of the country, acquainted at last with their true
interest, encouraged the merchant by important immunities, and neglected
not to protect their commerce by advantageous treaties with foreign
powers.  When, in the fifteenth century, several provinces were united
under one rule, they discontinued their private wars, which had proved
so injurious, and their separate interests were now more intimately
connected by a common government.  Their commerce and affluence
prospered in the lap of a long peace, which the formidable power of
their princes extorted from the neighboring monarchs.  The Burgundian
flag was feared in every sea, the dignity of their sovereign gave
support to their undertakings, and the enterprise of a private
individual became the affair of a powerful state.  Such vigorous
protection soon placed them in a position even to renounce the Hanseatic
League, and to pursue this daring enemy through every sea.  The
Hanseatic merchants, against whom the coasts of Spain were closed,
were compelled at last, however reluctantly, to visit the Flemish fairs,
and purchase their Spanish goods in the markets of the Netherlands.

Bruges, in Flanders, was, in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the
central point of the whole commerce of Europe, and the great market of
all nations.  In the year 1468 a hundred and fifty merchant vessels were
counted entering the harbor of Sluys it one time.  Besides the rich
factories of the Hanseatic League, there were here fifteen trading
companies, with their countinghouses, and many factories and merchants'
families from every European country.  Here was established the market
of all northern products for the south, and of all southern and
Levantine products for the north.  These passed through the Sound, and
up the Rhine, in Hanseatic vessels to Upper Germany, or were transported
by landcarriage to Brunswick and Luneburg.

As in the common course of human affairs, so here also a licentious
luxury followed prosperity.  The seductive example of Philip the Good
could not but accelerate its approach.  The court of the Burgundian
dukes was the most voluptuous and magnificent in Europe, Italy itself
not excepted.  The costly dress of the higher classes, which afterwards
served as patterns to the Spaniards, and eventually, with other
Burgundian customs, passed over to the court of Austria, soon descended
to the lower orders, and the meanest citizen nursed his person in velvet
and silk.

     [Philip the Good was too profuse a prince to amass treasures;
     nevertheless Charles the Bold found accumulated among his effects,
     a greater store of table services, jewels, carpets, and linen than
     three rich princedoms of that time together possessed, and over and
     above all a treasure of three hundred thousand dollars in ready
     money.  The riches of this prince, and of the Burgundian people,
     lay exposed on the battle-fields of Granson, Murten and Nancy.
     Here a Swiss soldier drew from the finger of Charles the Bold, that
     celebrated diamond which was long esteemed the largest in Europe,
     which even now sparkles in the crown of France as the second in
     size, but which the unwitting finder sold for a florin.  The Swiss
     exchanged the silver they found for tin, and the gold for copper,
     and tore into pieces the costly tents of cloth of gold.  The value
     of the spoil of silver, gold, and jewels which was taken has been
     estimated at three millions.  Charles and his army had advanced to
     the combat, not like foes who purpose battle, but like conquerors
     who adorn themselves after victory.]

Comines, an author who travelled through the Netherlands about the
middle of the fifteenth century, tells us that pride had already
attended their prosperity.  The pomp and vanity of dress was carried by
both sexes to extravagance.  The luxury of the table had never reached
so great a height among any other people.  The immoral assemblage of
both sexes at bathing-places, and such other places of reunion for
pleasure and enjoyment, had banished all shame--and we are not here
speaking of the usual luxuriousness of the higher ranks; the females of
the common class abandoned themselves to such extravagances without
limit or measure.

