Robert Louis Stevenson

Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin
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Word of his death was kept from Mrs. Jenkin; and she survived him 
no more than nine and forty hours.  On the day before her death, 
she received a letter from her old friend Miss Bell of Manchester, 
knew the hand, kissed the envelope, and laid it on her heart; so 
that she too died upon a pleasure.  Half an hour after midnight, on 
the eighth of February, she fell asleep:  it is supposed in her 
seventy-eighth year.

Thus, in the space of less than ten months, the four seniors of 
this family were taken away; but taken with such features of 
opportunity in time or pleasant courage in the sufferer, that grief 
was tempered with a kind of admiration.  The effect on Fleeming was 
profound.  His pious optimism increased and became touched with 
something mystic and filial.  'The grave is not good, the 
approaches to it are terrible,' he had written in the beginning of 
his mother's illness:  he thought so no more, when he had laid 
father and mother side by side at Stowting.  He had always loved 
life; in the brief time that now remained to him, he seemed to be 
half in love with death.  'Grief is no duty,' he wrote to Miss 
Bell; 'it was all too beautiful for grief,' he said to me; but the 
emotion, call it by what name we please, shook him to his depths; 
his wife thought he would have broken his heart when he must 
demolish the Captain's trophy in the dining-room, and he seemed 
thenceforth scarcely the same man.

These last years were indeed years of an excessive demand upon his 
vitality; he was not only worn out with sorrow, he was worn out by 
hope.  The singular invention to which he gave the name of 
telpherage, had of late consumed his time, overtaxed his strength 
and overheated his imagination.  The words in which he first 
mentioned his discovery to me - 'I am simply Alnaschar' - were not 
only descriptive of his state of mind, they were in a sense 
prophetic; since whatever fortune may await his idea in the future, 
it was not his to see it bring forth fruit.  Alnaschar he was 
indeed; beholding about him a world all changed, a world filled 
with telpherage wires; and seeing not only himself and family but 
all his friends enriched.  It was his pleasure, when the company 
was floated, to endow those whom he liked with stock; one, at 
least, never knew that he was a possible rich man until the grave 
had closed over his stealthy benefactor.  And however Fleeming 
chafed among material and business difficulties, this rainbow 
vision never faded; and he, like his father and his mother, may be 
said to have died upon a pleasure.  But the strain told, and he 
knew that it was telling.  'I am becoming a fossil,' he had written 
five years before, as a kind of plea for a holiday visit to his 
beloved Italy.  'Take care!  If I am Mr. Fossil, you will be Mrs. 
Fossil, and Jack will be Jack Fossil, and all the boys will be 
little fossils, and then we shall be a collection.'  There was no 
fear more chimerical for Fleeming; years brought him no repose; he 
was as packed with energy, as fiery in hope, as at the first; 
weariness, to which he began to be no stranger, distressed, it did 
not quiet him.  He feared for himself, not without ground, the fate 
which had overtaken his mother; others shared the fear.  In the 
changed life now made for his family, the elders dead, the sons 
going from home upon their education, even their tried domestic 
(Mrs. Alice Dunns) leaving the house after twenty-two years of 
service, it was not unnatural that he should return to dreams of 
Italy.  He and his wife were to go (as he told me) on 'a real 
honeymoon tour.'  He had not been alone with his wife 'to speak 
of,' he added, since the birth of his children.  But now he was to 
enjoy the society of her to whom he wrote, in these last days, that 
she was his 'Heaven on earth.'  Now he was to revisit Italy, and 
see all the pictures and the buildings and the scenes that he 
admired so warmly, and lay aside for a time the irritations of his 
strenuous activity.  Nor was this all.  A trifling operation was to 
restore his former lightness of foot; and it was a renovated youth 
that was to set forth upon this re‰nacted honeymoon.

The operation was performed; it was of a trifling character, it 
seemed to go well, no fear was entertained; and his wife was 
reading aloud to him as he lay in bed, when she perceived him to 
wander in his mind.  It is doubtful if he ever recovered a sure 
grasp upon the things of life; and he was still unconscious when he 
passed away, June the twelfth, 1885, in the fifty-third year of his 
age.  He passed; but something in his gallant vitality had 
impressed itself upon his friends, and still impresses.  Not from 
one or two only, but from many, I hear the same tale of how the 
imagination refuses to accept our loss and instinctively looks for 
his reappearing, and how memory retains his voice and image like 
things of yesterday.  Others, the well-beloved too, die and are 
progressively forgotten; two years have passed since Fleeming was 
laid to rest beside his father, his mother, and his Uncle John; and 
the thought and the look of our friend still haunt us.



