Johann Shiller

The Poems of Schiller — Third period
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Deep at the foot of the mountain, that under me falls away steeply,
  Wanders the greenish-hued stream, looking like glass as it flows.
 Endlessly under me see I the ether, and endlessly o'er
  Giddily look I above, shudderingly look I below,
 But between the infinite height and the infinite hollow
  Safely the wanderer moves over a well-guarded path.
 Smilingly past me are flying the banks all teeming with riches,
  And the valley so bright boasts of its industry glad.
 See how yonder hedgerows that sever the farmer's possessions
  Have by Demeter been worked into the tapestried plain!
 Kindly decree of the law, of the Deity mortal-sustaining,
  Since from the brazen world love vanished forever away.
 But in freer windings the measured pastures are traversed
  (Now swallowed up in the wood, now climbing up to the hills)
 By a glimmering streak, the highway that knits lands together;
  Over the smooth-flowing stream, quietly glide on the rafts.

 Ofttimes resound the bells of the flocks in the fields that seem living,
  And the shepherd's lone song wakens the echo again.
 Joyous villages crown the stream, in the copse others vanish,
  While from the back of the mount, others plunge wildly below.
 Man still lives with the land in neighborly friendship united,
  And round his sheltering roof calmly repose still his fields;
 Trustingly climbs the vine high over the low-reaching window,
  While round the cottage the tree circles its far-stretching boughs.
 Happy race of the plain! Not yet awakened to freedom,
  Thou and thy pastures with joy share in the limited law;
 Bounded thy wishes all are by the harvest's peaceable circuit,
  And thy lifetime is spent e'en as the task of the day!

 But what suddenly hides the beauteous view? A strange spirit
  Over the still-stranger plain spreads itself quickly afar--
 Coyly separates now, what scarce had lovingly mingled,
  And 'tis the like that alone joins itself on to the like.
 Orders I see depicted; the haughty tribes of the poplars
  Marshalled in regular pomp, stately and beauteous appear.
 All gives token of rule and choice, and all has its meaning,--
  'Tis this uniform plan points out the Ruler to me.
 Brightly the glittering domes in far-away distance proclaim him.
  Out of the kernel of rocks rises the city's high wall.
 Into the desert without, the fauns of the forest are driven,
  But by devotion is lent life more sublime to the stone.
 Man is brought into nearer union with man, and around him
  Closer, more actively wakes, swifter moves in him the world.
 See! the emulous forces in fiery conflict are kindled,
  Much, they effect when they strive, more they effect when they join.
 Thousands of hands by one spirit are moved, yet in thousands of bosoms
  Beats one heart all alone, by but one feeling inspired--
 Beats for their native land, and glows for their ancestors' precepts;
  Here on the well-beloved spot, rest now time-honored bones.

 Down from the heavens descends the blessed troop of immortals,
  In the bright circle divine making their festal abode;
 Granting glorious gifts, they appear: and first of all, Ceres
  Offers the gift of the plough, Hermes the anchor brings next,
 Bacchus the grape, and Minerva the verdant olive-tree's branches,
  Even his charger of war brings there Poseidon as well.
 Mother Cybele yokes to the pole of her chariot the lions,
  And through the wide-open door comes as a citizen in.
 Sacred stones! 'Tis from ye that proceed humanity's founders,
  Morals and arts ye sent forth, e'en to the ocean's far isles.
 'Twas at these friendly gates that the law was spoken by sages;
  In their Penates' defence, heroes rushed out to the fray.
 On the high walls appeared the mothers, embracing their infants,
  Looking after the march, till the distance 'twas lost.
 Then in prayer they threw themselves down at the deities' altars,
  Praying for triumph and fame, praying for your safe return.
 Honor and triumph were yours, but naught returned save your glory,
  And by a heart-touching stone, told are your valorous deeds.
 "Traveller! when thou com'st to Sparta, proclaim to the people
  That thou hast seen us lie here, as by the law we were bid."
 Slumber calmly, ye loved ones! for sprinkled o'er by your life-blood,
  Flourish the olive-trees there, joyously sprouts the good seed.
 In its possessions exulting, industry gladly is kindled.
  And from the sedge of the stream smilingly signs the blue god.
 Crushingly falls the axe on the tree, the Dryad sighs sadly;
  Down from the crest of the mount plunges the thundering load.
 Winged by the lever, the stone from the rocky crevice is loosened;
  Into the mountain's abyss boldly the miner descends.
 Mulciber's anvil resounds with the measured stroke of the hammer;
  Under the fist's nervous blow, spurt out the sparks of the steel.
 Brilliantly twines the golden flax round the swift-whirling spindles,
  Through the strings of the yarn whizzes the shuttle away.

 Far in the roads the pilot calls, and the vessels are waiting,
  That to the foreigner's land carry the produce of home;
 Others gladly approach with the treasures of far-distant regions,
  High on the mast's lofty head flutters the garland of mirth.
 See how yon markets, those centres of life and of gladness, are swarming!
  Strange confusion of tongues sounds in the wondering ear.
 On to the pile the wealth of the earth is heaped by the merchant,
  All that the sun's scorching rays bring forth on Africa's soil,
 All that Arabia prepares, that the uttermost Thule produces,
  High with heart-gladdening stores fills Amalthea her horn.
 Fortune wedded to talent gives birth there to children immortal,
  Suckled in liberty's arms, flourish the arts there of joy.
 With the image of life the eyes by the sculptor are ravished,
  And by the chisel inspired, speaks e'en the sensitive stone.
 Skies artificial repose on slender Ionian columns,
  And a Pantheon includes all that Olympus contains.
 Light as the rainbow's spring through the air, as the dart from
                          the bowstring,
  Leaps the yoke of the bridge over the boisterous stream.