But how much more cheering to the philanthropist is this extravagance
than the miserable frugality of want, and the barbarous virtues of
ignorance, which at that time oppressed nearly the whole of Europe!
The Burgundian era shines pleasingly forth from those dark ages, like
a lovely spring day amid the showers of February.  But this flourishing
condition tempted the Flemish towns at last to their ruin; Ghent and
Bruges, giddy with liberty and success, declared war against Philip the
Good, the ruler of eleven provinces, which ended as unfortunately as it
was presumptuously commenced.  Ghent alone lost many thousand men in an
engagement near Havre, and was compelled to appease the wrath of the
victor by a contribution of four hundred thousand gold florins.  All the
municipal functionaries, and two thousand of the principal citizens,
went, stripped to their shirts, barefooted, and with heads uncovered, a
mile out of the town to meet the duke, and on their knees supplicated
for pardon.  On this occasion they were deprived of several valuable
privileges, all irreparable loss for their future commerce.  In the year
1482 they engaged in a war, with no better success, against Maximilian
of Austria, with a view to, deprive him of the guardianship of his son,
which, in contravention of his charter, he had unjustly assumed.  In
1487 the town of Bruges placed the archduke himself in confinement, and
put some of his most eminent ministers to death.  To avenge his son the
Emperor Frederic III. entered their territory with an army, and,
blockading for ten years the harbor of Sluys, put a stop to their entire
trade.  On this occasion Amsterdam and Antwerp, whose jealousy had long
been roused by the flourishing condition of the Flemish towns, lent him
the most important assistance.  The Italians began to bring their own
silk-stuffs to Antwerp for sale, and the Flemish cloth-workers likewise,
who had settled in England, sent their goods thither; and thus the town
of Bruges lost two important branches of trade.  The Hanseatic League
had long been offended at their overweening pride; and it now left them
and removed its factory to Antwerp.  In the year 1516 all the foreign
merchants left the town except only a few Spaniards; but its prosperity
faded as slowly as it had bloomed.

Antwerp received, in the sixteenth century, the trade which the
luxuriousness of the Flemish towns had banished; and under the
government of Charles V.  Antwerp was the most stirring and splendid
city in the Christian world.  A stream like the Scheldt, whose broad
mouth, in the immediate vicinity, shared with the North Sea the ebb and
flow of the tide, and could carry vessels of the largest tonnage under
the walls of Antwerp, made it the natural resort for all vessels which
visited that coast.  Its free fairs attracted men of business from all

     [Two such fairs lasted forty days, and all the goods sold there
     were duty free.]

The industry of the nation had, in the beginning of this century,
reached its greatest height.  The culture of grain, flax, the breeding
of cattle, the chase, and fisheries, enriched the peasant; arts,
manufactures, and trade gave wealth to the burghers.  Flemish and
Brabantine manufactures were long to be seen in Arabia, Persia, and
India.  Their ships covered the ocean, and in the Black Sea contended
with the Genoese for supremacy.  It was the distinctive characteristic
of the seaman of the Netherlands that he made sail at all seasons of the
year, and never laid up for the winter.

When the new route by the Cape of Good Hope was discovered, and the East
India trade of Portugal undermined that of the Levant, the Netherlands
did not feel the blow which was inflicted on the Italian republics.  The
Portuguese established their mart in Brabant, and the spices of Calicut
were displayed for sale in the markets of Antwerp.  Hither poured the
West Indian merchandise, with which the indolent pride of Spain repaid
the industry of the Netherlands.  The East Indian market attracted the
most celebrated commercial houses from Florence, Lucca, and Genoa; and
the Fuggers and Welsers from Augsburg.  Here the Hanse towns brought the
wares of the north, and here the English company had a factory.  Here
art and nature seemed to expose to view all their riches; it was a
splendid exhibition of the works of the Creator and of the creature.

Their renown soon diffused itself through the world.  Even a company of
Turkish merchants, towards the end of this century, solicited permission
to settle here, and to supply the products of the East by way of Greece.
With the trade in goods they held also the exchange of money.  Their
bills passed current in the farthest parts of the globe.  Antwerp, it is
asserted, then transacted more extensive and more important business in
a single month than Venice, at its most flourishing period, in two whole