IN the beginning of the year 1859 my former colleague (the first 
British University Professor of Engineering), Lewis Gordon, at that 
time deeply engaged in the then new work of cable making and cable 
laying, came to Glasgow to see apparatus for testing submarine 
cables and signalling through them, which I had been preparing for 
practical use on the first Atlantic cable, and which had actually 
done service upon it, during the six weeks of its successful 
working between Valencia and Newfoundland.  As soon as he had seen 
something of what I had in hand, he said to me, 'I would like to 
show this to a young man of remarkable ability, at present engaged 
in our works at Birkenhead.'  Fleeming Jenkin was accordingly 
telegraphed for, and appeared next morning in Glasgow.  He remained 
for a week, spending the whole day in my class-room and laboratory, 
and thus pleasantly began our lifelong acquaintance.  I was much 
struck, not only with his brightness and ability, but with his 
resolution to understand everything spoken of, to see if possible 
thoroughly through every difficult question, and (no if about 
this!) to slur over nothing.  I soon found that thoroughness of 
honesty was as strongly engrained in the scientific as in the moral 
side of his character.

In the first week of our acquaintance, the electric telegraph and, 
particularly, submarine cables, and the methods, machines, and 
instruments for laying, testing, and using them, formed naturally 
the chief subject of our conversations and discussions; as it was 
in fact the practical object of Jenkin's visit to me in Glasgow; 
but not much of the week had passed before I found him remarkably 
interested in science generally, and full of intelligent eagerness 
on many particular questions of dynamics and physics.  When he 
returned from Glasgow to Birkenhead a correspondence commenced 
between us, which was continued without intermission up to the last 
days of his life.  It commenced with a well-sustained fire of 
letters on each side about the physical qualities of submarine 
cables, and the practical results attainable in the way of rapid 
signalling through them.  Jenkin used excellently the valuable 
opportunities for experiment allowed him by Newall, and his partner 
Lewis Gordon, at their Birkenhead factory.  Thus he began definite 
scientific investigation of the copper resistance of the conductor, 
and the insulating resistance and specific inductive capacity of 
its gutta-percha coating, in the factory, in various stages of 
manufacture; and he was the very first to introduce systematically 
into practice the grand system of absolute measurement founded in 
Germany by Gauss and Weber.  The immense value of this step, if 
only in respect to the electric telegraph, is amply appreciated by 
all who remember or who have read something of the history of 
submarine telegraphy; but it can scarcely be known generally how 
much it is due to Jenkin.

Looking to the article 'Telegraph (Electric)' in the last volume of 
the old edition of the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica,' which was 
published about the year 1861, we find on record that Jenkin's 
measurements in absolute units of the specific resistance of pure 
gutta-percha, and of the gutta-percha with Chatterton's compound 
constituting the insulation of the Red Sea cable of 1859, are given 
as the only results in the way of absolute measurements of the 
electric resistance of an insulating material which had then been 
made.  These remarks are prefaced in the 'Encyclopaedia' article by 
the following statement:  'No telegraphic testing ought in future 
to be accepted in any department of telegraphic business which has 
not this definite character; although it is only within the last 
year that convenient instruments for working, in absolute measure, 
have been introduced at all, and the whole system of absolute 
measure is still almost unknown to practical electricians.'

A particular result of great importance in respect to testing is 
referred to as follows in the 'Encyclopaedia' article:  'The 
importance of having results thus stated in absolute measure is 
illustrated by the circumstance, that the writer has been able at 
once to compare them, in the manner stated in a preceding 
paragraph, with his own previous deductions from the testings of 
the Atlantic cable during its manufacture in 1857, and with Weber's 
measurements of the specific resistance of copper.'  It has now 
become universally adapted - first of all in England; twenty-two 
years later by Germany, the country of its birth; and by France and 
Italy, and all the other countries of Europe and America - 
practically the whole scientific world - at the Electrical Congress 
in Paris in the years 1882 and 1884.