 But in his silent chamber the thoughtful sage is projecting
  Magical circles, and steals e'en on the spirit that forms,
 Proves the force of matter, the hatreds and loves of the magnet,
  Follows the tune through the air, follows through ether the ray,
 Seeks the familiar law in chance's miracles dreaded,
  Looks for the ne'er-changing pole in the phenomena's flight.
 Bodies and voices are lent by writing to thought ever silent,
  Over the centuries' stream bears it the eloquent page.
 Then to the wondering gaze dissolves the cloud of the fancy,
  And the vain phantoms of night yield to the dawning of day.
 Man now breaks through his fetters, the happy one! Oh, let him never
  Break from the bridle of shame, when from fear's fetters he breaks
 Freedom! is reason's cry,--ay, freedom! The wild raging passions
  Eagerly cast off the bonds Nature divine had imposed.

 Ah! in the tempest the anchors break loose, that warningly held him
  On to the shore, and the stream tears him along in its flood,--
 Into infinity whirls him,--the coasts soon vanish before him,
  High on the mountainous waves rocks all-dismasted the bark;
 Under the clouds are hid the steadfast stars of the chariot,
  Naught now remains,--in the breast even the god goes astray.
 Truth disappears from language, from life all faith and all honor
  Vanish, and even the oath is but a lie on the lips.
 Into the heart's most trusty bond, and into love's secrets,
  Presses the sycophant base, tearing the friend from the friend.
 Treason on innocence leers, with looks that seek to devour,
  And the fell slanderer's tooth kills with its poisonous bite.
 In the dishonored bosom, thought is now venal, and love, too,
  Scatters abroad to the winds, feelings once god-like and free.
 All thy holy symbols, O truth, deceit has adopted,
  And has e'en dared to pollute Nature's own voices so fair,
 That the craving heart in the tumult of gladness discovers;
  True sensations are now mute and can scarcely be heard.
 Justice boasts at the tribune, and harmony vaunts in the cottage,
  While the ghost of the law stands at the throne of the king.
 Years together, ay, centuries long, may the mummy continue,
  And the deception endure, apeing the fulness of life.
 Until Nature awakes, and with hands all-brazen and heavy
  'Gainst the hollow-formed pile time and necessity strikes.
 Like a tigress, who, bursting the massive grating iron,
  Of her Numidian wood suddenly, fearfully thinks,--
 So with the fury of crime and anguish, humanity rises
  Hoping nature, long-lost in the town's ashes, to find.
 Oh then open, ye walls, and set the captive at freedom
  To the long desolate plains let him in safety return!

 But where am I? The path is now hid, declivities rugged
  Bar, with their wide-yawning gulfs, progress before and behind.
 Now far behind me is left the gardens' and hedges' sure escort,
  Every trace of man's hand also remains far behind.
 Only the matter I see piled up, whence life has its issue,
  And the raw mass of basalt waits for a fashioning hand.
 Down through its channel of rock the torrent roaringly rushes,
  Angrily forcing a path under the roots of the trees.
 All is here wild and fearfully desolate. Naught but the eagle
  Hangs in the lone realms of air, knitting the world to the clouds.
 Not one zephyr on soaring pinion conveys to my hearing
  Echoes, however remote, marking man's pleasures and pains.
 Am I in truth, then, alone? Within thine arms, on thy bosom,
  Nature, I lie once again!--Ah, and 'twas only a dream
 That assailed me with horrors so fearful; with life's dreaded phantom,
  And with the down-rushing vale, vanished the gloomy one too.
 Purer my life I receive again from thine altar unsullied,--
  Purer receive the bright glow felt by my youth's hopeful days.
 Ever the will is changing its aim and its rule, while forever,
  In a still varying form, actions revolve round themselves.
 But in enduring youth, in beauty ever renewing.
  Kindly Nature, with grace thou dost revere the old law!
 Ever the same, for the man in thy faithful hands thou preservest
  That which the child in its sport, that which the youth lent to thee;
 At the same breast thou dost suckle the ceaselessly-varying ages;
  Under the same azure vault, over the same verdant earth,
 Races, near and remote, in harmony wander together,
  See, even Homer's own sun looks on us, too, with a smile!

          THE LAY OF THE BELL.

   "Vivos voco--Mortuos plango--Fulgura frango." [44]

     Fast, in its prison-walls of earth,
      Awaits the mould of baked clay.
     Up, comrades, up, and aid the birth
      The bell that shall be born to-day!
        Who would honor obtain,
        With the sweat and the pain,
   The praise that man gives to the master must buy.--
   But the blessing withal must descend from on high!

     And well an earnest word beseems
      The work the earnest hand prepares;
     Its load more light the labor deems,
      When sweet discourse the labor shares.
     So let us ponder--nor in vain--
      What strength can work when labor wills;
     For who would not the fool disdain
      Who ne'er designs what he fulfils?
     And well it stamps our human race,
      And hence the gift to understand,
     That man within the heart should trace
      Whate'er he fashions with the hand.

     From the fir the fagot take,
      Keep it, heap it hard and dry,
     That the gathered flame may break
      Through the furnace, wroth and high.
        When the copper within
        Seeths and simmers--the tin,
   Pour quick, that the fluid that feeds the bell
   May flow in the right course glib and well.

     Deep hid within this nether cell,
      What force with fire is moulding thus,
     In yonder airy tower shall dwell,
      And witness wide and far of us!
     It shall, in later days, unfailing,
      Rouse many an ear to rapt emotion;
     Its solemn voice with sorrow wailing,
      Or choral chiming to devotion.
     Whatever fate to man may bring,
      Whatever weal or woe befall,
     That metal tongue shall backward ring,
      The warning moral drawn from all.