In the year 1491 the Hanseatic League held its solemn meetings in this
town, which had formerly assembled in Lubeck alone.  In 1531 the
exchange was erected, at that time the most splendid in all Europe, and
which fulfilled its proud inscription.  The town now reckoned one
hundred thousand inhabitants.  The tide of human beings, which
incessantly poured into it, exceeds all belief.  Between two hundred and
two hundred and fifty ships were often seen loading at one time in its
harbor; no day passed on which the boats entering inwards and outwards
did not amount to more than five hundred; on market days the number
amounted to eight or nine hundred.  Daily more than two hundred
carriages drove through its gates; above two thousand loaded wagons
arrived every week from Germany, France, and Lorraine, without reckoning
the farmers' carts and corn-vans, which were seldom less than ten
thousand in number.  Thirty thousand hands were employed by the English
company alone.  The market dues, tolls, and excise brought millions to
the government annually.  We can form some idea of the resources of the
nation from the fact that the extraordinary taxes which they were
obliged to pay to Charles V. towards his numerous wars were computed at
forty millions of gold ducats.

For this affluence the Netherlands were as much indebted to their
liberty as to the natural advantages of their country.  Uncertain laws
and the despotic sway of a rapacious prince would quickly have blighted
all the blessings which propitious nature had so abundantly lavished on
them.  The inviolable sanctity of the laws can alone secure to the
citizen the fruits of his industry, and inspire him with that happy
confidence which is the soul of all activity.

The genius of this people, developed by the spirit of commerce, and by
the intercourse with so many nations, shone in useful inventions; in the
lap of abundance and liberty all the noble arts were carefully
cultivated and carried to perfection.  From Italy, to which Cosmo de
Medici had lately restored its golden age, painting, architecture, and
the arts of carving and of engraving on copper, were transplanted into
the Netherlands, where, in a new soil, they flourished with fresh vigor.
The Flemish school, a daughter of the Italian, soon vied with its mother
for the prize; and, in common with it, gave laws to the whole of Europe
in the fine arts.  The manufactures and arts, on which the Netherlanders
principally founded their prosperity, and still partly base it, require
no particular enumeration.  The weaving of tapestry, oil painting, the
art of painting on glass, even pocketwatches and sun-dials were, as
Guicciardini asserts, originally invented in the Netherlands.  To them
we are indebted for the improvement of the compass, the points of which
are still known by Flemish names.  About the year 1430 the invention of
typography is ascribed to Laurence Koster, of Haarlem; and whether or
not he is entitled to this honorable distinction, certain it is that the
Dutch were among the first to engraft this useful art among them; and
fate ordained that a century later it should reward its country with
liberty.  The people of the Netherlands united with the most fertile
genius for inventions a happy talent for improving the discoveries of
others; there are probably few mechanical arts and manufactures which
they did not either produce or at least carry to a higher degree of

Up to this time these provinces had formed the most enviable state in
Europe.  Not one of the Burgundian dukes had ventured to indulge a
thought of overturning the constitution; it had remained sacred even to
the daring spirit of Charles the Bold, while he was preparing fetters
for foreign liberty.  All these princes grew up with no higher hope than
to be the heads of a republic, and none of their territories afforded
them experience of a higher authority.  Besides, these princes possessed
nothing but what the Netherlands gave them; no armies but those which
the nation sent into the field; no riches but what the estates granted
to them.  Now all was changed.  The Netherlands had fallen to a master
who had at his command other instruments and other resources, who could
arm against them a foreign power.