An important paper of thirty quarto pages published in the 
'Transactions of the Royal Society' for June 19, 1862, under the 
title 'Experimental Researches on the Transmission of Electric 
Signals through submarine cables, Part I.  Laws of Transmission 
through various lengths of one cable, by Fleeming Jenkin, Esq., 
communicated by C. Wheatstone, Esq., F.R.S.,' contains an account 
of a large part of Jenkin's experimental work in the Birkenhead 
factory during the years 1859 and 1860.  This paper is called Part 
I.  Part II. alas never appeared, but something that it would have 
included we can see from the following ominous statement which I 
find near the end of Part I.:  'From this value, the 
electrostatical capacity per unit of length and the specific 
inductive capacity of the dielectric, could be determined.  These 
points will, however, be more fully treated of in the second part 
of this paper.'  Jenkin had in fact made a determination at 
Birkenhead of the specific inductive capacity of gutta-percha, or 
of the gutta-percha and Chatterton's compound constituting the 
insulation of the cable, on which he experimented.  This was the 
very first true measurement of the specific inductive capacity of a 
dielectric which had been made after the discovery by Faraday of 
the existence of the property, and his primitive measurement of it 
for the three substances, glass, shellac, and sulphur; and at the 
time when Jenkin made his measurements the existence of specific 
inductive capacity was either unknown, or ignored, or denied, by 
almost all the scientific authorities of the day.

The original determination of the microfarad, brought out under the 
auspices of the British Association Committee on Electrical 
Standards, is due to experimental work by Jenkin, described in a 
paper, 'Experiments on Capacity,' constituting No. IV. of the 
appendix to the Report presented by the Committee to the Dundee 
Meeting of 1867.  No other determination, so far as I know, of this 
important element of electric measurement has hitherto been made; 
and it is no small thing to be proud of in respect to Jenkin's fame 
as a scientific and practical electrician that the microfarad which 
we now all use is his.

The British Association unit of electrical resistance, on which was 
founded the first practical approximation to absolute measurement 
on the system of Gauss and Weber, was largely due to Jenkin's zeal 
as one of the originators, and persevering energy as a working 
member, of the first Electrical Standards Committee.  The 
experimental work of first making practical standards, founded on 
the absolute system, which led to the unit now known as the British 
Association ohm, was chiefly performed by Clerk Maxwell and Jenkin.  
The realisation of the great practical benefit which has resulted 
from the experimental and scientific work of the Committee is 
certainly in a large measure due to Jenkin's zeal and perseverance 
as secretary, and as editor of the volume of Collected Reports of 
the work of the Committee, which extended over eight years, from 
1861 till 1869.  The volume of Reports included Jenkin's Cantor 
Lectures of January, 1866, 'On Submarine Telegraphy,' through which 
the practical applications of the scientific principles for which 
he had worked so devotedly for eight years became part of general 
knowledge in the engineering profession.

Jenkin's scientific activity continued without abatement to the 
end.  For the last two years of his life he was much occupied with 
a new mode of electric locomotion, a very remarkable invention of 
his own, to which he gave the name of 'Telpherage.'  He persevered 
with endless ingenuity in carrying out the numerous and difficult 
mechanical arrangements essential to the project, up to the very 
last days of his work in life.  He had completed almost every 
detail of the realisation of the system which was recently opened 
for practical working at Glynde, in Sussex, four months after his 

His book on 'Magnetism and Electricity,' published as one of 
Longman's elementary series in 1873, marked a new departure in the 
exposition of electricity, as the first text-book containing a 
systematic application of the quantitative methods inaugurated by 
the British Association Committee on Electrical Standards.  In 1883 
the seventh edition was published, after there had already appeared 
two foreign editions, one in Italian and the other in German.

His papers on purely engineering subjects, though not numerous, are 
interesting and valuable.  Amongst these may be mentioned the 
article 'Bridges,' written by him for the ninth edition of the 
'Encyclopaedia Britannica,' and afterwards republished as a 
separate treatise in 1876; and a paper 'On the Practical 
Application of Reciprocal Figures to the Calculation of Strains in 
Framework,' read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and 
published in the 'Transactions' of that Society in 1869.  But 
perhaps the most important of all is his paper 'On the Application 
of Graphic Methods to the Determination of the Efficiency of 
Machinery,' read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and 
published in the 'Transactions,' vol. xxviii. (1876-78), for which 
he was awarded the Keith Gold Medal.  This paper was a continuation 
of the subject treated in 'Reulaux's Mechanism,' and, recognising 
the value of that work, supplied the elements required to 
constitute from Reulaux's kinematic system a full machine receiving 
energy and doing work.



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Col. Alexander Fergusson - this is necessary for UK copyright 
reasons.  If anyone could help with this information please contact]
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