     See the silvery bubbles spring!
      Good! the mass is melting now!
     Let the salts we duly bring
      Purge the flood, and speed the flow.
        From the dross and the scum,
        Pure, the fusion must come;
   For perfect and pure we the metal must keep,
   That its voice may be perfect, and pure, and deep.

     That voice, with merry music rife,
      The cherished child shall welcome in;
     What time the rosy dreams of life,
      In the first slumber's arms begin.
     As yet, in Time's dark womb unwarning,
      Repose the days, or foul or fair;
     And watchful o'er that golden morning,
      The mother-love's untiring care!
     And swift the years like arrows fly
     No more with girls content to play,
     Bounds the proud boy upon his way,
     Storms through loud life's tumultuous pleasures,
     With pilgrim staff the wide world measures;
     And, wearied with the wish to roam,
     Again seeks, stranger-like, the father-home.
     And, lo, as some sweet vision breaks
      Out from its native morning skies
     With rosy shame on downcast cheeks,
      The virgin stands before his eyes.

     A nameless longing seizes him!
      From all his wild compassions flown;
     Tears, strange till then, his eyes bedim;
      He wanders all alone.
     Blushing, he glides where'er she move;
      Her greeting can transport him;
     To every mead to deck his love,
      The happy wild flowers court him!
     Sweet hope--and tender longing--ye
      The growth of life's first age of gold;
     When the heart, swelling, seems to see
      The gates of heaven unfold!
   O love, the beautiful and brief! O prime,
   Glory, and verdure, of life's summer time!

     Browning o'er, the pipes are simmering,
      Dip this wand of clay [45] within;
     If like glass the wand be glimmering,
      Then the casting may begin.
        Brisk, brisk now, and see
        If the fusion flow free;
   If--(happy and welcome indeed were the sign!)
   If the hard and the ductile united combine.
   For still where the strong is betrothed to the weak,
   And the stern in sweet marriage is blent with the meek,
    Rings the concord harmonious, both tender and strong
   So be it with thee, if forever united,
   The heart to the heart flows in one, love-delighted;
    Illusion is brief, but repentance is long.

     Lovely, thither are they bringing.
      With the virgin wreath, the bride!
     To the love-feast clearly ringing,
      Tolls the church-bell far and wide!
     With that sweetest holiday,
      Must the May of life depart;
   With the cestus loosed--away
    Flies illusion from the heart!
     Yet love lingers lonely,
      When passion is mute,
     And the blossoms may only
      Give way to the fruit.
     The husband must enter
      The hostile life,
      With struggle and strife
      To plant or to watch.
      To snare or to snatch,
      To pray and importune,
     Must wager and venture
      And hunt down his fortune!
   Then flows in a current the gear and the gain,
   And the garners are filled with the gold of the grain,
   Now a yard to the court, now a wing to the centre!
       Within sits another,
        The thrifty housewife;
       The mild one, the mother--
        Her home is her life.
       In its circle she rules,
       And the daughters she schools
        And she cautions the boys,
       With a bustling command,
       And a diligent hand
        Employed she employs;
       Gives order to store,
       And the much makes the more;
   Locks the chest and the wardrobe, with lavender smelling,
   And the hum of the spindle goes quick through the dwelling;
   And she hoards in the presses, well polished and full,
   The snow of the linen, the shine of the wool;
   Blends the sweet with the good, and from care and endeavor
   Rests never!
     Blithe the master (where the while
     From his roof he sees them smile)
      Eyes the lands, and counts the gain;
     There, the beams projecting far,
     And the laden storehouse are,
     And the granaries bowed beneath
      The blessed golden grain;
     There, in undulating motion,
     Wave the cornfields like an ocean.
     Proud the boast the proud lips breathe:--
     "My house is built upon a rock,
     And sees unmoved the stormy shock
      Of waves that fret below!"
     What chain so strong, what girth so great,
     To bind the giant form of fate?--
      Swift are the steps of woe.

     Now the casting may begin;
      See the breach indented there:
     Ere we run the fusion in,
      Halt--and speed the pious prayer!
        Pull the bung out--
        See around and about
   What vapor, what vapor--God help us!--has risen?--
   Ha! the flame like a torrent leaps forth from its prison!
   What friend is like the might of fire
   When man can watch and wield the ire?
   Whate'er we shape or work, we owe
   Still to that heaven-descended glow.
   But dread the heaven-descended glow,
   When from their chain its wild wings go,
   When, where it listeth, wide and wild
   Sweeps free Nature's free-born child.
   When the frantic one fleets,
    While no force can withstand,
   Through the populous streets
    Whirling ghastly the brand;
   For the element hates
   What man's labor creates,
    And the work of his hand!
   Impartially out from the cloud,
    Or the curse or the blessing may fall!
   Benignantly out from the cloud
    Come the dews, the revivers of all!
   Avengingly out from the cloud
    Come the levin, the bolt, and the ball!
   Hark--a wail from the steeple!--aloud
   The bell shrills its voice to the crowd!
      Look--look--red as blood
        All on high!
   It is not the daylight that fills with its flood
        The sky!
   What a clamor awaking
    Roars up through the street,
   What a hell-vapor breaking.
    Rolls on through the street,
   And higher and higher
   Aloft moves the column of fire!
   Through the vistas and rows
   Like a whirlwind it goes,
   And the air like the stream from the furnace glows.
   Beams are crackling--posts are shrinking
   Walls are sinking--windows clinking--
        Children crying--
        Mothers flying--
   And the beast (the black ruin yet smouldering under)
   Yells the howl of its pain and its ghastly wonder!
   Hurry and skurry--away--away,
   The face of the night is as clear as day!
        As the links in a chain,
        Again and again
   Flies the bucket from hand to hand;
        High in arches up-rushing
        The engines are gushing,
   And the flood, as a beast on the prey that it hounds
   With a roar on the breast of the element bounds.
        To the grain and the fruits,
        Through the rafters and beams,
   Through the barns and garners it crackles and streams!
   As if they would rend up the earth from its roots,
        Rush the flames to the sky
   And at length,
   Wearied out and despairing, man bows to their strength!
   With an idle gaze sees their wrath consume,
   And submits to his doom!
   The place, and dread
   For storms the barren bed.
   In the blank voids that cheerful casements were,
   Comes to and fro the melancholy air,
    And sits despair;
   And through the ruin, blackening in its shroud
   Peers, as it flits, the melancholy cloud.