     [The unnatural union of two such different nations as the Belgians
     and Spaniards could not possibly be prosperous.  I cannot here
     refrain from quoting the comparison which Grotius, in energetic
     language, has drawn between the two.  "With the neighboring
     nations," says he, "the people of the Netherlands could easily
     maintain a good understanding, for they were of a similar origin
     with themselves, and had grown up in the same manner.  But the
     people of Spain and of the Netherlands differed in almost every
     respect from one another, and therefore, when they were brought
     together clashed the more violently.  Both had for many centuries
     been distinguished in war, only the latter had, in luxurious
     repose, become disused to arms, while the former had been inured to
     war in the Italian and African campaigns; the desire of gain made
     the Belgians more inclined to peace, but not less sensitive of
     offence.  No people were more free from the lust of conquest, but
     none defended its own more zealously.  Hence the numerous towns,
     closely pressed together in a confined tract of country; densely
     crowded with a foreign and native population; fortified near the
     sea and the great rivers.  Hence for eight centuries after the
     northern immigration foreign arms could not prevail against them.
     Spain, on the contrary, often changed its masters; and when at last
     it fell into the hands of the Goths, its character and its manners
     had suffered more or less from each new conqueror.  The people thus
     formed at last out of these several admixtures is described as
     patient in labor, imperturbable in danger, equally eager for riches
     and honor, proud of itself even to contempt of others, devout and
     grateful to strangers for any act of kindness, but also revengeful,
     and of such ungovernable passions in victory as so regard neither
     conscience nor honor in the case of an enemy.  All this is foreign
     to the character of the Belgian, who is astute but not insidious,
     who, placed midway between France and Germany, combines in
     moderation the faults and good qualities of both.  He is not easily
     to be imposed upon, nor is he to be insulted with impunity.  In
     veneration for the Deity, too, he does not yield to the Spaniard;
     the arms of the Northmen could not make him apostatize from
     Christianity when he had once professed it.  No opinion which the
     church condemns had, up to this time, empoisoned the purity of his
     faith.  Nay, his pious extravagance went so far that it became
     requisite to curb by laws the rapacity of his clergy.  In both
     people loyalty to their rulers is equally innate, with this
     difference, that the Belgian places the law above kings.  Of all
     the Spaniards the Castilians require to be, governed with the most
     caution; but the liberties which they arrogate for themselves they
     do not willingly accord to others.  Hence the difficult task to
     their common ruler, so to distribute his attention, and care
     between the two nations that neither the preference shown to the
     Castilian should offend the Belgian, nor the equal treatment of the
     Belgian affront the haughty spirit of the Castilian."--Grotii
     Annal. Belg. L. 1. 4. 5. seq.]

Charles V. was an absolute monarch in his Spanish dominions; in the
Netherlands he was no more than the first citizen.  In the southern
portion of his empire he might have learned contempt for the rights of
individuals; here he was taught to respect them.  The more he there
tasted the pleasures of unlimited power, and the higher he raised his
opinion of his own greatness, the more reluctant he must have felt to
descend elsewhere to the ordinary level of humanity, and to tolerate any
check upon his arbitrary authority.  It requires, indeed, no ordinary
degree of virtue to abstain from warring against the power which imposes
a curb on our most cherished wishes.

The superior power of Charles awakened at the same time in the
Netherlands that distrust which always accompanies inferiority.  Never
were they so alive to their constitutional rights, never so jealous of
the royal prerogative, or more observant in their proceedings.  Under,
his reign we see the most violent outbreaks of republican spirit, and
the pretensions of the people carried to an excess which nothing but the
increasing encroachments of the royal power could in the least justify.
A Sovereign will always regard the freedom of the citizen as an
alienated fief, which he is bound to recover.  To the citizen the
authority of a sovereign is a torrent, which, by its inundation,
threatens to sweep away his rights.  The Belgians sought to protect
themselves against the ocean by embankments, and against their princes
by constitutional enactments.  The whole history of the world is a
perpetually recurring struggle between liberty and the lust of power and
possession; as the history of nature is nothing but the contest of the
elements and organic bodies for space.  The Netherlands soon found to
their cost that they had become but a province of a great monarchy.  So
long as their former masters had no higher aim than to promote their
prosperity, their condition resembled the tranquil happiness of a
secluded family, whose head is its ruler.  Charles V. introduced them
upon the arena of the political world.  They now formed a member of that
gigantic body which the ambition of an individual employed as his
instrument.  They ceased to have their own good for their aim; the
centre of their existence was transported to the soul of their ruler.
As his whole government was but one tissue of plans and manoeuvres to
advance his power, so it was, above all things, necessary that he should
be completely master of the various limbs of his mighty empire in order
to move them effectually and suddenly.  It was impossible, therefore,
for him to embarrass himself with the tiresome mechanism of their
interior political organization, or to extend to their peculiar
privileges the conscientious respect which their republican jealousy
demanded.  It was expedient for him to facilitate the exercise of their
powers by concentration and unity.  The tribunal at Malines had been
under his predecessor an independent court of judicature; he subjected
its decrees to the revision of a royal council, which he established in
Brussels, and which was the mere organ of his will.  He introduced
foreigners into the most vital functions of their constitution, and
confided to them the most important offices.  These men, whose only
support was the royal favor, would be but bad guardians of privileges
which, moreover, were little known to them.  The ever-increasing
expenses of his warlike government compelled him as steadily to augment
his resources.  In disregard of their most sacred privileges he imposed
new and strange taxes on the provinces.  To preserve their olden
consideration the estates were forced to grant what he had been so
modest as not to extort; the whole history of the government of this
monarch in the Netherlands is almost one continued list of imposts
demanded, refused, and finally accorded.  Contrary to the constitution,
he introduced foreign troops into their territories, directed the
recruiting of his armies in the provinces, and involved them in wars,
which could not advance even if they did not injure their interest, and
to which they had not given their consent.  He punished the offences of
a free state as a monarch; and the terrible chastisement of Ghent
announced to the other provinces the great change which their
constitution had already undergone.

