Johann Shiller

Fiesco; or, the Genoese Conspiracy
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FIESCO. Why do you pull my cloak? It falls----

VERRINA (with bitter irony). If the purple falls the duke must after it.
(He pushes him into the sea.)

FIESCO (calls out of the waves). Help, Genoa! Help! Help thy duke!


   CALCAGNO, SACCO, ZIBO, ZENTURIONE, Conspirators, People.

CALCAGNO (crying out). Fiesco! Fiesco! Andreas is returned--half Genoa
joins Andreas. Where is Fiesco?

VERRINA (in a firm tone). Drowning.

ZENTURIONE. Does hell or madness prompt thy answer?

VERRINA. Drowned--if that sound better. I go to join Andreas.

   (The CONSPIRATORS stand in groups, astonished. The curtain falls.)
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