   One human glance of grief upon the grave
   Of all that fortune gave
   The loiterer takes--then turns him to depart,
   And grasps the wanderer's staff and mans his heart
   Whatever else the element bereaves
   One blessing more than all it reft--it leaves,
   The faces that he loves!--He counts them o'er,
   See--not one look is missing from that store!

   Now clasped the bell within the clay--
    The mould the mingled metals fill--
   Oh, may it, sparkling into day,
    Reward the labor and the skill!
        Alas! should it fail,
        For the mould may be frail--
   And still with our hope must be mingled the fear--
   And, ev'n now, while we speak, the mishap may be near!
   To the dark womb of sacred earth
    This labor of our hands is given,
   As seeds that wait the second birth,
    And turn to blessings watched by heaven!
   Ah, seeds, how dearer far than they,
    We bury in the dismal tomb,
   Where hope and sorrow bend to pray
   That suns beyond the realm of day
    May warm them into bloom!

        From the steeple
         Tolls the bell,
        Deep and heavy,
         The death-knell!
   Guiding with dirge-note--solemn, sad, and slow,
   To the last home earth's weary wanderers know.
        It is that worshipped wife--
        It is that faithful mother! [46]
   Whom the dark prince of shadows leads benighted,
   From that dear arm where oft she hung delighted
   Far from those blithe companions, born
   Of her, and blooming in their morn;
   On whom, when couched her heart above,
   So often looked the mother-love!

   Ah! rent the sweet home's union-band,
    And never, never more to come--
   She dwells within the shadowy land,
    Who was the mother of that home!
   How oft they miss that tender guide,
    The care--the watch--the face--the mother--
   And where she sate the babes beside,
    Sits with unloving looks--another!

      While the mass is cooling now,
       Let the labor yield to leisure,
      As the bird upon the bough,
       Loose the travail to the pleasure.
      When the soft stars awaken,
      Each task be forsaken!
   And the vesper-bell lulling the earth into peace,
   If the master still toil, chimes the workman's release!

    Homeward from the tasks of day,
    Through the greenwood's welcome way
    Wends the wanderer, blithe and cheerly,
    To the cottage loved so dearly!
    And the eye and ear are meeting,
    Now, the slow sheep homeward bleating--
    Now, the wonted shelter near,
    Lowing the lusty-fronted steer;
    Creaking now the heavy wain,
    Reels with the happy harvest grain.
    While with many-colored leaves,
    Glitters the garland on the sheaves;
    For the mower's work is done,
    And the young folks' dance begun!
    Desert street, and quiet mart;--
    Silence is in the city's heart;
    And the social taper lighteth;
    Each dear face that home uniteth;
    While the gate the town before
    Heavily swings with sullen roar!

     Though darkness is spreading
      O'er earth--the upright
     And the honest, undreading,
      Look safe on the night--
     Which the evil man watches in awe,
     For the eye of the night is the law!
      Bliss-dowered! O daughter of the skies,
     Hail, holy order, whose employ
     Blends like to like in light and joy--
     Builder of cities, who of old
     Called the wild man from waste and wold.
     And, in his hut thy presence stealing,
     Roused each familiar household feeling;
      And, best of all the happy ties,
     The centre of the social band,--
     The instinct of the Fatherland!

   United thus--each helping each,
    Brisk work the countless hands forever;
   For naught its power to strength can teach,
    Like emulation and endeavor!
   Thus linked the master with the man,
    Each in his rights can each revere,
   And while they march in freedom's van,
    Scorn the lewd rout that dogs the rear!
   To freemen labor is renown!
    Who works--gives blessings and commands;
   Kings glory in the orb and crown--
    Be ours the glory of our hands.

   Long in these walls--long may we greet
   Your footfalls, peace and concord sweet!
   Distant the day, oh! distant far,
   When the rude hordes of trampling war
    Shall scare the silent vale;
      And where,
     Now the sweet heaven, when day doth leave
      The air,
     Limns its soft rose-hues on the veil of eve;
    Shall the fierce war-brand tossing in the gale,
   From town and hamlet shake the horrent glare!

     Now, its destined task fulfilled,
      Asunder break the prison-mould;
     Let the goodly bell we build,
      Eye and heart alike behold.
        The hammer down heave,
        Till the cover it cleave:--
   For not till we shatter the wall of its cell
   Can we lift from its darkness and bondage the bell.

    To break the mould, the master may,
     If skilled the hand and ripe the hour;
    But woe, when on its fiery way
     The metal seeks itself to pour.
    Frantic and blind, with thunder-knell,
     Exploding from its shattered home,
    And glaring forth, as from a hell,
     Behold the red destruction come!
    When rages strength that has no reason,
    There breaks the mould before the season;
    When numbers burst what bound before,
    Woe to the state that thrives no more!
    Yea, woe, when in the city's heart,
     The latent spark to flame is blown;
    And millions from their silence start,
     To claim, without a guide, their own!