The welfare of the country was so far secured as was necessary to the
political schemes of its master; the intelligent policy of Charles would
certainly not violate the salutary regiment of the body whose energies
he found himself necessitated to exert.  Fortunately, the opposite
pursuits of selfish ambition, and of disinterested philanthropy, often
bring about the same end; and the well-being of a state, which a Marcus
Aurelius might propose to himself as a rational object of pursuit, is
occasionally promoted by an Augustus or a Louis.

Charles V. was perfectly aware that commerce was the strength of the
nation, and that the foundation of their commerce was liberty.  He
spared its liberty because he needed its strength.  Of greater political
wisdom, though not more just than his son, he adapted his principles to
the exigencies of time and place, and recalled an ordinance in Antwerp
and in Madrid which he would under other circumstances have enforced
with all the terrors of his power.  That which makes the reign of
Charles V. particularly remarkable in regard to the Netherlands is the
great religious revolution which occurred under it; and which, as the
principal cause of the subsequent rebellion, demands a somewhat
circumstantial notice.  This it was that first brought arbitrary power
into the innermost sanctuary of the constitution; taught it to give a
dreadful specimen of its might; and, in a measure, legalized it, while
it placed republican spirit on a dangerous eminence.  And as the latter
sank into anarchy and rebellion monarchical power rose to the height of

Nothing is more natural than the transition from civil liberty to
religious freedom.  Individuals, as well as communities, who, favored by
a happy political constitution, have become acquainted with the rights
of man, and accustomed to examine, if not also to create, the law which
is to govern them; whose minds have been enlightened by activity, and
feelings expanded by the enjoyments of life; whose natural courage has
been exalted by internal security and prosperity; such men will not
easily surrender themselves to the blind domination of a dull arbitrary
creed, and will be the first to emancipate themselves from its yoke.
Another circumstance, however, must have greatly tended to diffuse the
new religion in these countries.  Italy, it might be objected, the seat
of the greatest intellectual culture, formerly the scene of the most
violent political factions, where a burning climate kindles the blood
with the wildest passions--Italy, among all the European countries,
remained the freest from this change.  But to a romantic people, whom a
warm and lovely sky, a luxurious, ever young and ever smiling nature,
and the multifarious witcheries of art, rendered keenly susceptible of
sensuous enjoyment, that form of religion must naturally have been
better adapted, which by its splendid pomp captivates the senses, by its
mysterious enigmas opens an unbounded range to the fancy; and which,
through the most picturesque forms, labors to insinuate important
doctrines into the soul.  On the contrary, to a people whom the ordinary
employments of civil life have drawn down to an unpoetical reality, who
live more in plain notions than in images, and who cultivate their
common sense at the expense of their imagination--to such a people that
creed will best recommend itself which dreads not investigation, which
lays less stress on mysticism than on morals, and which is rather to be
understood then to be dwelt upon in meditation.  In few words, the Roman
Catholic religion will, on the whole, be found more adapted to a nation
of artists, the Protestant more fitted to a nation of merchants.

On this supposition the new doctrines which Luther diffused in Germany,
and Calvin in Switzerland, must have found a congenial soil in the
Netherlands.  The first seeds of it were sown in the Netherlands by the
Protestant merchants, who assembled at Amsterdam and Antwerp.  The
German and Swiss troops, which Charles introduced into these countries,
and the crowd of French, German, and English fugitives who, under the
protection of the liberties of Flanders, sought to escape the sword of
persecution which threatened them at home, promoted their diffusion.  A
great portion of the Belgian nobility studied at that time at Geneva, as
the University of Louvain was not yet in repute, and that of Douai not
yet founded.  The new tenets publicly taught there were transplanted by
the students to their various countries.  In an isolated people these
first germs might easily have been crushed; but in the market-towns of
Holland and Brabant, the resort of so many different nations, their
first growth would escape the notice of government, and be accelerated
under the veil of obscurity.  A difference in opinion might easily
spring up and gain ground amongst those who already were divided in
national character, in manners, customs, and laws.  Moreover, in a
country where industry was the most lauded virtue, mendicity the most
abhorred vice, a slothful body of men, like that of the monks, must have
been an object of long and deep aversion.  Hence, the new religion,
which opposed these orders, derived an immense advantage from having the
popular opinion on its side.  Occasional pamphlets, full of bitterness
and satire, to which the newly-discovered art of printing secured a
rapid circulation, and several bands of strolling orators, called
Rederiker, who at that time made the circuit of the provinces,
ridiculing in theatrical representations or songs the abuses of their
times, contributed not a little to diminish respect for the Romish
Church, and to prepare the people for the reception of the new dogmas.

The first conquests of this doctrine were astonishingly rapid.  The
number of those who in a short time avowed themselves its adherents,
especially in the northern provinces, was prodigious; but among these
the foreigners far outnumbered the natives.  Charles V., who, in this
hostile array of religious tenets, had taken the side which a despot
could not fail to take, opposed to the increasing torrent of innovation
the most effectual remedies.  Unhappily for the reformed religion
political justice was on the side of its persecutor.  The dam which, for
so many centuries, had repelled human understanding from truth was too
suddenly torn away for the outbreaking torrent not to overflow its
appointed channel.  The reviving spirit of liberty and of inquiry, which
ought to have remained within the limits of religious questions, began
also to examine into the rights of kings.  While in the commencement
iron fetters were justly broken off, a desire was eventually shown to
rend asunder the most legitimate and most indispensable of ties.  Even
the Holy Scriptures, which were now circulated everywhere, while they
imparted light and nurture to the sincere inquirer after truth, were the
source also whence an eccentric fanaticism contrived to extort the
virulent poison.  The good cause had been compelled to choose the evil
road of rebellion, and the result was what in such cases it ever will be
so long as men remain men.  The bad cause, too, which had nothing in
common with the good but the employment of illegal means, emboldened by
this slight point of connection, appeared in the same company, and was
mistaken for it.  Luther had written against the invocation of saints;
every audacious varlet who broke into the churches and cloisters, and
plundered the altars, called himself Lutheran.  Faction, rapine,
fanaticism, licentiousness robed themselves in his colors; the most
enormous offenders, when brought before the judges, avowed themselves
his followers.  The Reformation had drawn down the Roman prelate to a
level with fallible humanity; an insane band, stimulated by hunger and
want, sought to annihilate all distinction of ranks.  It was natural
that a doctrine, which to the state showed itself only in its most
unfavorable aspect, should not have been able to reconcile a monarch who
had already so many reasons to extirpate it; and it is no wonder,
therefore, that be employed against it the arms it had itself forced
upon him.