    Discordant howls the warning bell,
     Proclaiming discord wide and far,
    And, born but things of peace to tell,
     Becomes the ghastliest voice of war:
    "Freedom! Equality!"--to blood
     Rush the roused people at the sound!
    Through street, hall, palace, roars the flood,
     And banded murder closes round!
    The hyena-shapes (that women were!),
     Jest with the horrors they survey;
    They hound--they rend--they mangle there--
     As panthers with their prey!
    Naught rests to hollow--burst the ties
     Of life's sublime and reverent awe;
    Before the vice the virtue flies,
     And universal crime is law!
    Man fears the lion's kingly tread;
     Man fears the tiger's fangs of terror;
    And still the dreadliest of the dread,
     Is man himself in error!
    No torch, though lit from heaven, illumes
     The blind!--Why place it in his hand?
    It lights not him--it but consumes
     The city and the land!

     Rejoice and laud the prospering skies!
      The kernel bursts its husk--behold
     From the dull clay the metal rise,
      Pure-shining, as a star of gold!
        Neck and lip, but as one beam,
        It laughs like a sunbeam.
   And even the scutcheon, clear-graven, shall tell
   That the art of a master has fashioned the bell!

   Come in--come in
    My merry men--we'll form a ring
    The new-born labor christening;
     And "Concord" we will name her!--
    To union may her heartfelt call
    In brother-love attune us all!
   May she the destined glory win
     For which the master sought to frame her--
   Aloft--(all earth's existence under),
    In blue-pavillioned heaven afar
   To dwell--the neighbor of the thunder,
    The borderer of the star!
   Be hers above a voice to rise
    Like those bright hosts in yonder sphere,
   Who, while they move, their Maker praise,
    And lead around the wreathed year!
   To solemn and eternal things
    We dedicate her lips sublime!--
   As hourly, calmly, on she swings
    Fanned by the fleeting wings of time!--
   No pulse--no heart--no feeling hers!
    She lends the warning voice to fate;
   And still companions, while she stirs,
    The changes of the human state!
   So may she teach us, as her tone
    But now so mighty, melts away--
   That earth no life which earth has known
    From the last silence can delay!

     Slowly now the cords upheave her!
      From her earth-grave soars the bell;
     Mid the airs of heaven we leave her!
      In the music-realm to dwell!
        Up--upwards yet raise--
        She has risen--she sways.
   Fair bell to our city bode joy and increase,
   And oh, may thy first sound be hallowed to peace! [47]


   The foaming stream from out the rock
    With thunder roar begins to rush,--
   The oak falls prostrate at the shock,
    And mountain-wrecks attend the gush.
   With rapturous awe, in wonder lost,
    The wanderer hearkens to the sound;
   From cliff to cliff he hears it tossed,
    Yet knows not whither it is bound:
   'Tis thus that song's bright waters pour
   From sources never known before.

   In union with those dreaded ones
    That spin life's thread all-silently,
   Who can resist the singer's tones?
    Who from his magic set him free?
   With wand like that the gods bestow,
    He guides the heaving bosom's chords,
   He steeps it in the realms below,
    He bears it, wondering, heavenward,
   And rocks it, 'twixt the grave and gay,
   On feeling's scales that trembling sway.

   As when before the startled eyes
    Of some glad throng, mysteriously,
   With giant-step, in spirit-guise,
    Appears a wondrous deity,
   Then bows each greatness of the earth
    Before the stranger heaven-born,
   Mute are the thoughtless sounds of mirth,
    While from each face the mask is torn,
   And from the truth's triumphant might
   Each work of falsehood takes to flight.

   So from each idle burden free,
    When summoned by the voice of song,
   Man soars to spirit-dignity,
    Receiving force divinely strong:
   Among the gods is now his home,
    Naught earthly ventures to approach--
   All other powers must now be dumb,
    No fate can on his realms encroach;
   Care's gloomy wrinkles disappear,
   Whilst music's charms still linger here,

   As after long and hopeless yearning,
    And separation's bitter smart,
   A child, with tears repentant burning,
    Clings fondly to his mother's heart--
   So to his youthful happy dwelling,
    To rapture pure and free from stain,
   All strange and false conceits expelling,
    Song guides the wanderer back again,
   In faithful Nature's loving arm,
   From chilling precepts to grow warm.


   "Give me only a fragment of earth beyond the earth's limits,"--
    So the godlike man said,--"and I will move it with ease."
   Only give me permission to leave myself for one moment,
    And without any delay I will engage to be yours.


     [Literally "Dignity of Women."]

   Honor to woman! To her it is given
   To garden the earth with the roses of heaven!
    All blessed, she linketh the loves in their choir
   In the veil of the graces her beauty concealing,
   She tends on each altar that's hallowed to feeling,
    And keeps ever-living the fire!

   From the bounds of truth careering,
    Man's strong spirit wildly sweeps,
   With each hasty impulse veering
    Down to passion's troubled deeps.
   And his heart, contented never,
    Greeds to grapple with the far,
   Chasing his own dream forever,
    On through many a distant star!
   But woman with looks that can charm and enchain,
   Lureth back at her beck the wild truant again,
    By the spell of her presence beguiled--
   In the home of the mother her modest abode,
   And modest the manners by Nature bestowed
    On Nature's most exquisite child!

   Bruised and worn, but fiercely breasting,
    Foe to foe, the angry strife;
   Man, the wild one, never resting,
    Roams along the troubled life;
   What he planneth, still pursuing;
    Vainly as the Hydra bleeds,
   Crest the severed crest renewing--
    Wish to withered wish succeeds.

   But woman at peace with all being, reposes,
   And seeks from the moment to gather the roses--
    Whose sweets to her culture belong.
   Ah! richer than he, though his soul reigneth o'er
   The mighty dominion of genius and lore,
    And the infinite circle of song.

   Strong, and proud, and self-depending,
    Man's cold bosom beats alone;
   Heart with heart divinely blending,
    In the love that gods have known,
   Soul's sweet interchange of feeling,
    Melting tears--he never knows,
   Each hard sense the hard one steeling,
    Arms against a world of foes.

   Alive, as the wind-harp, how lightly soever
   If wooed by the zephyr, to music will quiver,
    Is woman to hope and to fear;
   All, tender one! still at the shadow of grieving,
   How quiver the chords--how thy bosom is heaving--
    How trembles thy glance through the tear!

   Man's dominion, war and labor;
    Might to right the statue gave;
   Laws are in the Scythian's sabre;
    Where the Mede reigned--see the slave!
   Peace and meekness grimly routing,
    Prowls the war-lust, rude and wild;
   Eris rages, hoarsely shouting,
    Where the vanished graces smiled.

   But woman, the soft one, persuasively prayeth--
   Of the life [48] that she charmeth, the sceptre she swayeth;
    She lulls, as she looks from above,
   The discord whose bell for its victims is gaping,
   And blending awhile the forever escaping,
    Whispers hate to the image of love!


   We speak with the lip, and we dream in the soul,
    Of some better and fairer day;
   And our days, the meanwhile, to that golden goal
    Are gliding and sliding away.
   Now the world becomes old, now again it is young,
   But "The better" 's forever the word on the tongue.

   At the threshold of life hope leads us in--
    Hope plays round the mirthful boy;
   Though the best of its charms may with youth begin,
    Yet for age it reserves its toy.


   By no kind Augustus reared,
   To no Medici endeared,
    German art arose;
   Fostering glory smiled not on her,
   Ne'er with kingly smiles to sun her,
    Did her blooms unclose.

   No,--she went by monarchs slighted
   Went unhonored, unrequited,
    From high Frederick's throne;
   Praise and pride be all the greater,
   That man's genius did create her,
    From man's worth alone.

   Therefore, all from loftier mountains,
   Purer wells and richer fountains,
    Streams our poet-art;
   So no rule to curb its rushing--
   All the fuller flows it gushing
    From its deep--the heart!


   Seeking to find his home, Odysseus crosses each water;
    Through Charybdis so dread; ay, and through Scylla's wild yells,
   Through the alarms of the raging sea, the alarms of the land too,--
    E'en to the kingdom of hell leads him his wandering course.
   And at length, as he sleeps, to Ithaca's coast fate conducts him;
    There he awakes, and, with grief, knows not his fatherland now.


Oh thou degenerate child of the great and glorious mother,
 Who with the Romans' strong might couplest the Tyrians' deceit!
But those ever governed with vigor the earth they had conquered,--
 These instructed the world that they with cunning had won.
Say! what renown does history grant thee? Thou, Roman-like, gained'st
 That with the steel, which with gold, Tyrian-like, then thou didst rule!

          THE SOWER.

   Sure of the spring that warms them into birth,
   The golden seeds thou trustest to the earth;
   And dost thou doubt the eternal spring sublime,
   For deeds--the seeds which wisdom sows in time.


 Oh, nobly shone the fearful cross upon your mail afar,
 When Rhodes and Acre hailed your might, O lions of the war!
 When leading many a pilgrim horde, through wastes of Syrian gloom;
 Or standing with the cherub's sword before the holy tomb.
 Yet on your forms the apron seemed a nobler armor far,
 When by the sick man's bed ye stood, O lions of the war!
 When ye, the high-born, bowed your pride to tend the lowly weakness,
 The duty, though it brought no fame, fulfilled by Christian meekness--
 Religion of the cross, thou blend'st, as in a single flower,
 The twofold branches of the palm--humility and power. [49]

          THE MERCHANT.

   Where sails the ship?--It leads the Tyrian forth
   For the rich amber of the liberal north.
   Be kind, ye seas--winds, lend your gentlest wing,
   May in each creek sweet wells restoring spring!--
   To you, ye gods, belong the merchant!--o'er
   The waves his sails the wide world's goods explore;
   And, all the while, wherever waft the gales
   The wide world's good sails with him as he sails!

          GERMAN FAITH. [50]

   Once for the sceptre of Germany, fought with Bavarian Louis
    Frederick, of Hapsburg descent, both being called to the throne.
   But the envious fortune of war delivered the Austrian
    Into the hands of the foe, who overcame him in fight.
   With the throne he purchased his freedom, pledging his honor
    For the victor to draw 'gainst his own people his sword;
   But what he vowed when in chains, when free he could not accomplish,
    So, of his own free accord, put on his fetters again.
   Deeply moved, his foe embraced him,--and from thenceforward
    As a friend with a friend, pledged they the cup at the feast;
   Arm-in-arm, the princes on one couch slumbered together.
    While a still bloodier hate severed the nations apart.
   'Gainst the army of Frederick Louis now went, and behind him
    Left the foe he had fought, over Bavaria to watch.
   "Ay, it is true! 'Tis really true! I have it in writing!"
    Thus did the Pontifex cry, when he first heard of the news.

          THE SEXES.

 See in the babe two loveliest flowers united--yet in truth,
 While in the bud they seem the same--the virgin and the youth!
 But loosened is the gentle bond, no longer side by side--
 From holy shame the fiery strength will soon itself divide.
 Permit the youth to sport, and still the wild desire to chase,
 For, but when sated, weary strength returns to seek the grace.
 Yet in the bud, the double flowers the future strife begin,
 How precious all--yet naught can still the longing heart within.
 In ripening charms the virgin bloom to woman shape hath grown,
 But round the ripening charms the pride hath clasped its guardian zone;
 Shy, as before the hunter's horn the doe all trembling moves,
 She flies from man as from a foe, and hates before she loves!