Charles must already have looked upon himself as absolute in the
Netherlands since he did not think it necessary to extend to these
countries the religious liberty which be had accorded to Germany.
While, compelled by the effectual resistance of the German princes, he
assured to the former country a free exercise of the new religion, in
the latter he published the most cruel edicts for its repression.  By
these the reading of the Evangelists and Apostles; all open or secret
meetings to which religion gave its name in ever so slight a degree; all
conversations on the subject, at home or at the table, were forbidden
under severe penalties.  In every province special courts of judicature
were established to watch over the execution of the edicts.  Whoever
held these erroneous opinions was to forfeit his office without regard
to his rank.  Whoever should be convicted of diffusing heretical
doctrines, or even of simply attending the secret meetings of the
Reformers, was to be condemned to death, and if a male, to be executed
by the sword, if a female, buried alive.  Backsliding heretics were to
be committed to the flames.  Not even the recantation of the offender
could annul these appalling sentences.  Whoever abjured his errors
gained nothing by his apostacy but at farthest a milder kind of death.

The fiefs of the condemned were also confiscated, contrary to the
privileges of the nation, which permitted the heir to redeem them for a
trifling fine; and in defiance of an express and valuable privilege of
the citizens of Holland, by which they were not to be tried out of their
province, culprits were conveyed beyond the limits of the native
judicature, and condemned by foreign tribunals.  Thus did religion guide
the hand of despotism to attack with its sacred weapon, and without
danger or opposition, the liberties which were inviolable to the secular

Charles V., emboldened by the fortunate progress of his arms in Germany,
thought that he might now venture on everything, and seriously meditated
the introduction of the Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands.  But the
terror of its very name alone reduced commerce in Antwerp to a
standstill.  The principal foreign merchants prepared to quit the city.
All buying and selling ceased, the value of houses fell, the employment
of artisans stopped.  Money disappeared from the hands of the citizen.
The ruin of that flourishing commercial city was inevitable had not
Charles V. listened to the representations of the Duchess of Parma, and
abandoned this perilous resolve.  The tribunal, therefore, was ordered
not to interfere with the foreign merchants, and the title of Inquisitor
was changed unto the milder appellation of Spiritual Judge.  But in the
other provinces that tribunal proceeded to rage with the inhuman
despotism which has ever been peculiar to it.  It has been computed that
during the reign of Charles V. fifty thousand persons perished by the
hand of the executioner for religion alone.

When we glance at the violent proceedings of this monarch we are quite
at a loss to comprehend what it was that kept the rebellion within
bounds during his reign, which broke out with so much violence under his
successor.  A closer investigation will clear up this seeming anomaly.
Charles's dreaded supremacy in Europe had raised the commerce of the
Netherlands to a height which it had never before attained.  The majesty
of his name opened all harbors, cleared all seas for their vessels, and
obtained for them the most favorable cornmercial treaties with foreign
powers.  Through him, in particular, they destroyed the dominion of the
Hanse towns in the Baltic.  Through him, also, the New World, Spain,
Italy, Germany, which now shared with them a common ruler, were, in a
measure, to be considered as provinces of their own country, and opened
new channels for their commerce.  He had, moreover, united the remaining
six provinces with the hereditary states of Burgundy, and thus given to
them an extent and political importance which placed them by the side of
the first kingdoms of Europe.

     [He had, too, at one time the intention of raising it to a kingdom;
     but the essential points of difference between the provinces, which
     extended from constitution and manners to measures and weights,
     soon made him abandon this design.  More important was the service
     which he designed them in the Burgundian treaty, which settled its
     relation to the German empire.  According to this treaty the
     seventeen provinces were to contribute to the common wants of the
     German empire twice as much as an electoral prince; in case of a
     Turkish war three times as much; in return for which, however, they
     were to enjoy the powerful protection of this empire, and not to be
     injured in any of their various privileges.  The revolution, which
     under Charles' son altered the political constitution of the
     provinces, again annulled this compact, which, on account of the
     trifling advantage that it conferred, deserves no further notice.]