 From lowering brows this struggling world the fearless youth observes,
 And hardened for the strife betimes, he strains the willing nerves;
 Far to the armed throng and to the race prepared to start,
 Inviting glory calls him forth, and grasps the troubled heart:--
 Protect thy work, O Nature now! one from the other flies,
 Till thou unitest each at last that for the other sighs.
 There art thou, mighty one! where'er the discord darkest frown,
 Thou call'st the meek harmonious peace, the god-like soother down.
 The noisy chase is lulled asleep, day's clamor dies afar,
 And through the sweet and veiled air in beauty comes the star.
 Soft-sighing through the crisped reeds, the brooklet glides along,
 And every wood the nightingale melodious fills with song.
 O virgin! now what instinct heaves thy bosom with the sigh?
 O youth! and wherefore steals the tear into thy dreaming eye?
 Alas! they seek in vain within the charm around bestowed,
 The tender fruit is ripened now, and bows to earth its load.
 And restless goes the youth to feed his heart upon its fire,
 All, where the gentle breath to cool the flame of young desire!
 And now they meet--the holy love that leads them lights their eyes,
 And still behind the winged god the winged victory flies.
 O heavenly love!--'tis thy sweet task the human flowers to bind,
 For ay apart, and yet by thee forever intertwined!

          LOVE AND DESIRE.

Rightly said, Schlosser! Man loves what he has; what he has not, desireth;
 None but the wealthy minds love; poor minds desire alone.


 Say, where is now that glorious race, where now are the singers
  Who, with the accents of life, listening nations enthralled,
 Sung down from heaven the gods, and sung mankind up to heaven,
  And who the spirit bore up high on the pinions of song?
 Ah! the singers still live; the actions only are wanting,
  And to awake the glad harp, only a welcoming ear.
 Happy bards of a happy world! Your life-teeming accents
  Flew round from mouth unto mouth, gladdening every race.
 With the devotion with which the gods were received, each one welcomed
  That which the genius for him, plastic and breathing, then formed.
 With the glow of the song were inflamed the listener's senses,
  And with the listener's sense, nourished the singer the glow--
 Nourished and cleansed it,--fortunate one! for whom in the voices
  Of the people still clear echoed the soul of the song,
 And to whom from without appeared, in life, the great godhead,
  Whom the bard of these days scarcely can feel in his breast.


   'Twas not my nectar made thy strength divine,
   But 'twas thy strength which made my nectar thine!


   That which Grecian art created,
   Let the Frank, with joy elated,
    Bear to Seine's triumphant strand,
   And in his museums glorious
   Show the trophies all-victorious
    To his wondering fatherland.

   They to him are silent ever,
   Into life's fresh circle never
    From their pedestals come down.
   He alone e'er holds the Muses
   Through whose breast their power diffuses,--
    To the Vandal they're but stone!



   Whither was it that my spirit wended
    When from thee my fleeting shadow moved?
   Is not now each earthly conflict ended?
    Say,--have I not lived,--have I not loved?

   Art thou for the nightingales inquiring
    Who entranced thee in the early year
   With their melody so joy-inspiring?
    Only whilst they loved they lingered here.

   Is the lost one lost to me forever?
    Trust me, with him joyfully I stray
   There, where naught united souls can sever,
    And where every tear is wiped away.

   And thou, too, wilt find us in yon heaven,
    When thy love with our love can compare;
   There my father dwells, his sins forgiven,--
    Murder foul can never reach him there.

   And he feels that him no vision cheated
    When he gazed upon the stars on high;
   For as each one metes, to him 'tis meted;
    Who believes it, hath the Holy nigh.

   Faith is kept in those blest regions yonder
    With the feelings true that ne'er decay.
   Venture thou to dream, then, and to wander
    Noblest thoughts oft lie in childlike play.


Thou hast crossed over torrents, and swung through wide-spreading ocean,--
 Over the chain of the Alps dizzily bore thee the bridge,
That thou might'st see me from near, and learn to value my beauty,
 Which the voice of renown spreads through the wandering world.
And now before me thou standest,--canst touch my altar so holy,--
 But art thou nearer to me, or am I nearer to thee?

             THE ILIAD.

   Tear forever the garland of Homer, and number the fathers
    Of the immortal work, that through all time will survive!
   Yet it has but one mother, and bears that mother's own feature,
    'Tis thy features it bears,--Nature,--thy features eterne!


   What wonder this?--we ask the lympid well,
   O earth! of thee--and from thy solemn womb
   What yieldest thou?--is there life in the abyss--
   Doth a new race beneath the lava dwell?
   Returns the past, awakening from the tomb?
   Rome--Greece!--Oh, come!--Behold--behold! for this!
   Our living world--the old Pompeii sees;
   And built anew the town of Dorian Hercules!
   House upon house--its silent halls once more
   Opes the broad portico!--Oh, haste and fill
   Again those halls with life!--Oh, pour along
   Through the seven-vista'd theatre the throng!
   Where are ye, mimes?--Come forth, the steel prepare
   For crowned Atrides, or Orestes haunt,
   Ye choral Furies, with your dismal chant!
   The arch of triumph!--whither leads it?--still
   Behold the forum!--on the curule chair
   Where the majestic image? Lictors, where
   Your solemn fasces?--Place upon his throne
   The Praetor--here the witness lead, and there
   Bid the accuser stand

                 --O God! how lone
   The clear streets glitter in the quiet day--
   The footpath by the doors winding its lifeless way!
   The roofs arise in shelter, and around
   The desolate Atrium--every gentle room
   Wears still the dear familiar smile of home!
   Open the doors--the shops--on dreary night
   Let lusty day laugh down in jocund light!

   See the trim benches ranged in order!--See
   The marble-tesselated floor--and there
   The very walls are glittering livingly
   With their clear colors. But the artist, where!
   Sure but this instant he hath laid aside
   Pencil and colors!--Glittering on the eye
   Swell the rich fruits, and bloom the flowers!--See all
   Art's gentle wreaths still fresh upon the wall!
   Here the arch Cupid slyly seems to glide
   By with bloom-laden basket. There the shapes
   Of genii press with purpling feet the grapes,
   Here springs the wild Bacchante to the dance,
   And there she sleeps [while that voluptuous trance
   Eyes the sly faun with never-sated glance]
   Now on one knee upon the centaur-steeds
   Hovering--the Thyrsus plies.--Hurrah!--away she speeds!

   Come--come, why loiter ye?--Here, here, how fair
   The goodly vessels still! Girls, hither turn,
   Fill from the fountain the Etruscan urn!
   On the winged sphinxes see the tripod.--
   Quick--quick, ye slaves, come--fire!--the hearth prepare!
   Ha! wilt thou sell?--this coin shall pay thee--this,
   Fresh from the mint of mighty Titus!--Lo!
   Here lie the scales, and not a weight we miss
   So--bring the light! The delicate lamp!--what toil
   Shaped thy minutest grace!--quick pour the oil!
   Yonder the fairy chest!--come, maid, behold
   The bridegroom's gifts--the armlets--they are gold,
   And paste out-feigning jewels!--lead the bride
   Into the odorous bath--lo! unguents still--
   And still the crystal vase the arts for beauty fill!

   But where the men of old--perchance a prize
   More precious yet in yon papyrus lies,
   And see ev'n still the tokens of their toil--
   The waxen tablets--the recording style.
   The earth, with faithful watch, has hoarded all!
   Still stand the mute penates in the hall;
   Back to his haunts returns each ancient god.
   Why absent only from their ancient stand
   The priests?--waves Hermes his Caducean rod,
   And the winged victory struggles from the hand.
   Kindle the flame--behold the altar there!
   Long hath the god been worshipless--to prayer.


   Even the beauteous must die! This vanquishes men and immortals;
    But of the Stygian god moves not the bosom of steel.
   Once and once only could love prevail on the ruler of shadows,
    And on the threshold, e'en then, sternly his gift he recalled.
   Venus could never heal the wounds of the beauteous stripling,
    That the terrible boar made in his delicate skin;
   Nor could his mother immortal preserve the hero so godlike,
    When at the west gate of Troy, falling, his fate he fulfilled.
   But she arose from the ocean with all the daughters of Nereus,
    And o'er her glorified son raised the loud accents of woe.
   See! where all the gods and goddesses yonder are weeping,
    That the beauteous must fade, and that the perfect must die.
   Even a woe-song to be in the mouth of the loved ones is glorious,
    For what is vulgar descends mutely to Orcus' dark shades.


   Humanity's bright image to impair.
    Scorn laid thee prostrate in the deepest dust;
   Wit wages ceaseless war on all that's fair,--
    In angel and in God it puts no trust;
   The bosom's treasures it would make its prey,--
   Besieges fancy,--dims e'en faith's pure ray.

   Yet issuing like thyself from humble line,
    Like thee a gentle shepherdess is she--
   Sweet poesy affords her rights divine,
    And to the stars eternal soars with thee.
   Around thy brow a glory she hath thrown;
   The heart 'twas formed thee,--ever thou'lt live on!

   The world delights whate'er is bright to stain,
    And in the dust to lay the glorious low;
   Yet fear not! noble bosoms still remain,
    That for the lofty, for the radiant glow
   Let Momus serve to fill the booth with mirth;
   A nobler mind loves forms of nobler worth.


   To Archimedes once a scholar came,
   "Teach me," he said, "the art that won thy fame;--
   The godlike art which gives such boons to toil,
   And showers such fruit upon thy native soil;--
   The godlike art that girt the town when all
   Rome's vengeance burst in thunder on the wall!"
   "Thou call'st art godlike--it is so, in truth,
   And was," replied the master to the youth,
   "Ere yet its secrets were applied to use--
   Ere yet it served beleaguered Syracuse:--
   Ask'st thou from art, but what the art is worth?
   The fruit?--for fruit go cultivate the earth.--
   He who the goddess would aspire unto,
   Must not the goddess as the woman woo!"

             THE DANCE.

 See how, like lightest waves at play, the airy dancers fleet;
 And scarcely feels the floor the wings of those harmonious feet.
 Ob, are they flying shadows from their native forms set free?
 Or phantoms in the fairy ring that summer moonbeams see?
 As, by the gentle zephyr blown, some light mist flees in air,
 As skiffs that skim adown the tide, when silver waves are fair,
 So sports the docile footstep to the heave of that sweet measure,
 As music wafts the form aloft at its melodious pleasure,
 Now breaking through the woven chain of the entangled dance,
 From where the ranks the thickest press, a bolder pair advance,
 The path they leave behind them lost--wide open the path beyond,
 The way unfolds or closes up as by a magic wand.
 See now, they vanish from the gaze in wild confusion blended;
 All, in sweet chaos whirled again, that gentle world is ended!
 No!--disentangled glides the knot, the gay disorder ranges--
 The only system ruling here, a grace that ever changes.
 For ay destroyed--for ay renewed, whirls on that fair creation;
 And yet one peaceful law can still pervade in each mutation.
 And what can to the reeling maze breathe harmony and vigor,
 And give an order and repose to every gliding figure?
 That each a ruler to himself doth but himself obey,
 Yet through the hurrying course still keeps his own appointed way.
 What, would'st thou know? It is in truth the mighty power of tune,
 A power that every step obeys, as tides obey the moon;
 That threadeth with a golden clue the intricate employment,
 Curbs bounding strength to tranquil grace, and tames the wild enjoyment.
 And comes the world's wide harmony in vain upon thine ears?
 The stream of music borne aloft from yonder choral spheres?
 And feel'st thou not the measure which eternal Nature keeps?
 The whirling dance forever held in yonder azure deeps?
 The suns that wheel in varying maze?--That music thou discernest?
 No! Thou canst honor that in sport which thou forgettest in earnest.
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