By all this he flattered the national pride of this people.  Moreover,
by the incorporation of Gueldres, Utrecht, Friesland, and Groningen with
these provinces, he put an end to the private wars which had so long
disturbed their commerce; an unbroken internal peace now allowed them to
enjoy the full fruits of their industry.  Charles was therefore a
benefactor of this people.  At the same time, the splendor of his
victories dazzled their eyes; the glory of their sovereign, which was
reflected upon them also, had bribed their republican vigilance; while
the awe-inspiring halo of invincibility which encircled the conqueror of
Germany, France, Italy, and Africa terrified the factious.  And then,
who knows not on how much may venture the man, be he a private
individual or a prince, who has succeeded in enchaining the admiration
of his fellow-creatures!  His repeated personal visits to these lands,
which he, according to his own confession, visited as often as ten
different times, kept the disaffected within bounds; the constant
exercise of severe and prompt justice maintained the awe of the royal
power.  Finally, Charles was born in the Netherlands, and loved the
nation in whose lap he had grown up.  Their manners pleased him, the
simplicity of their character and social intercourse formed for him a
pleasing recreation from the severe Spanish gravity.  He spoke their
language, and followed their customs in his private life.  The
burdensome ceremonies which form the unnatural barriers between king and
people were banished from Brussels.  No jealous foreigner debarred
natives from access to their prince; their way to him was through their
own countrymen, to whom he entrusted his person.  He spoke much and
courteously with them; his deportment was engaging, his discourse
obliging.  These simple artifices won for him their love, and while
his armies trod down their cornfields, while his rapacious imposts
diminished their property, while his governors oppressed, his
executioners slaughtered, he secured their hearts by a friendly

Gladly would Charles have seen this affection of the nation for himself
descend upon his son.  On this account he sent for him in his youth from
Spain, and showed him in Brussels to his future subjects.  On the solemn
day of his abdication he recommended to him these lands as the richest
jewel in his crown, and earnestly exhorted him to respect their laws and

Philip II. was in all the direct opposite of his father.  As ambitious
as Charles, but with less knowledge of men and of the rights of man, he
had formed to himself a notion of royal authority which regarded men as
simply the servile instruments of despotic will, and was outraged by
every symptom of liberty.  Born in Spain, and educated under the iron
discipline of the monks, he demanded of others the same gloomy formality
and reserve as marked his own character.  The cheerful merriment of his
Flemish subjects was as uncongenial to his disposition and temper as
their privileges were offensive to his imperious will.  He spoke no
other language but the Spanish, endured none but Spaniards about his
person, and obstinately adhered to all their customs.  In vain did the
loyal ingenuity of the Flemish towns through which he passed vie with
each other in solemnizing his arrival with costly festivities.

     [The town of Antwerp alone expended on an occasion of this kind two
     hundred and sixty thousand gold florins.]

Philip's eye remained dark; all the profusion of magnificence, all the
loud and hearty effusions of the sincerest joy could not win from him
one approving smile.

Charles entirely missed his aim by presenting his son to the Flemings.
They might eventually have endured his yoke with less impatience if he
had never set his foot in their land.  But his look forewarned them what
they had to expect; his entry into Brussels lost him all hearts.  The
Emperor's gracious affability with his people only served to throw a
darker shade on the haughty gravity of his son.  They read in his
countenance the destructive purpose against their liberties which, even
then, he already revolved in his breast.  Forewarned to find in him a
tyrant they were forearmed to resist him.

The throne of the Netherlands was the first which Charles V. abdicated.
Before a solemn convention in Brussels he absolved the States-General of
their oath, and transferred their allegiance to King Philip, his son.
"If my death," addressing the latter, as he concluded, "had placed you
in possession of these countries, even in that case so valuable a
bequest would have given me great claims on your gratitude.  But now
that of my free will I transfer them to you, now that I die in order to
hasten your enjoyment of them, I only require of you to pay to the
people the increased obligation which the voluntary surrender of my
dignity lays upon you.  Other princes esteem it a peculiar felicity to
bequeath to their children the crown which death is already ravishing
from then.  This happiness I am anxious to enjoy during my life.  I wish
to be a spectator of your reign.  Few will follow my example, as few
have preceded me in it.  But this my deed will be praised if your future
life should justify my expectations, if you continue to be guided by
that wisdom which you have hitherto evinced, if you remain inviolably
attached to the pure faith which is the main pillar of your throne.  One
thing more I have to add: may Heaven grant you also a son, to whom you
may transmit your power by choice, and not by necessity."
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